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11 minutes ago, London Blue said:

Whatever Haff, whatever 🙄 

You have answered absolutely naff all tonight blue. Congratulations - loads of words without answering anything. 

"why have the Manchester airport lads not been charged whereas people committing similar offences in past few days already have."  




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I prey you find peace Haff, I really do. I hope the anger you have can be assuaged. Letting go of anger is such a relief I hope you find. I won't be replying to any of your posts on this topic as it is counter productive. I will just ask that you think about all the good the people who came to this country have done, the vital jobs they have done, the lives they have saved and enriched. Remember people are individuals and that the world is not against you.

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9 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Wow. You been reading your briefs from your boss. 

who has said these riots are because of the vile murders of the babies? I find it distasteful to use those poor babies as a means to shame thugs. 

Riots have sadly been a long time in the making, tensions were high before that animal murdered the girls.  Really got your finger on the pulse haven't you blue.

people are sick and tired of not being listened to about legitimate concerns. Being gaslighted by the new government kicked this off. 

when did I use turning point as evidence? Get it right 

He's on about me because that clip I posted is from turning point, for whatever reason that doesn't seem to make it legit in his head.

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10 hours ago, Hafnia said:

You have answered absolutely naff all tonight blue. Congratulations - loads of words without answering anything. 

"why have the Manchester airport lads not been charged whereas people committing similar offences in past few days already have."  




I think that’s an easy one. One is an assault on Police that unfortunately happens all too often up and down the country on a daily basis and this charging time is in keeping with similar incidents no matter who the subjects are. The other is an organised (to an extent) national mass disorder, costing the tax payer millions, striking fear into the local communities of all backgrounds, with the potential to cost lives. Without this quick robust action as a deterrent it would only likely to continue ………but I think you know that. 

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3 minutes ago, London Blue said:

I prey you find peace Haff, I really do. I hope the anger you have can be assuaged. Letting go of anger is such a relief I hope you find. I won't be replying to any of your posts on this topic as it is counter productive. I will just ask that you think about all the good the people who came to this country have done, the vital jobs they have done, the lives they have saved and enriched. Remember people are individuals and that the world is not against you.

Don't patronise me or gaslight me and certainly don't use faith as a means of being sanctimonious to me. I have my faith and hope to not use it as a means of trying to gain morale superiority over another person. You sound like a US TV evangelist - not sure if that's the look you want but that's the one you have portrayed. 

Don't mistake passion for anger, and don't undermine the valid points I've said like I'm ranting and raving. 

All the good jobs people have done coming to this country? What are you on about? I'm a second generation immigrant and don't you dare assume to know my background or even try and say that I'm racist. Concerns on how our country is managing immigration is not racist any more than restricting invites to your wedding implies you don't like the people you never managed to include.

awful post. Congratulations officer. 

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11 minutes ago, barryj said:

I think that’s an easy one. One is an assault on police that unfortunately happens all too often up and down the county on a daily basis and this charging time is in keeping with similar incidents no matter who the suspects are. The other is organised (to an extent) national mass disorder, costing the tax payer millions, striking fear into the local communities of all backgrounds, with the potential to cost lives. Without this quick robust action as a deterrent it would only likely to continue ………but I think you know that. 

Wrong - charges were made before rioting started. Worth a guess though mate. 

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Just now, barryj said:

Should have added that my wife’s hairdressers’ friends gardener was the best man of a person who saw the rioting and they strongly believed that the Policing didn’t look two tier. 

Thats kind of already been done mate. 

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32 minutes ago, KinL said:

He's on about me because that clip I posted is from turning point, for whatever reason that doesn't seem to make it legit in his head.

Clown mate. His last post was an absolute embarrassment. He hates anyone criticising the police - any wonder why they are in the state they are? 

not one person on here has condoned the riots, not one person has incited racism, not one person has projected hate. But like the MSM and government - people who have concerns over 1. the state of the country, 2. the uncontrollable immigration & 3. the dregs of society that we see in the riots; are being labelled as right wing/racists. 


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1. The state of the country lies with the last government. 
2. immigration has caused me no problems and I wouldn’t be here if both of my parents grandparents didn’t come here. Right now we have no legal way for people to come here due to our previous failed government. 
3. the dregs of society in the riots are right wing racists. They have been fed shit from the top down that immigrants are taking things from them, when they have taken nothing. But there is also just people kicking off because they think they can get away with it. 

My opinion on the 123 anyway  


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7 hours ago, KinL said:

I never usually get involved in politics of any kind

That’s the most sensible thing you have said, because when you do your like a crock of shit 💩 full of verbal diarrhoea, go back to your old self Kinl you were a much better human then. 

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38 minutes ago, Palfy said:

That’s the most sensible thing you have said, because when you do your like a crock of shit 💩 full of verbal diarrhoea, go back to your old self Kinl you were a much better human then. 

OK Palfy, I'll try to be a much better human. 😉 What exactly have I said that's a crock of shit, or verbal diarrhoea that's triggered your response? 

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

1. The state of the country lies with the last government. 
2. immigration has caused me no problems and I wouldn’t be here if both of my parents grandparents didn’t come here. Right now we have no legal way for people to come here due to our previous failed government. 
3. the dregs of society in the riots are right wing racists. They have been fed shit from the top down that immigrants are taking things from them, when they have taken nothing. But there is also just people kicking off because they think they can get away with it. 

My opinion on the 123 anyway  


So you don't think it can be traced back as far as Blair? Country has been a shambles for a long long time. 

lets stop thinking of "immigration control" as some sort of nastiness. Yes the country was built on immigration, we would have no antibiotics and no medical staff and people in service industries without migration. I wouldn't be here myself - it doesn't mean "come on in, we may have nowhere to house the kids aged 20-25 and trying to get their first home but let's worry about that later". Birth rates in the UK have fallen to the lowest rates since 1939 yet poverty is increasing?!

The riots are like an abscess - we've known that something has been brewing, tried to tell the doctors but they ain't listening, it's felt painful, the abscess has grown, then been prodded and poked with a dirty pin, all of a sudden it's burst and all you can see is the rotten contents, racist, hatred, and it's not the end, the dirty pin that popped it has created a secondary infection and the doctor who couldn't be arsed listening to you hasn't got a clue on how to treat it.  Dr is more arsed in pointing out how much the puss stinks and needs cleaning out rather than understanding that their neglect caused the abscess in the first place. 

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2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

So you don't think it can be traced back as far as Blair? Country has been a shambles for a long long time. 

No, but I don’t really remember anything political from back then. I was in high school when he came to power and I had just finished my education when he left. I probably want paying attention. 

I don’t know what you mean by the country being a shambles. The major issue I have is with inflation and the poor level of resources within the NHS, which is relatively recent. Outside of that I don’t know what the issues are. 
People who have issues with things like immigration or policing, I just don’t see it. I’m sure some of these opinions are valid and true, but I’ve not witnessed them or been affected by them so I don’t have enough information to be upset by them. 

One thing I do know is that my mortgage has gone crazy expensive, and that’s not because of the colour of anyone’s skin. That’s because Truss and Quarteng (spelling) fucked the economy and normal people pay the price while the rich get better interest rates on their savings. 

Not commented on the rest of your post as I didn’t really understand what you meant so felt no need to comment. 

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2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

So you don't think it can be traced back as far as Blair? Country has been a shambles for a long long time. 

lets stop thinking of "immigration control" as some sort of nastiness. Yes the country was built on immigration, we would have no antibiotics and no medical staff and people in service industries without migration. I wouldn't be here myself - it doesn't mean "come on in, we may have nowhere to house the kids aged 20-25 and trying to get their first home but let's worry about that later". Birth rates in the UK have fallen to the lowest rates since 1939 yet poverty is increasing?!

The riots are like an abscess - we've known that something has been brewing, tried to tell the doctors but they ain't listening, it's felt painful, the abscess has grown, then been prodded and poked with a dirty pin, all of a sudden it's burst and all you can see is the rotten contents, racist, hatred, and it's not the end, the dirty pin that popped it has created a secondary infection and the doctor who couldn't be arsed listening to you hasn't got a clue on how to treat it.  Dr is more arsed in pointing out how much the puss stinks and needs cleaning out rather than understanding that their neglect caused the abscess in the first place. 

It can be tracked back much further than Blair. 

The rest isn't directed at you Haf, just a general rant.

I really want to respond to the last few pages but I'm kinda sick of all this. All this wasted energy directed at people who aren't to blame, whilst the ones that are continually voted in then starved and economically raped the country get no consequences. 

Immigration isn't the issue. Never has been, never will be. However when it becomes uncontrolled immigration it is an issue if the country does not have the infrastructure to cope with the rising demand. Considering all our infrastructure was sold off by the Torys, there were always going to be issues. None of that is down to the immigrants. The whole small boats thing is also a complete distraction tactic too, yet those risking their lives are apparently the problems the ountry faces. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather there were no boats at all, but that's not going to happen and for perspectives sake, 40,000 people versus 1,400,000 a year isn't even a blip on a chart. 

My tinfoil hat says it's by design for the exact reason I said above; the tired and poor get agitated and the rich get away with literal and figurative murder. Though Im sure it's all coincidental, tired, hungry and stressed people are easier to manipulate too. Funny that. 

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

It can be tracked back much further than Blair. 

The rest isn't directed at you Haf, just a general rant.

I really want to respond to the last few pages but I'm kinda sick of all this. All this wasted energy directed at people who aren't to blame, whilst the ones that are continually voted in then starved and economically raped the country get no consequences. 

Immigration isn't the issue. Never has been, never will be. However when it becomes uncontrolled immigration it is an issue if the country does not have the infrastructure to cope with the rising demand. Considering all our infrastructure was sold off by the Torys, there were always going to be issues. None of that is down to the immigrants. The whole small boats thing is also a complete distraction tactic too, yet those risking their lives are apparently the problems the ountry faces. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather there were no boats at all, but that's not going to happen and for perspectives sake, 40,000 people versus 1,400,000 a year isn't even a blip on a chart. 

My tinfoil hat says it's by design for the exact reason I said above; the tired and poor get agitated and the rich get away with literal and figurative murder. Though Im sure it's all coincidental, tired, hungry and stressed people are easier to manipulate too. Funny that. 

Extremely well said. 

as I've repeatedly said immigration is healthy - uncontrollable immigration isn't. 

infrastructure and lack of is the crux of it. SteveO mentions NHS etc - people will be using the "I can't get an appointment" noise in their heads when protesting.  Cost of living "I can't afford a house and others get accommodation for free".  As far from the truth as this may be - it provokes those "have nots". 

throw into the mix that people do not trust politicians..... there you go. 

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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

Extremely well said. 

as I've repeatedly said immigration is healthy - uncontrollable immigration isn't. 

infrastructure and lack of is the crux of it. SteveO mentions NHS etc - people will be using the "I can't get an appointment" noise in their heads when protesting.  Cost of living "I can't afford a house and others get accommodation for free".  As far from the truth as this may be - it provokes those "have nots". 

throw into the mix that people do not trust politicians..... there you go. 

Well the second part of the rant goes like this...

It's not even the government that's alone here. They set the stage and have fanned the flames, but it's business that plays the biggest part in my eyes. Companies and even small businesses decided to hire immigrants to save on costs, many of them  deliberately overlook a background if 1 of 2 criteria can be matched; is it cheaper or does it improve my diversity. Mostly for jobs people don't want to do by the way, so the diversity element doesn't matter unless it's office based, so it's about costs. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in capitalism assuming it's done right. Few companies do though and are more interested in that profit margin. Which leads me to the end of my conspiratorial, tinhat rant; the blame lies with greedy shareholders. The ones with all the money who want more. No doubt they want more to put into beneficial projects but they always want more and it's never from the already wealthy. It's always on the people working for relative buttons "because pay increases raise inflation" (won't get started on that one). Energy crisis proved this to me. Instead of running at a loss whilst a crippled country found it's feet, record profits and that's driven by what shareholders demand of their investments. Do more with less so I get more at the expense of others. 

When I see the likes of those tiktoks on either side, when Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (because that's gonna carry a lot less weight than Tommy fucking Robinson in his sad little crusade) are on cameras pointing fingers at differences in skin and religion, it annoys the fuck out of me. It's so fucking lazy and we're supposed to be better than that. Manners and decency aren't a class thing, it's not a wealth or power thing. It's something everyone is capable of, it's just a choice. 

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No need to worry about Tommy Robinson they will have him in prison very soon other than that he will be dead. 
the left are far far more dangerous than the right. 
what the left wing media are doing is a disgrace. 

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3 minutes ago, patto said:

No need to worry about Tommy Robinson they will have him in prison very soon other than that he will be dead. 
the left are far far more dangerous than the right. 
what the left wing media are doing is a disgrace. 

Oh dear me I hope not he would be such a great loss to our society, such a lovely man.  

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19 minutes ago, patto said:

No need to worry about Tommy Robinson they will have him in prison very soon other than that he will be dead. 
the left are far far more dangerous than the right. 
what the left wing media are doing is a disgrace. 

Far left or far right are both equally dangerous by the virtue that they're extremist groups and extremist groups nine times out of ten resort to violence for recognition.

What are leftie media doing?

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5 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Oh dear me I hope not he would be such a great loss to our society, such a lovely man.  

And there is the problem people brainwashed yeah he was a prick years ago for his beliefs but recently he has been telling people violence is not the answer he knows you get nowhere with violence. 
But the left have resurrected the EDL which has been dead for 20 years. 
every morning you have all the main stream media talking about the EDL right wing thugs brainwashing people. 

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18 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:


The policeman was over the top but this family can’t be let off with this. 
the black eye on the mother was done by her son when he attacked the police. 
by all means give them the compensation they are looking for then put them in prison 

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The msm media reporting has and always will be controlled. Can't pick and choose when and what to believe / the social media feeds are full of nonsense too but will contain stuff that the msm won't dare publish. 

"ooh that source is rubbish - what you doing posting that"........  yeah like sky news and bbc are the beacons of truth. 

Social media has just enabled us to look behind the curtain - all I know is I've never seen a government so panicked before. Draconian threats of censorship from a supposed left wing party? Let's get it right - people intentionally creating misinformation need punishing on both sides. People inciting violence or hatred need punishing - but people sharing opinions and calling people into question simply can't. 

I could feel as passionate as anyone about topics - the thought of causing harm or hurt to another person isn't on.  Take Dan wooton for example - how does he even sleep at night? Same for Jeremy Vine - another who spread misinformation about someone and caused pain. Some Journalists really are hardened people. 

I have a radar for them - Schofield was on mine that time he really went after Kerry katona for slurring on tv, as someone who has struggled with drink in the past what he did was outrageous. 

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30 minutes ago, Matt said:

Jesus fucking wept. 


Just listened again... NnnnnnnngggggaaaaaarrrrrRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

The guy leading the call unbelievably calm and collected.

Fucking unbelievable. Get the planes back on the runway and deport all the cunts like him and everyone found guilty of rioting and inciting violence on the streets or the internet, and let them see if they find Rwanda a better place to live with their racist views, horrible cunts the lot of them. 

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15 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Fucking unbelievable. Get the planes back on the runway and deport all the cunts like him and everyone found guilty of rioting and inciting violence on the streets or the internet, and let them see if they find Rwanda a better place to live with their racist views, horrible cunts the lot of them. 

Why did he spend so long with him you knew from the start Gary was a fkn idiot I bet he never even went to Middlesbrough. 
yeah deport all the rioters as long as it’s from both sides. 

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9 minutes ago, patto said:

Why did he spend so long with him you knew from the start Gary was a fkn idiot I bet he never even went to Middlesbrough. 
yeah deport all the rioters as long as it’s from both sides. 

He's also representative of a lot of the uneducated and ignorant who are joining the riots.

30 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Fucking unbelievable. Get the planes back on the runway and deport all the cunts like him and everyone found guilty of rioting and inciting violence on the streets or the internet, and let them see if they find Rwanda a better place to live with their racist views, horrible cunts the lot of them. 

No, that's no different. Round them up and educate them, invest in the communities so this nonsense dies down, make them do community service repairing damage and get them to help people out who they see as "the issue". Shifting the problem never ever works. 

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