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9 minutes ago, pete0 said:

Gana is just as guilty for the lack of movement off the ball going forward. See the pass map he's not receiving it any where useful and mostly in his own half. If he worked in an office he'd be that guy constantly walking round with a clip board looking busy but not actually doing anything productive. 

He receives it mostly in his own half because that's where he's supposed to be! You know, mopping up in front of the defence, stopping the attacks of the opposition. I couldn't care less if he's shit at movement off the ball going forward, that's not where he's needed, that's where the likes of Klaassen need to step up. 

If he worked in an office he'd be that guy that everyone goes to when they have a problem they don't want the boss to find out about because they know he'd do everything within his power to get them out of the shit. 

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45 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Don't call me Michael, the only person who was allowed to do that is now dead; don't need to hear it (I could put your real name in here but I won't).

Oh grow up Mike. I called you Michael because it's your name. If my name was yamar then I certainly wouldn't mind you extending that. I didn't think you would be so touchy over it.

I just find it funny that reading through your posts you continuously wind people up with little remarks. Whether it be correcting them all day long or basically pointing negative stuff out. If you do its good old Mike 'tongue n cheek'. If I try to be condisending or sarcastic in anyway, it's perceived as threatening or 'below the belt'.

I don't want to get into an argument so I'll leave it there, but I'll finish by saying I'm sure you have t&c's whereby it states that certain personal information cannot be posted through a administrator. Whether I give a shit or not is a different matter.


Sleep tight.x

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Can't possibly be the only one who despises the changing of formations? For christ sake pick one and stick with it. Trying to outwit/tactic the other side by changing formation is basically nothing more than admitting your an inferior opponent. Moyes was far from great but I truly miss the days where it was our best XI come and get us, may the best team win. 4231 or 433 whatever you want to call it for the rest of the season. Make adjustments within that formation to gain a tactical advantage. These past few games have been reminiscent of the worst RM days. Never had less fun watching this team. 0 passion, 0 fight, 0 spirit. It's early days still but those are traits that should never leave a team, hope it doesn't speak to a much larger issue. 

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

This reminds me of when the fella who bought Cardiff asked the manager why doesn't the keeper kick his goal kicks closer to the opposition goal, because if he did he might score more goals. 


He does his job, that's it. Next time I see a police man I'll ask why he isn't putting out fires and driving people to the hospital. 

I'll tell you I'm too busy doing the jobs of my two colleagues as we are that short of officers plus I do drive people to hospital and have put out fires :P

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3 minutes ago, London Blue said:

I'll tell you I'm too busy doing the jobs of my two colleagues as we are that short of officers plus I do drive people to hospital and have put out fires :P

Bit of a revelation there LB, didn't know you were a plod; I'll be careful what I reveal in future:P.

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54 minutes ago, pete0 said:

What job does he Excel at? Winning takles that wouldn't need making it be done his job in the first place. Well fuck me for not being overwhelmed. 

He does excel at interceptions as well. The amount of times he reads play and just simply steps in. There aren't many players that can read play that well.

yes his tackles are in the higher catergory as well.

i do think he makes the simple passes forward from defence to attack that are going unnoticed. They are simple yes, but why do the rest of team seem to struggle so badly with them?

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12 minutes ago, London Blue said:

I steered well clear of that thread, besides I thought it was a short story writing group.......

Yes, yes it was. We were all creating alter egos! That's what it was... none of it was true of course.

seriously though. Past is past, we all make mistakes and try to learn from them.... honestly officer!

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9 minutes ago, Newty82 said:

Hahaha...I was thinking of you as I read the replies and LB's grand unveiling!!!

But fair play to LB, much respect to those who do such jobs.

Agreed mate. I have been lucky enough to meet some real good guys. Once had one stand up in court and give a character witness statement for me. Had no need to do it as he was the original arresting officer, but did it off his own back and helped me out off a real difficult situation.

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Just so we're all clear though. I did t go into detail, but I haven't murdered anyone or sold drugs. And my mistakes were twenty years ago now. 

I am a happy married guy with three kids and work my socks off for a living. Friends take the mick now as I would even walk away from a shop with extra change haha! 

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33 minutes ago, Shukes said:

Just so we're all clear though. I did t go into detail, but I haven't murdered anyone or sold drugs. And my mistakes were twenty years ago now. 

I am a happy married guy with three kids and work my socks off for a living. Friends take the mick now as I would even walk away from a shop with extra change haha! 

All the people on Toffee Talk come across as really decent people, one of the reasons I use it. We all make mistakes and learn from them hopefully, I know I did.....

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3 minutes ago, London Blue said:

All the people on Toffee Talk come across as really decent people, one of the reasons I use it. We all make mistakes and learn from them hopefully, I know I did.....

Thanks pal. I think your great also.

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On 12/09/2017 at 23:14, London Blue said:

I watched the game and I remember one that he gave away, given city's attacking prowess most players were going to be doing allot of defensive work and run the risks of giving away fouls. Last point I'll make on Gana for a while but he has not made a defensive mistake that has led to a goal this season.

It was three but I not going to split hairs with you over that, the truth is he wouldn't make the squad of any of the six who finished above us last season, and some who finished below.

Sadly to many think he is our best player and first name in the team, to me if that were true I would be more than a little bit concerned about our prospects this season when our best player wouldn't even get into most teams, trust me he's not good enough for this team or this league and if you think he is were well and truly fucked.

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5 hours ago, Palfy said:

It was three but I not going to split hairs with you over that, the truth is he wouldn't make the squad of any of the six who finished above us last season, and some who finished below.

Sadly to many think he is our best player and first name in the team, to me if that were true I would be more than a little bit concerned about our prospects this season when our best player wouldn't even get into most teams, trust me he's not good enough for this team or this league and if you think he is were well and truly fucked.

He would make the "squad" in every single team in the league bar maybe man city... even then he probably would get in. 

I do believe that gana and schneiderlin disrupts our balance - one or the other for me. Let them fight it out for the DM spot. 

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