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18 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

The point made on kenwright?

not really.  Had years of people defending him on here from accusations of dishonesty calling him a true blue etc etc.  Now it’s Just a “yeah it’s time for bill to go”.

The man has been a joke and his underhanded ways have meant our club never got into safer hands years ago.  If people want him to just resign without any fans venting frustrations at his actions along with others then I’m sorry, not gonna happen.  

people just don’t like to see the shit he’s got away with - present itself in their face. Alan Stubbs had his say this afternoon and did very well. 

I don't really remember there being too many strong voices about how good Kenwright is for this club. 

The issue is venting frustration either, I doubt anyone has an issue with that, its the other stuff that distracts from how bad he is at what he does. There doesn't need to be any other argument. It is clear as day.

You only have to look at this thread. No-one is saying Kenwright should stay but the to-ing and fro-ing is over what he has or hasnt done when it doesnt need to be. It just distracts from the arguments that matter. The arguments that will get him out of the club once and for all. 

You are very passionate about this subject and that just shows how much you care, just dont shoot yourself in the foot and undermine the real issues.


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1 hour ago, Bailey said:

This is the thing... are the fans that divided? Im not seeing anyone come forward and say they want Kenwright to stay. 

The point is already made on Kenwright. His track record is plain to see. That is all that matters and that should be the focus and not all the other maybe and maybe nots. 

It’s not as divided as in the past, but I still think there are many defenders of the board. Hopefully in the near future he won’t need to be defended and he can go and enjoy being a fan. Have some good times of his own. 

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Carragher just said the board contacted him last season when he criticised the board…..  when he said “worst run club in the prem”. unbelievable!  They don’t take criticism well do they? 

he finished saying, I meant it then, and I mean it now. 

hd basically said if it’s moshiri and he’s not listening to kenwright and Denise then why are they still there? 

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1 hour ago, Romey 1878 said:

It's not a good look to try and silence dissenters, but I'm not surprised at all.

These are the people that conducted a review of themselves and unsurprisingly found that they were doing a good job.

I know it’s mad isn’t it, my strong feelings that the board influenced West Ham to remove banners was met with derision….. the next day we find out that the board actually contacted Carragher because he called us the worst run club ?!  

if I had any inkling at all to try and offer balance to any accusations at the board - I would keep schtum. These fuckers could seriously astound the most imaginative of script writers with their shenanigans. 

they love marking their own homework do our board. 

an ex Liverpool player stood up for the fans tonight, whilst many ex teammates of sharp stay silent, cos their mate is on the board. Hopefully carraghers piece will go some way to rectifying the bullshit spread last week. 

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35 minutes ago, MikeO said:


now don't get me wrong, I am not sure I believe everything he has to say - but this sort of communication it is a step in the right direction. Things like explaining how player transfers are now signed off on. We do need more transparency. 

Its good other people might be sinking there money in to the club - they are not going to put up with the shit show that is currently going. 

The blokes heart is in the right place, and no doubt that he wants great things for us. He just has a long way long way to go on the footballing side of things. 

Good to here there is now a form to fill in for transfers. Can't do fuck all these days without a form :) . Not having this form may have be the problem. 





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1 minute ago, RuffRob said:

now don't get me wrong, I am not sure I believe everything he has to say - but this sort of communication it is a step in the right direction. Things like explaining how player transfers are now signed off on. We do need more transparency. 

Its good other people might be sinking there money in to the club - they are not going to put up with the shit show that is currently going. 

The blokes heart is in the right place, and no doubt that he wants great things for us. He just has a long way long way to go on the footballing side of things. 

Good to here there is now a form to fill in for transfers. Can't do fuck all these days without a form :) . Not having this form may have be the problem. 





"Don't forget to mention stadium news, Farhad!"

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45 minutes ago, MikeO said:


He comes across a likeable guy who’s hearts in the right place. To me, seems like a bit of a soft touch. If I were him, I would beyond fuming at the people I had trusted/advised to run the club who have cost him hundreds of millions.

He’s made his own mistakes and he owns that. Who ever the fella is that held the meeting with Farhad should be invited in on a few board meetings as he has the right temperament for that environment.

Club is still a shit show though.

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Just now, Romey 1878 said:

No, don’t give him an out. He should be fuming at no one but himself - he’s been shown ample evidence that those he picked to run things were inadequate for the job but instead of changing them he’s stuck with them. This mess is of his own making. 

He’s responsible 100%. The responsibility of this position falls to the man at the top. That’s why I said he seems a soft touch - there’s absolutely no way certain members of the board should be where they are. 

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And I’m sorry but when the idiot comes out with fucking terrifying shit like this - “every concern raised by every fan group is noted in my diary and I take them very seriously but bringing in external expertise to the board is disruptive to the business” - then he isn’t going to get my sympathy.

The man is a lunatic and he’s killing the club. 

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5 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

It’s a pity he didn’t have to destroy the club, alienate the fans, fuck us financially, send us barrelling towards the Championship and turn us into a laughing stock before taking just one step in the right direction. 

I have always said you can't knock his enthusiasm and commitment to the club. The stadium we are getting is magnificent, and being somebody who works in heavy construction industry, it is no mean feat getting an urban project like this build on time and to budget (and a good one at that). However, this amazing new home we are getting is being totally over shadowed by the total incompetency that we are seeing on the football size of the business. 

It really is amazing me how the same person/s can be responsible for delivering a stadium so well, but making a total pigs ear out of the other side of the business.

it is utterly embarrassing to be an Everton fan at the moment, when we should all be massively optimistic as we count down to getting in to this new stadium - heartbreaking for very one of us.  

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I thought he came across well 🤷‍♂️

Problem I have is that he's learning as he goes...but as part of that we've almost crumbled as a club.

I still fear that all these new recruitment's are happening except for in one key room...the board!

Having said all that...he has been hanging around with our Bill, so who knows 😂










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55 minutes ago, Btay said:

He’s responsible 100%. The responsibility of this position falls to the man at the top. That’s why I said he seems a soft touch - there’s absolutely no way certain members of the board should be where they are. 

He doesn't get to the position he is in by being a soft touch!

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