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Board/Owners Related Stuff

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11 hours ago, Hafnia said:

I think a few on here have defended the board so vehemently for so long, in the face of damning stories of incompetence that it will be met with silence.

this has been years in the making. The culture of the club has been a joke for so long and it all comes from upstairs in the corridors of power. 


I think most will be silent even though your post is clearly trying to manipulate them into a discussion Haf. 

It’s just not much of a story to discuss for most that’s all.

Im passive to the board of I’m honest. Still not sure what would help. Is it the board that need to go? The manager? The players? I’m just not sure what the answer is.

I’ll still keep going to watch the team. There are so many teams that are below the top six and their fans still support them, whatever division they are in. It’s sad…. But that’s how I look at it right now because I have no idea where we are heading. I’m really lost! I’m saddened by what’s happening, I’m broken.

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2 hours ago, Shukes said:

I think most will be silent even though your post is clearly trying to manipulate them into a discussion Haf. 

It’s just not much of a story to discuss for most that’s all.

Im passive to the board of I’m honest. Still not sure what would help. Is it the board that need to go? The manager? The players? I’m just not sure what the answer is.

I’ll still keep going to watch the team. There are so many teams that are below the top six and their fans still support them, whatever division they are in. It’s sad…. But that’s how I look at it right now because I have no idea where we are heading. I’m really lost! I’m saddened by what’s happening, I’m broken.

I’m not manipulating discussion, I’m pointing out that this shit has been years in the making and the likes of kenwright mainly - has created a culture of ineptitude and finger pointing with shambolic decisions being treated with cover ups, lies, etc.

ffs some of our fans have been hoodwinked into thinking he is one of us. Is he bollocks, he’s a hard faced money maker who’s not invested a penny of his own money into the club apart from buying shares and leveraging his dodgy mates to do it. 

hes 78 now, an old man and apparently not well. He should have stepped down a long time ago but fans of the club have somehow mistaken being loyal supporters as backing a blue chairman in spite of mismanagement. 

the culture of this club went rotten a long time ago when the board responded to fan questions with disdain. It set a culture of “shit performance can be excused if you can talk your way out of it” 


I said a long time ago, I wanted kenwright to step down before it got to the stage where his removal was a tragic story for him and the club. Sadly that seems unavoidable now. He doesn’t need this shit - but sadly his ego can not let go. 

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27 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

someone Ian wright knows who is very close to kenwright had told him about the headlock on the morning of the game…..   yeah, I think wrighty and a few others know they have been played.

pity many of our fans haven’t fit quite some time. 

Well done.  Ian acting like a professional here.  Got it wrong.  Apologized. 

If only our board acted professionally...

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40 minutes ago, Wiggytop said:

I’ve been away since early Sunday morning, so have missed bits of this, the one question I have is, do we know if the alleged headlock was reported by the club or is it possible it’s been fake news ?

Ian Wright was whatsapped on the morning of the game by someone high up very close to kenwright and was told dbb was put in a headlock.

ped on toffeetv has been contacted by several journalists in the past day telling him a persons name who had been contacting them from the club. Their question to him was “what’s going on at that club?!”


im fucking pissed off. For years I have said we have had this element within our club. I had it on very good authority that Randy Lerner was sent packing without discussion when we were allegedly for sale….  Forget the fact his money was wasted by O’Neill, he pumped millions into the club and under Moyes it’s arguable that we would have been in a far better place.

we’ve been had off appallingly 

imagine thinking that the people behind this could be trusted to run our club? They’ve never been good enough but allowed to get away with it. 

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1 hour ago, Formby said:

Any chance the police can arrest the board for killing the football club? Plenty of evidence on the pitch that a crime has been committed and tens of thousands of witnesses to it. 

They won the police it sounds like. Club has much more influence than any of us thought. If this is all true, then the rotting mess will burn them down.

Even I’m turning. 

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2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

And some of our fans still think this whole shittiness isn't anything to be bothered about. Bizarre.

Don't mistake some of us not commenting as not being bothered. I can't comprehend what a horror show it all is. The state of the club, league position and pressure on players and fans alike. Agree it's been festering for years.

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27 minutes ago, Shukes said:

They won the police it sounds like. Club has much more influence than any of us thought. If this is all true, then the rotting mess will burn them down.

Even I’m turning. 

The police appear to be pissed off about it, bear in mind they earn £££ in revenue from the club too, and they rely on the club being run smartly from a planning and communication perspective .

essentially the club have created a risk that wasn’t there, they chose to bait the fans to get the reaction they knew they would get in order to justify their unsubstantiated claim.

it’s all part of a pr playbook which has dramatically backfired on them because they are a disorganised, stupid bunch of fuckwits.  Which is why the club is where it is…

the lads on toffeetv are well connected now and have links with people in sky, other media journos and people lower down in the club. Ped said he has been told by notable journos that someone who is nameless, rang several of them to peddle the story.   For me it’s clearly a kenwright Prenno double act. 

Let’s not forget the Ian Ross emails which detailed the names of friendly journos they use to push against fan pressure. 

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47 minutes ago, Gwlad all over said:

Don't mistake some of us not commenting as not being bothered. I can't comprehend what a horror show it all is. The state of the club, league position and pressure on players and fans alike. Agree it's been festering for years.


11 hours ago, Shukes said:

It’s just not much of a story to discuss for most that’s all.

I'm not mistaking it for anything, I'm going from actual comments like this one from Shukes.

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12 hours ago, Shukes said:

I can answer that for you.

Law clearly states that you don’t have to report a crime against you. It’s your choice. 
Now the police can decide to take action against a crime if they have proof of an incident regardless of you reporting it.

I wasn’t talking about Denise reporting it as an individual, I’m talking about the club. Do they have to report incidents that take place when they have a crowd in the stadium.  
They have to have the police look after the game, so wasn’t sure if they have a duty to report incidents as part of the agreement. 

LB explained clearly enough what the expectation is at large events. 

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1 hour ago, Gwlad all over said:

Don't mistake some of us not commenting as not being bothered. I can't comprehend what a horror show it all is. The state of the club, league position and pressure on players and fans alike. Agree it's been festering for years.

There are still plenty out there on other social media sites defending the board. Not many on here. 

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21 minutes ago, StevO said:

This is a great piece by Ian Wright. The most important part of this for me is that he sounds angry too, he’s been fed lies by someone he trusted, he reported it. He’s been thrown under the bus by his mate, the same way we have by the club. Takes a big man to go public and apologise, and to recognise what’s going on too. 

I hope he talks about it on MOTD at the weekend, but I don’t think he’ll be allowed to by the big wigs. 

I don't know, it'd get views and ratings which the BBC needs, especially if they're quick to praise the fans peaceful protests, address the handful of idiots as being just that and then question the board. It'd make great viewing from their point of view. 

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21 hours ago, London Blue said:

I think the surprise is that they chose not report this to the Police.

I imagine the match day commander would want to know, as would future match day commanders as it would affect their risk assessments and security plans. 

I would imagine the club would have to log incidents of crime and disorder, as well as ejections etc.

There is so much about this that does not make sense.

Oh it is a massive surprise and I imagine very unusual. Again I am inclined not to disbelieve DBB given her standing so it was either something of nothing that has now been weopanised or they were embarrased by it (most likely IMO) as in how could it happen and didnt want the story coming out initially. 

I have dealt with plenty of organisations and employers that haven't reported criminal matters to the police and instead dealt with it inhouse (usually to their later detriment) so it happens but not somewhere with such close ties to the police.

19 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Are you having a laugh???  A ceo gets out in a headlock and it doesn’t become a police matter?!

there is a duty of care to the public to keep people safe at games and a person who would put a ceo in a headlock would need reporting don’t you think? It’s a risk, and if such a thing happened and the person went on to assault someone else then it’s on the club. 

I mean if a fan throws a plastic bottle it’s a police matter so this would be wouldn’t it? 

the timing of it, the fact they leaked it to press and had not informed the police.   Its bollocks and stinks of the pathetic nonsense that our board have done in the times when the pressure has been put on them. 

my money is on the club now saying it was an over enthusiastic fan who likely never meant harm but made Denise feel threatened. Aka, they know they’ve fucked up 

Lots of it stinks but I do think there are reasons as to why it might not have been reported. 

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1 minute ago, Bailey said:

Oh it is a massive surprise and I imagine very unusual. Again I am inclined not to disbelieve DBB given her standing so it was either something of nothing that has now been weopanised or they were embarrased by it (most likely IMO) as in how could it happen and didnt want the story coming out initially. 

I have dealt with plenty of organisations and employers that haven't reported criminal matters to the police and instead dealt with it inhouse (usually to their later detriment) so it happens but not somewhere with such close ties to the police.

Lots of it stinks but I do think there are reasons as to why it might not have been reported. 

Try because it never happened as a pretty good reason why it wasn't reported, then you might grasp why people are so outraged and not just Everton supporters may I add. 

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Fuckin horrible this.


I've just sat on the fence since the weekend. Reading it all, defending the fans with pals not understanding the WHY behind the protest (non-Everton footy fans are blinded by the money and stadium side of it).


With this, it never made any sense. It did seem like a filthy trick to play against fans. But you don't want to believe that it could happen so blatantly.


I like Ian Wright. Always have. Proper honest heart on the sleeve type of bloke. For him to sat what he has, alongside what the police have said, its a sinking feeling for us fans.


It's horrible that good, hard working, loyal fans can be treat in such a way that deliberately sets out to tarnish them. And I'm saying that as someone who hasn't always agreed with how we, as fans, have gone about things on the pitch these past 7 years.























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1 hour ago, Bailey said:

Oh it is a massive surprise and I imagine very unusual. Again I am inclined not to disbelieve DBB given her standing so it was either something of nothing that has now been weopanised or they were embarrased by it (most likely IMO) as in how could it happen and didnt want the story coming out initially. 

I have dealt with plenty of organisations and employers that haven't reported criminal matters to the police and instead dealt with it inhouse (usually to their later detriment) so it happens but not somewhere with such close ties to the police.

Lots of it stinks but I do think there are reasons as to why it might not have been reported. 

All sounds very plausible till you factor in the fact that the journalists and Ian Wright himself said the news was being planted out there on the morning of the game….. very closely linked to Bill Kenwright in the words of Ian Wright.

so… the club don’t tell the police about an assault, but they get someone to contact several prominent journalists and state they were “ordered” not to attend…..

by who? The police weren’t involved. 

absolutely stinks and it’s as dirty as it gets.

Everton fans kept this club up in spite of the boards ineptitude, so they throw the fans under the bus. Cowards. 


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