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#LFCExcuses Fellaini didn't mean headbutt Shawcross, he just sneezed...

#LFCExcuses Fellaini heard something said about him and thought 'what would Zidane do?'

#LFCExcuses It's an FA Conspiracy against Afros, and Everton

#LFCExcuses Fellaini was trying to demonstrate how soft washing daily with Head and Shoulders had made his afro.

#LFCExcuses Fellaini intended to give his counterpart a hug, but lost his footing

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I read a bit in a publication the other day, that under Rogers, 'Liverpool have turned the corner' ?


It was after a game but can't quite remember which one, oh yeah, the win at West Ham recently.


One poor side with little chance of winning anything, beating another in the same situation, doesn't constitute that you are a good side and the manager deserves accolades.


I don't know what they were thinking of there, but I did enjoy today at Anfield. Although 0 - 3 does look better before they got one back, but they've merely gone back to Hodgson and Benitez in the League with their most recent appointment.

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Sturridge and Tom Ince are close to signing for Liverpool.


As much as DS is meant to be a right goon and disturbance off the pitch, there's no questioning his ability on it.


Tom Ince for the reported £6m could be a great investment by Liverpool.


Both English too, won't hurt their 'quota' of home grown talent. It'll help them in the future, whether they're struggling now or not. A front three of Sturridge, Suarez and Sterling (3 S's), is looking pretty strong.

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Guest blueboy122

Sturridge is shit hence why he cant get into the Chelsea side, He cant finish and is the biggest hogger of the ball going, speak to any chelsea fan about him and they would say the same. And as for Ince that is a gamble as he has had a good 3 months in the championship and thats it really. However he does look to have ability. Those signings wont make a difference to their season. They need some top players.

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Sturridge and Tom Ince are close to signing for Liverpool.


As much as DS is meant to be a right goon and disturbance off the pitch, there's no questioning his ability on it.


Tom Ince for the reported £6m could be a great investment by Liverpool.


Both English too, won't hurt their 'quota' of home grown talent. It'll help them in the future, whether they're struggling now or not. A front three of Sturridge, Suarez and Sterling (3 S's), is looking pretty strong.

I don't see how they would fit into Roger's system. The need an out-and-out striker and a proper winger.

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To say Sturridge is shit, is rediculous. He's not shit. He's a bit of a tosser but there's no denying his goal scoring credentials.


I can't help get the feeling that some blues see any player linked or playing for 'the shite', automatically become shit. Which isn't the case at all. I'd take Sturridge at Everton, if he wasn't such a bellend.


And Ince....? I'd take Ince at Everton, young, unpredictable, technically gifted, English player...no question.


Pete, what is Rogers' system? 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 or 4-3-2-1 or 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2? Because he'd fit in most of them. And as a partner for Suarez, that's a pretty decent partnership. Probable the most cuntish partnership as well.


Simon, no better than Borini? Or Carroll? Don't make me laugh mate. He is. I don't rate Borini at all, as for Carroll, he's a proper donkey, an effective lump at best. Sturridge has most attributes in his locker.


And the reason he barely started? Ambramovic's obsession with picking his new £50m toy oy. Jelavic, Defoe, Ba....wouldn't get into the teams that Russian bellend picks....because he didn't remortgage a country to buy them.

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Pete, what is Rogers' system? 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 or 4-3-2-1 or 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2? Because he'd fit in most of them. And as a partner for Suarez, that's a pretty decent partnership. Probable the most cuntish partnership as well.


Similar to Aston Villa under MO'N, with the focus on the wings to then create but instead of counter attacking they keep hold of the ball inside their own half.

As their over packed with centre mids, I can't see Ince taking a spot in the middle. He'd be pushed outwide and wouldn't play the game Liverpool do, they need an Aaron Lennon type. Zaha would be better target or raiding his old club for Dyer.

Sturridge is too similar to Suarez, second striker running the channels and more involved in link up play, they need a number 9.

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There was a player at Derby years ago called Sturridge who was a good player, and it's the first name I think of when I see it, the other player I don't know much about apart from he has the same name, is talked of in some areas as a player of potential, but hardly making waves. Maybe the kids time is yet to come, but I haven't seen hardly anything to justify any rave reviews. Ince of course, again, I think of the most famous one, and this new player they have, apart from the name, know next to nothing about him. People can say they're players for the future, but as of now, neither quickens the pulse or generates any excitement.


Once again, don't think these names will make much difference if they can get them. Maybe their time is just too soon, or maybe they're simply not good enough. That's my perspective right now.

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Guest blueboy122

To say Sturridge is shit, is rediculous. He's not shit. He's a bit of a tosser but there's no denying his goal scoring credentials.


I can't help get the feeling that some blues see any player linked or playing for 'the shite', automatically become shit. Which isn't the case at all. I'd take Sturridge at Everton, if he wasn't such a bellend.


And Ince....? I'd take Ince at Everton, young, unpredictable, technically gifted, English player...no question.


Pete, what is Rogers' system? 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 or 4-3-2-1 or 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2? Because he'd fit in most of them. And as a partner for Suarez, that's a pretty decent partnership. Probable the most cuntish partnership as well.


Simon, no better than Borini? Or Carroll? Don't make me laugh mate. He is. I don't rate Borini at all, as for Carroll, he's a proper donkey, an effective lump at best. Sturridge has most attributes in his locker.


And the reason he barely started? Ambramovic's obsession with picking his new £50m toy oy. Jelavic, Defoe, Ba....wouldn't get into the teams that Russian bellend picks....because he didn't remortgage a country to buy them.


He's that shit that Chelsea wouldnt play him even when they had no strikers!

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Guest blueboy122

So, not for the reasons of a fall out with club management? But because he was "shit"? I see. Valid reason.


What fall out with club management I dont remember anything of the sort. Still even if he did they would play him if he was a top player but the simple fact of the matter is mate is he really isnt and thats why he is a bench warmer. Its a poor signing from Rodgers as it is not what Liverpool need at the moment. Sturridge will always demand for a role of central striker while Rodgers will most likely to field him in the wide position, where he used to play under Andre Villas-Boas. Liverpool are looking to buy a striker who can score 15-20 goals a season. The central idea behind taking the burden off Suarez is to find a potential goal scorer. When did Sturridge become a 15-20 goal scorer a season? Given Liverpool’s financial situation at the moment, much better than previous regime though, the Reds must get the right players for the club. Buying players for the sake of it, because they were the only ones available doesn’t make any sense.

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Guest blueboy122

So, not for the reasons of a fall out with club management? But because he was "shit"? I see. Valid reason.


Normally in football manager tend to play thier best players so yeah he didnt play because he is shit.

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We're not playing football manager though? So whats that got to do with it?


Does that mean Fabregas is shit? Does that mean Di Maria is shit? Does that mean Verratti is shit?


They're not playing for their respective clubs, so by your argument, that makes them shit. Awesome. Great argument.

Edited by tenaciousj
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Pete - why are you talking about Ince being pushed out wide? He's a winger isn't he? dont%20know.gif


Personally, I don't think much of Sturridge, never have, but I think Ince will be a good signing and I'd have liked to have brought him in here.

Think he is used on the wing to help him develop and he'll become a centre mid once he's more mature. Has already started getting used there this season now and again.

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Guest blueboy122

We're not playing football manager though? So whats that got to do with it?


Does that mean Fabregas is shit? Does that mean Di Maria is shit? Does that mean Verratti is shit?


They're not playing for their respective clubs, so by your argument, that makes them shit. Awesome. Great argument.


What are you talking about?

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