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Martinez confirmed as new manager

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Problem is J, if he showed any more than what he has already done, his sights would be higher than Everton and he would be a likely candidate for an elite job. I truly believe that.



Really? I understand it's an opinion game, so I shan't say that you are wrong or incorrect but if Martinez had have kept Wigan in the Prem, do you really think he'd be considered for the "elite" jobs?


I just don't think he's done anything worthy of a top job, although time will tell. I may be wrong, so i shall hold judgement on him, as I will on Periera (he could do badly too) if he gets appointed. Whoever is bought in, has a tough job either way but for longevity, I think Tuchel is the best candidate.

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Really? I understand it's an opinion game, so I shan't say that you are wrong or incorrect but if Martinez had have kept Wigan in the Prem, do you really think he'd be considered for the "elite" jobs?


Although I hate to admit it, this was probably maybe just about not far off an "elite" level job offer...



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Liverpool say then never offered him the job, only interviewed him.


Yeah....I remember. But they'd have to say that wouldn't they? Meeting was obviously confidential so we'll never really know....but they're unlikely to admit Rodgers was second (or lower) choice.

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it sounds very much direct from BK that Martinez is only one of a number of candidates. So Pereira is not out of the running and may even be high up on BK list possibly top. His odds are a mouth watering 1/40 in places. I jumped on him at 1/10 so am a bit sick really, a £25 quid punt could now land you a tasty £1000 in the hand.


I have heard whisperings in the media that Pereira does want the Everton job. The fact that Everton spoke with Pereira last week and he has not re-signed for Porto yet would also suggest that he is holding out on a possible yes from BK.


Pereira is the fans choice, no compensation and still well in the running - at 1/40 you can get on him on outsider odds. crazy


There was no reason whatsoever for BK to come out with this sort of statement if Martinez is a shoe in for the job. If Martinez is a clear cut number one choice, then it would make much more sense for BK not to say anything at all about possible other candidates for the job. This sort of statement may actually point in the direction of somebody other than Martinez being top of the list.

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unless Bill conducts his interviews with questions like "Whats your favourite colour?" "What do you prefer cats oir dogs?"


Then Martinez will be the outstanding candidate:- questions such as "can you demonstrate where you have operated on a tight budget", "can you develop players", "do you have an expansive knowledge of the transfer market", "what brand of football do you play"


Leaves only one winner to me. Pereira is a gamble as he has no prmier league experience, could be another Juande Ramos.

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If Pereira was 4 or 5/1 for the job fair enough, I just think he must still be in BK thoughts, so 1/40 is a very good price. It just not particualy great value putting £25 on Martinez to win £5. Same bet would net you £1000 on Pereira - are they that far apart for the job. Great for what is likely to really only be a two or three horse race.


Those odds will tumble this afternoon after BK statement.

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Pereira is the fans choice

What?!? Since when and according to whom. I will not bash Pereira because he won 2 Portuguese titles in 2 years, but explain something to me. How can you be so sure he is the right man on the job when he is moving to an infinitely more difficult league, and will be operating with 1/2 or possibly less of his current transfer kitty.

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Thanks Avin, but I cant open it. Maybe its locked for isp's based in America.


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What?!? Since when and according to whom. I will not bash Pereira because he won 2 Portuguese titles in 2 years, but explain something to me. How can you be so sure he is the right man on the job when he is moving to an infinitely more difficult league, and will be operating with 1/2 or possibly less of his current transfer kitty.





1240 votes , 91% Pereira and 9% for Martinez,

The vote on this site 22 (49% of vote) for Pereira and 11 for Martinez


These are reasonable snapshot to the 'fan's choice' of manager, but if you have evidence to the contrary that puts somebody else as a more popular 'fans' choice' then please post away, as i will listen to anything as long as it has some sort of coherent back up to it. Otherwis your just spouting off.


If you read my post, I didn't say he was the right man for the job, I said he is at very good odds at 40/1 in what is likley to be a two or three horse race. Considering the facts available to us.


Who do you have as the 'fans choice' then? - a little bit of back up though as you forgot to include it on your last responce.

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Bill keeping his powder dry eh... pity his direct reports didn't when going through the badge re-design.


I think Martinez is nailed on barring discussions, Bill can't put pressure on himself by saying Roberto is his man. I think he may have learned by his "watch this space", "the money is ring fenced for Kings dock", "NTL money will be in the bank in the morning"

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If Pereira was 4 or 5/1 for the job fair enough, I just think he must still be in BK thoughts, so 1/40 is a very good price. It just not particualy great value putting £25 on Martinez to win £5. Same bet would net you £1000 on Pereira - are they that far apart for the job. Great for what is likely to really only be a two or three horse race.


Those odds will tumble this afternoon after BK statement.


I don't see it as nailed on as the bookies would have you believe but the constantly fluctuating marketplace must be not just making them a small fortune but the wiggle room to extend/shorten odds. I have just had a tenner on Pereira at 25/1 with paddypower so we will wait and see but like you say the price is way too high for a manager I still believe is in the running for the job

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Lennon's odds shortening everywhere now.....clear second favourite.


just can't get my head around Lennon sticking around as second fav in the betting for so long. Not heard a single fan fighting a corner for him to be appointed as manager. Not heard a peep of any note from the media. Can anybody explain why or who is putting so much money on him to be staying at second fav.?

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