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Board/Owners Related Stuff

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8 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

All sounds very plausible till you factor in the fact that the journalists and Ian Wright himself said the news was being planted out there on the morning of the game….. very closely linked to Bill Kenwright in the words of Ian Wright.

so… the club don’t tell the police about an assault, but they get someone to contact several prominent journalists and state they were “ordered” not to attend…..

by who? The police weren’t involved. 

absolutely stinks and it’s as dirty as it gets.

Everton fans kept this club up in spite of the boards ineptitude, so they throw the fans under the bus. Cowards. 


This is it, the story was definitely planted by the club but doesnt make it not true. I originally thought it was a club statement and didnt realise it was an unnamed source.

Again though, I just go back to why be so specific about a well respected individual if something didnt happen. 

I dont know whether anything happened more than anyone else does on these boards and whilst a lot about it does stink, there are still certain things I just cant get over.

The board have to say more on this and quickly though with something tangible to back it up. Its not a story that can be swept under the carpet.

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14 minutes ago, Bailey said:

This is it, the story was definitely planted by the club but doesnt make it not true. I originally thought it was a club statement and didnt realise it was an unnamed source.

Again though, I just go back to why be so specific about a well respected individual if something didnt happen. 

I dont know whether anything happened more than anyone else does on these boards and whilst a lot about it does stink, there are still certain things I just cant get over.

The board have to say more on this and quickly though with something tangible to back it up. Its not a story that can be swept under the carpet.

If it was true, which I very much doubt.  Why would they go about it the way that they have? 

yeah let’s welcome the coach, get behind the team….. “ah they are gonna protest…. Tell the journos the story of the headlock a few hours before kick off”

absolute dickheads. 

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1 minute ago, RuffRob said:

true or not true is the fact that this was put out to the media by the club 2-3 hours before kick off what might turn out to be  the key game of our season (i.e a win take the pressure off and phycologically takes us out of the relegation zone and the loss makes us odds on favorites for relegation). The board chose at a key moment in our history to try and make the sitting protecting fans look like the villain's at this club and the board et al look like victims is the final straw for me.

That game was close and settled by a free kick - Those goings on could only have served to have a negative effect on the crowd at the game and the players and coaching staff final preparation leading to kick off. Unforgivable. 


Takes the piss.  How has anyone been taken in by phoney kenwright all these years.  I actually resent him for making  me feel this way about an elderly man who will be in his latter years and shouldn’t be at the forefront of our club, but I resent his enabling fans and minions even more. 

there are a lot of people who have allowed this situation to unfold. Enough people in the past have spoken out and been silenced to the detriment of our club. 

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6 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

For once, it might turn out to be a benefit that Kenwright is a lying, power-angry prick.

He’s definitely been the architect of his and the clubs downfall, he has been for a long time but people failed to attribute failures to him - more a case of them saying “who else would do better, he saved us from Johnson, look at the venkys, blah blah fuckin blah” 

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1 minute ago, Hafnia said:

He’s definitely been the architect of his and the clubs downfall, he has been for a long time but people failed to attribute failures to him - more a case of them saying “who else would do better, he saved us from Johnson, look at the venkys, blah blah fuckin blah” 

You're hardly balanced here, you've been after him since day 1 and over exaggerated many of the issues he's been involved vehemently. I'm still not convinced he's this evil dictator people make him out to be but am I convinced his inept and detrimental to the club. 

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8 minutes ago, Matt said:

You're hardly balanced here, you've been after him since day 1 and over exaggerated many of the issues he's been involved vehemently. I'm still not convinced he's this evil dictator people make him out to be but am I convinced his inept and detrimental to the club. 

Day 1? Not quite but seen through his bullshit a lot earlier than most and knew enough from some sources to know we had viable sales options when he was doing his 24/7 search. 

I don’t think he’s a bad person, I think he’s a narcissist who can manipulate and lie and when that’s combined with ineptitude of the job at hand… well it’s not good.  If he was very good at what he did it wouldn’t be a problem, sadly he shares the same traits as the boris Johnson’s of this world. 

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9 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Day 1? Not quite but seen through his bullshit a lot earlier than most and knew enough from some sources to know we had viable sales options when he was doing his 24/7 search. 

I don’t think he’s a bad person, I think he’s a narcissist who can manipulate and lie and when that’s combined with ineptitude of the job at hand… well it’s not good.  If he was very good at what he did it wouldn’t be a problem, sadly he shares the same traits as the boris Johnson’s of this world. 

Pretty much since day 1 yeah or at least in the nearly 13 years we've know each other (holy fuck!).

More people than you think have seen this for a long time, they just weren't as vocal or angry about it. He is a good figurehead and should never have been given any responsibilities. But he's been a constant in the mediocrity and decline, enough is enough and probably should've been long ago. 

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7 minutes ago, Matt said:

Pretty much since day 1 yeah or at least in the nearly 13 years we've know each other (holy fuck!).

More people than you think have seen this for a long time, they just weren't as vocal or angry about it. He is a good figurehead and should never have been given any responsibilities. But he's been a constant in the mediocrity and decline, enough is enough and probably should've been long ago. 

He’s not a good figurehead because he has to be front and centre of everything that is juicy. Given responsibilities? He’s put himself in the driving seat and refused to budge from the day he sniffed his opportunity to see off Johnson using money from green. 

this fella does not let anyone take control of his train set. The only person stupid enough to do that was moshiri and it clearly turned into a tug o war. 

kenwright could have sold us years ago but didn’t. Whether it was a proxy ownership or he wanted investment not a sale. 


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6 minutes ago, Bailey said:

Out of interest, is there anyone that does think Kenwright should still be involved at the club? 

I haven't seen anyone suggest he should be and I think everyone is universally behind the fact that he should be sacked/resign etc.

Yes I do. 

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2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

He’s not a good figurehead because he has to be front and centre of everything that is juicy. Given responsibilities? He’s put himself in the driving seat and refused to budge from the day he sniffed his opportunity to see off Johnson using money from green. 

this fella does not let anyone take control of his train set. The only person stupid enough to do that was moshiri and it clearly turned into a tug o war. 

kenwright could have sold us years ago but didn’t. Whether it was a proxy ownership or he wanted investment not a sale. 


Moshiri gave him the role and responsibilities when he bought the club. 

Regardless, he and the others are well past the point of no return. I just hope they realise it ASAP so we can get moving in a more positive direction. 

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I still just don’t get what the board would have to gain by making it up, or by leaking the story for that matter, but I honestly don’t think it effected the performance or the atmosphere at the game in the slightest

The fact there was a planned sit in was enough for the players to know the fans aren’t happy, the reaction the players got at Man Utd was enough to show the players that if they put the effort/ performances in then the fans will back them. The players were almost getting a free hit in that sense as all the anger was being directed at the board

I also don’t think the story was in anyway attributable to the scenes outside the ground, the dickheads who confronted the players did more damage to the fans reputation then any of this headlock farce did IMO

The whole thing is a complete mess, what player in their right mind is going to want to come here in January now? It’s hard enough to convince players to come and get involved in a relegation scrap but when they see fans rioting and players being confronted outside the ground they would be mad to want to be a part of it


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4 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

I still just don’t get what the board would have to gain by making it up, or by leaking the story for that matter, but I honestly don’t think it effected the performance or the atmosphere at the game in the slightest

The fact there was a planned sit in was enough for the players to know the fans aren’t happy, the reaction the players got at Man Utd was enough to show the players that if they put the effort/ performances in then the fans will back them. The players were almost getting a free hit in that sense as all the anger was being directed at the board

I also don’t think the story was in anyway attributable to the scenes outside the ground, the dickheads who confronted the players did more damage to the fans reputation then any of this headlock farce did IMO

The whole thing is a complete mess, what player in their right mind is going to want to come here in January now? It’s hard enough to convince players to come and get involved in a relegation scrap but when they see fans rioting and players being confronted outside the ground they would be mad to want to be a part of it


What do the board gain? - you are looking at it from your personality type  and not someone who is trying to deflect attention from their appalling performance.

The people on the board are incapable of doing a good job, whether it be down to capability , being under qualified or quite honestly a lack of integrity to do the right thing. The person who contacted the journos will lose his job when kenwright goes - he’s his boy. 

what they are being asked to do is resign/be sacked from a very very well paid job.  It’s not something someone is going to do without getting an equally paid job elsewhere and let’s be honest - who is gonna hire them?  

the whole story was designed to make them look victims in an unacceptable set of circumstances and create a hysteria that instead of pointing out their failings is instead instead talking about a female exec being headlocked by a fan. 

sorry Dunc, but you have been hoodwinked and defended someone who has had you conned. Yeah you met him once and he made you feel great as being a blue etc. but he is massively incompetent and would only hire people around him incompetent enough to allow him to continue his tenure.

it’s a disgrace that someone who in their latter years and ill health is being targeted. Not because they don’t deserve to be, but because no one strong enough close to them has saved them from themselves.  

when the time comes for him to leave and he continues to decline in his health, it is going to create a great deal of turmoil for the likes of myself who didn’t want him in control of our club. No one in their right mind wishes him wrong, we just wish he was saved from himself and this helping the club progress.  It’s a horrible thing to feel, that you can’t be critical of someone who should not be running the club. 

it’s not going to get any better. Make him an honoury president, name a lounge after him but get the bloody keys to the car off him and get rid of the people who have enabled him and get in some professionals.

When we get relegated, good people will lose their jobs, not people on £100k a week….. people who are on £30k a year with mortgages to pay.  A mega rich group who have run our club have created that. 

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