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You can't physically... Lets just say loads of are superstitious! Commentator says someone hasn't scored in ages .... They pop up and score


The only reason people notice that is because they think about it that way.


A striker is bound to score sometime and if a commentator feels the need to mention that the striker hasnt scored for a while it means that the striker probably is closer to scoring. (due to them not having scored for a long time, every game without scoring is one game nearer to them scoring if you get my meaning)


Anyhow, I didnt say that he had not scored in a long time. That was Fearthainn. I just pointed out that he isnt the best striker in the world.


If thats bad in the eyes of superstitious people im sorry.

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Jelly seemed to be less focused on the result and more intent in scoring or doing something. Not to criticise that at 0-0, but we needed to hold the ball up, keep the ball and prevent them getting possession. Twice he tried to do something when he should have hit the corner flag.


He's got some work to do to get ahead of vic, highly impressed with the lad. Work rate was phenomenal tonight.

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Got the three points, and that's all that's important in any game. Pleased with Baines for his two goals and although they got themselves back in second half, and it appears we were deserved winners. Osman missed an open goal at the end although I didn't see it myself, but that's three points and in fifth place, while other sides, dropped points also in the champions league chase. Have to be pleased enough. If not for Spurs getting a late point and had we won either of our two previous league games, we could be in fourth place now, but still everything to play for, here and in the cup competition.


Pleased enough with tonights game and overall results

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What do you expect ?


Fuck the BBC and their favorites coverage.


I even prefer to listen to Talk Sport now of the two stations - It's that bad..


Killa rescued it for me with his final comment on the biggest result of the nighthappy.png .


It's not that bad.....nothing is as bad as TalkSport.

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We were never going to get relegated, and as for sitting back, can't be too phlegmatic, even with another three points today. There is still lots of hard work to come if we want that much targeted champions league place, or even a UEFA cup spot. We're in a very good position to get something, and with teams dropping points, everything is possible. I've never been Moyes biggest admirer, but can't dispute that he usually manages to get the club within striking distance of at least some form of end of season honors. This year will be no exception.

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Depends whereabouts in time you wish to go, I'd go back to that Munich night in 85 first off, but a time machine is simply fantasy and will never see the light of day, even for our future generations.


No, I think a UEFA place is perfectly feasible and why not, as I don't think we can get fourth place this season being honest, and despite not playing overly well in recent weeks, have still managed results or stayed in position, and with a third of the season to come, we have every opportunity to once again carry away a european prize. There's still all to play for, on both fronts.

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Oh that. Yes, it's the Europa League now, a name for it I never really managed to recognize.


I still call it the UEFA cup though, just sounds better. I don't like what they've done to it, that's all. It's still the same trophy to win.


Similar with the European Cup - now - Champions League for example.


and worst of all, it's not even respective league champions who can enter anymore, even a third or fourth place finish can get you a shot at glory. It has just devalued the competition for me.


Were the shite really 'champions of Europe' in 2005, or even Manchester United in 1999 before it ? Nonsense titles.

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Thought our defenders took unnecessary chances more than once by going down in our box under questionable challenges. We go them on the day, but we won't always. Heitinga guilty more than once. Just doesnt seem to have the necessary appetite for aerial combat. All the attacking players looked really good, even Leon with his crock up. Best attacking display we've seen for nearly a month by my count.


Really pleased that both Kev and Gibbo seem to have come through without doing themselves any more damage, and the Baines/Pienaar partnership seemed to click right back into gear. I think have the attacking balance offered by Kev makes a huge difference.


Don't think you can drop Vic after that performance, so I'd have Jelly on the bench again against Villa. Need to show confidence in the lad as we seem to be making better use of his assets at the moment than Jelly's.


Fingers crossed now for a touch of transfer window magic and we'll be off to the races.

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Great game to watch last night. I was as pissed off as anyone when Heitinga cocked up for their goal but overall I think he had a pretty decent game. The only player they had was Lukaku (and then Long when he came on) but we seemed to be comfortable with the two of them and never looked like losing.


I just hope we carry this momentum on and stuff Villa on Saturday.

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Great game to watch last night. I was as pissed off as anyone when Heitinga cocked up for their goal but overall I think he had a pretty decent game. The only player they had was Lukaku (and then Long when he came on) but we seemed to be comfortable with the two of them and never looked like losing.


I just hope we carry this momentum on and stuff Villa on Saturday.



He seems to cost us a goal every time he plays, no wonder nobody came in for him in the window.

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watched a recording now -

good win - we were the better team -

Mirallas is not a striker -

Fellaini is a midfielder -

Neville is a has been -

Baines must be tried at def mid to get him closer to the action - he has more bite than our so-called big dog strikers -

we received a soft penalty and most of the 50\50 decisions -

we were better but need to improve further for the tough matches coming up

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why did Mr Moyes play Fellaini out of position , and Mirallas and Naismith and Neville and Heitinga ? nobody is married to any position

from the midfield his attacking skills could be better utilized since we are experiencing a goal drought -

you cannot expect your left back to score most of your goals - and put in the most tackles at the same time-

somehow we have to give him more opportunities to score because our strikers have forgotten how to - and he appears to be the best at it-

if your left back turns out to be your best striker then maybe we must face the fact and move him closer to the action or get ourselves new strikers -

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That's like asking Eric Clapton to play drums.


Some players are versatile to a greater or lesser extent (including the five you mentioned, Moyes likes versatile).


Leighton is a superb attacking left back....it's all he will ever be and all he ever needs to be.

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Are you from San Francisco ? No.


I saw what you did. I bet you'll be cheering them on Sunday night too. Probably enjoy it if they win of all things just to see me suffer some more.




I'm not from Liverpool eitherwink.png .


New England fan if truth be told.....and probably neutral this week end....just couldn't resist when I saw your new picsmile.png .

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