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1 hour ago, RuffRob said:

now don't get me wrong, I am not sure I believe everything he has to say - but this sort of communication it is a step in the right direction. Things like explaining how player transfers are now signed off on. We do need more transparency. 

Its good other people might be sinking there money in to the club - they are not going to put up with the shit show that is currently going. 

The blokes heart is in the right place, and no doubt that he wants great things for us. He just has a long way long way to go on the footballing side of things. 

Good to here there is now a form to fill in for transfers. Can't do fuck all these days without a form :) . Not having this form may have be the problem. 





This sort of video is the same in any big corporation when the top management is under pressure. A lot of words to say nothing, or at least nothing that we didn't already know. Nothing concrete, just telling us to be patient. It can be summed up in one old meme


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1 hour ago, RuffRob said:


It really is amazing me how the same person/s can be responsible for delivering a stadium so well, but making a total pigs ear out of the other side of the business.


Really easy to do this bit to be honest. What you do is hire a man like Colin Chong, with decades of experience in construction and an ex executive at Laing O’Rourke. Then, you do a deal with Laing O’Rourke to build the stadium. 
So we have a man whose responsibility for delivering the stadium knows what he’s doing, and the people he communicates with about the project are his old mates and colleagues. 
It is literally the most simple process and thankfully they made the right decision on this one. Because this is a business decision, and Moshiri knows how to do things like this. When it comes to construction, you get the experts in. When it comes to football? Me and Bill will sort it ourselves. 😂 
Mad man with a lot of money and a hobby. 

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1 hour ago, RuffRob said:

I have always said you can't knock his enthusiasm and commitment to the club. The stadium we are getting is magnificent, and being somebody who works in heavy construction industry, it is no mean feat getting an urban project like this build on time and to budget (and a good one at that). However, this amazing new home we are getting is being totally over shadowed by the total incompetency that we are seeing on the football size of the business. 

It really is amazing me how the same person/s can be responsible for delivering a stadium so well, but making a total pigs ear out of the other side of the business.

it is utterly embarrassing to be an Everton fan at the moment, when we should all be massively optimistic as we count down to getting in to this new stadium - heartbreaking for very one of us.  

It's easy: Billionaires rarely fancy themselves engineers, architects, or construction foremen unless they are. However, it does seem that a large number of billionaires who buy sports teams then fancy themselves as talent scouts, coaches, etc...

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As the old saying goes, everyone thinks they're an expert in local real estate.  Most aren't, but have been convinced they are by years of rising prices.  Billionaires think they're experts here becuase for the previous decade they could always buy their way out of any mistakes.  Those days are gone though and so the pretenders are having their trousers pulled down. 

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16 minutes ago, StevO said:

But he was in the Blue Union!!!! 🤬😂

So he’s on the right side of history then…. Should be called Cassandra Kelly, his warnings of unheeded doom laughed at. 

Like he and ped said, too many fans see protesting as kopite behaviour.  Pathetic really. 

I thought he was very balanced and has given the board plenty of opportunity to respond to promises of phone calls etc. the organisation is just chaos. 


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3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Kia joorabjian just on talksport spouting pure slime.   This is why we are where we are, the board listened to a man who destroyed QPR, we have no infrastructure in our club to deal with vermin like him. 

 Ever heard it but saw this on FB so no idea how accurate it is


It's not true I have influence over Moshiri. Its true that I speak to him most days but I speak to every Premier League clubs the same. In fact I speak to some clubs a lot more. People should stop listening to the press who are making this stuff up and stirring the pot.
I have offered Kevin Thelwell many players and he has turned every one down. I approach Kevin and not Farhad with transfers. He was put in place by DBB. The only transactions I've done with Everton were 3 players and a manager. The last manager (FL) was appointed by a proper committee Farhad had set up and all were in agreement. My offering was Vitor Perriera who was turned down but interviewed. Other managers have been picked by the board (not Moshiri alone so BK can't wash his hands of FSW). It was all done properly so when the likes of Simon Jordan says he knows what goes on I have to challenge that. You have Danny Murphy there and I can respect his opinions unlike Carragher who makes stuff up and spits out of windows at people. (BRILLIANT! 😄)
The three players I've been involved with was El Ghazi that was a loan to help around FFP and we can say that wasn't successful. That was down to a change of manager as the previous one wanted him (FSW).
I helped bring Bernard in on a free which was fairly successful and he did quite well there. The other one I assisted with was Richarlison and I think we can all agree that was a very successful transfer. The only manager I was involved with was Ancellotti and that one speaks for itself, so to say Moshiri is influenced by me is wrong. I approach Thelwell, it's my job to find my players a club, but I have only met him once whilst he was at Wolves.

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58 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

 Ever heard it but saw this on FB so no idea how accurate it is


It's not true I have influence over Moshiri. Its true that I speak to him most days but I speak to every Premier League clubs the same. In fact I speak to some clubs a lot more. People should stop listening to the press who are making this stuff up and stirring the pot.
I have offered Kevin Thelwell many players and he has turned every one down. I approach Kevin and not Farhad with transfers. He was put in place by DBB. The only transactions I've done with Everton were 3 players and a manager. The last manager (FL) was appointed by a proper committee Farhad had set up and all were in agreement. My offering was Vitor Perriera who was turned down but interviewed. Other managers have been picked by the board (not Moshiri alone so BK can't wash his hands of FSW). It was all done properly so when the likes of Simon Jordan says he knows what goes on I have to challenge that. You have Danny Murphy there and I can respect his opinions unlike Carragher who makes stuff up and spits out of windows at people. (BRILLIANT! 😄)
The three players I've been involved with was El Ghazi that was a loan to help around FFP and we can say that wasn't successful. That was down to a change of manager as the previous one wanted him (FSW).
I helped bring Bernard in on a free which was fairly successful and he did quite well there. The other one I assisted with was Richarlison and I think we can all agree that was a very successful transfer. The only manager I was involved with was Ancellotti and that one speaks for itself, so to say Moshiri is influenced by me is wrong. I approach Thelwell, it's my job to find my players a club, but I have only met him once whilst he was at Wolves.

To be fair, for him to come on to the radio of his own accord to defend himself there must be a fair amount of truth in what he is saying - to feel strongly enough to defend himself and say what's been going on from the horses mouth . Maybe we have all been a bit unfair and made more of Moshiri's and his relationship. He definitely felt the need to call Simon Jordan out about it. Always though the El Ghazi transfer was some sort of work around in Digne going to Villa and us then getting the funds. Actually feel for El Ghazi being used in that sort of circumstance. None of use have ever been up in arm with Richy or Ancelotti being brought in.

As he says it his job is finding clubs and positions for his clients. I guess it wouldn't do us any good if players agent decide to give Everton a wide berth and not bring players availability to our attention. A case of be careful of what we wish for!!

Maybe a bit of a lesson in this about us all being hasty in putting 2 +2 together and coming up with 5 in our frustration and despair. 

Seen he is getting bit tired of pundits (easiest job in the world) making out their opinions to be fact. We live in a world of disinformation these day.


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47 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

To be fair, for him to come on to the radio of his own accord to defend himself there must be a fair amount of truth in what he is saying - to feel strongly enough to defend himself and say what's been going on from the horses mouth . Maybe we have all been a bit unfair and made more of Moshiri's and his relationship. He definitely felt the need to call Simon Jordan out about it. Always though the El Ghazi transfer was some sort of work around in Digne going to Villa and us then getting the funds. Actually feel for El Ghazi being used in that sort of circumstance. None of use have ever been up in arm with Richy or Ancelotti being brought in.

As he says it his job is finding clubs and positions for his clients. I guess it wouldn't do us any good if players agent decide to give Everton a wide berth and not bring players availability to our attention. A case of be careful of what we wish for!!

Maybe a bit of a lesson in this about us all being hasty in putting 2 +2 together and coming up with 5 in our frustration and despair. 

Seen he is getting bit tired of pundits (easiest job in the world) making out their opinions to be fact. We live in a world of disinformation these day.


He’s a snake. His job is to move players around, he nearly got Pereira an into the club.  Look at what he did at qpr and reading. 

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14 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

He’s a snake. His job is to move players around, he nearly got Pereira an into the club.  Look at what he did at qpr and reading. 

It's what all agent types do - but is he any more snake like that then next agent? In the same breath as he nearly got Pereira in he nearly got Guimaraes in. We have grown ups running out club who are the ones making the informed decisions.

I think all this bloke is saying is 'I offer up all manner of people to all manner of clubs' - Moshiri and Everton make their own decisions - some they take some they don't. He is just pointing out there is nothing particularly special about his relationships. 

We would be fucked off if he did give us a wide berth with other hidden gems, not wanting the hassle of being seen to deal with Everton.  


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1 minute ago, RuffRob said:

It's what all agent types do - but is he any more snake like that then next agent? In the same breath as he nearly got Pereira in he nearly got Guimaraes in. We have grown ups running out club who are the ones making the informed decisions.

I think all this bloke is saying is 'I offer up all manner of people to all manner of clubs' - Moshiri and Everton make their own decisions - some they take some they don't. He is just pointing out there is nothing particularly special about his relationships. 

We would be fucked off if he did give us a wide berth with other hidden gems, not wanting the hassle of being seen to deal with Everton.  



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25 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

It's what all agent types do - but is he any more snake like that then next agent? In the same breath as he nearly got Pereira in he nearly got Guimaraes in. We have grown ups running out club who are the ones making the informed decisions.

I think all this bloke is saying is 'I offer up all manner of people to all manner of clubs' - Moshiri and Everton make their own decisions - some they take some they don't. He is just pointing out there is nothing particularly special about his relationships. 

We would be fucked off if he did give us a wide berth with other hidden gems, not wanting the hassle of being seen to deal with Everton.  


He’s a fkn liar. He peddled loads of the shite that arsenal were lumbered with.  His name is absolute mud with a lot of people in the game. 

throw in tevez who downed tools at United to move to city, then downed tools at city and refused to play.  He defended the player….. he likes his players to fall out doesn’t he. 

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13 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

It's what all agent types do - but is he any more snake like that then next agent? In the same breath as he nearly got Pereira in he nearly got Guimaraes in. We have grown ups running out club who are the ones making the informed decisions.

I think all this bloke is saying is 'I offer up all manner of people to all manner of clubs' - Moshiri and Everton make their own decisions - some they take some they don't. He is just pointing out there is nothing particularly special about his relationships. 

We would be fucked off if he did give us a wide berth with other hidden gems, not wanting the hassle of being seen to deal with Everton.  



he has a stable of trouble makers. 

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2 hours ago, StevO said:

I’m not going to suddenly start believing him now he’s been on the radio, the same way I won’t start believing Moshiri now he’s been on YouTube. 

A lot of people out there trying to make themselves look innocent. The reality for me is every single one of them has had a part to play in the failing of the club. The only innocent people are the ones who actually pay good money for the pleasure of this heartache. 

The state of the club as it is now, there are lots of people saying this that and the other and whilst there may be some truth to what is being said, its hard to distinguish from the lies. You either have people who like you say are trying to look innocent and you have others stirring the pot any way they can. 

I know a lot of people do want answers from the club but to be honest I just want them to do their job. Talk is cheap, actions count. With the amount of shit that is being said from all sides it is only doing more and more damage to the club.

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Emm, not sure about these - you look at there portfolio and its very much second (at very best) and third tier football clubs they are 'involved' in, whatever that is. Bottom of Germen and Portuguese leagues, second division Belgium league and third division Spanish league.  And have some shares in McLaren racing team - again some 'shares' is quite vague. 

doesn't really fill me with enthusiasm. 

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1 hour ago, RuffRob said:

Emm, not sure about these - you look at there portfolio and its very much second (at very best) and third tier football clubs they are 'involved' in, whatever that is. Bottom of Germen and Portuguese leagues, second division Belgium league and third division Spanish league.  And have some shares in McLaren racing team - again some 'shares' is quite vague. 

doesn't really fill me with enthusiasm. 

Some shares, but the Chairman of MPS is Vice Chairman of McLaren, Vice Chairman of Phoenix Suns and Governor of the NBA. He’s clearly a big player in the world of sport, just not football. 

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1 hour ago, RuffRob said:

Emm, not sure about these - you look at there portfolio and its very much second (at very best) and third tier football clubs they are 'involved' in, whatever that is. Bottom of Germen and Portuguese leagues, second division Belgium league and third division Spanish league.  And have some shares in McLaren racing team - again some 'shares' is quite vague. 

doesn't really fill me with enthusiasm. 

they just made a fortune on the phoenix suns sale of shares. As mentioned above…. They will know what good looks like. 

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

Some shares, but the Chairman of MPS is Vice Chairman of McLaren, Vice Chairman of Phoenix Suns and Governor of the NBA. He’s clearly a big player in the world of sport, just not football. 

well basketball. 

I did read the bio's. I am just not overly excited about it. They are just a body of people who pull together funds from about the place and make a few quid. 

I would kind of just like to see a big take over where Moshiri sells the lot. Rather than 20% here and there. However, it would at least be good if some 'others' where holding him to account for all the goings on.

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2 hours ago, RuffRob said:

well basketball. 

I did read the bio's. I am just not overly excited about it. They are just a body of people who pull together funds from about the place and make a few quid. 

I would kind of just like to see a big take over where Moshiri sells the lot. Rather than 20% here and there. However, it would at least be good if some 'others' where holding him to account for all the goings on.

I doubt you'll see a full takeover until Bill no longer breathes. He'll cling on to his shares with everything he has.

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