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Predict our result: 2015/16 season

Cornish Steve

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But Mike, you can now post your prediction here, since I already have mogsy's.


I shall, but I still consider myself to be potentially disadvantaged. If, by chance (unlikely as it is) I predict the same as Mogsy I'm history; and nobody remembers who comes second.


But it's a game, and Welsh people rarely win anything (Welsh male voice choir contests aside) so I'll happily lose after being disadvantaged to give the leek eaters a bit of a boost.


Maybe :dry:.

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So here's the final result. Two were neck and neck as we approached the finish line, but we have a winner. By the narrowest of margins, MikeO managed to beat mogsy for this year's crown. He also won for 'points per prediction'. Congratulations, Mike! And congratulations to both of them for beating out the forum average - because the 'wisdom of crowds' usually wins in the long haul. For the month of May, johnh and Wall Writer tied for first, one point ahead of mogsy. Accidentally, I left Wall Writer in the list for points per prediction (he/she made too few predictions), but well done to this newbie as well.


Thanks, everyone, for playing this season. Things didn't go so well on the pitch, but let's hope the new season will see Everton thriving.


Now I must dash since my younger daughter is giving a recital, and I'm already running late. Wanted to get this out before it gets too late, though, on the eastern side of the pond.


Edited by Cornish Steve
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I'll be back next season! Going to dream up some program on my laptop to analytically predict the scores!


In the old days, when we used to run something called the Anusol Cup, which involved picking WLD of every premier game (not just Everton) I had a system that I stuck to rigidly; think I'm right in saying that I won it three years consecutively, though one of which was jointly with Mark (Romey). See if I can dig out the trophy.


Lot to be said for removing emotion from your choices.

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