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If Moyes goes?

Finn balor

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“Would I rather be here than anywhere else on a day like this? Well, if you’d asked me that when I made a substitution that didn’t seem that popular [like Steven Naismith for Mirallas] even though I felt it was right to keep us in the game, then there’s a wee element of that as well!


“I felt I was being questioned at that moment, but maybe people are now big enough to turn around and concede that we perhaps got it right after all. I’ve definitely given Everton the respect with my work here and I hope that’s mutual."


What an egotistical dick head Moyes is. It was an awful substitute and he's trying to make out he's a genius and the mere fan knows fuck all. What did Naismith contribute before a short pass in stoppage time when the game was already wrapped up anyway? Because all I can remember is a shit pass when we were on the counter and a poor corner.

Thats ridiculous... He was sounding arrogant in his pre match interview as well considering the Saturday before.


Maybe he should be big enough and admit how badly he got it wrong against Wigan. Nope thought not.

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If Mr Moyes thinks that Naismith had anything to do with Everton's victory and he should receive credit for that sub - it perfectly illustrates his lack of objectivity and judgement -

if Everton has no money to buy descent players we must develop them in our youth system - something Mr Moyes is certainly not good at because of his conservative approach -

look at Mucha - if it was not for a forced change the poor man would not have had a look in this season - shame

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Ive had time to reflect and read everybodys comments. After the euphoria has died down i am in the camp that Davey believes he has outgrown us and we should kiss his arse for being there. I work in Manchester and had loads of people coming up to me saying how well we did but i just couldnt enjoy it. I just kept moaning about last week. And i think i have never been as low as an everton fan as i have been after the Wigan game and in the semi last year against the shite. Two games we should never have lost. Just an example could you see Moyes going to Chelsea in the league semi final against Chelsea and winning two nil? No fucking way. Even if we'd have gone a goal up we would have sat back and invited them to beat us just like we did in the league this year. We need a new man with fresh ideas. Yes the players play for Moyes buts that probably cos the majority are thirty and over and know under another manager they wouldnt get a shirt

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Have you lot heard yourselves ? Seriously ?


Talk about certain lads on here poisoning the pool with negativity, and other members getting infected. dont%20know.gif


Haf, you need to wind your neck in a bit mate. Being frustrated or disappointed is one thing, but extreme views are unnecessary, and you need to remember not everybody here agrees with you, and many are pro-Moyes. You're coming across as a bit of a shit stirrer again, and you've been sound where that's concerned over the last 6 months.


Chill dude. Let the season unfold and see what it brings?

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Lol don't be giving Haf a big head now, he doesn't wield that much power, people will share his views because of their choosing. Just like people who don't share his views. Not everyone's a sheep.


He's hardly shit stirring by putting his view across. It's not like he's telling people you must agree with him!

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Lol don't be giving Haf a big head now, he doesn't wield that much power, people will share his views because of their choosing. Just like people who don't share his views. Not everyone's a sheep.


He's hardly shit stirring by putting his view across. It's not like he's telling people you must agree with him!


Lol Romey, people didn't burn witches because of their own choosing. They were 'convinced' by Hafs ancestors to do it.


State that you're not keen on somebody, in a room full of mixed opinion, and you'll probably get a little support without causing too much offence, but go over the top with the attack, and it's likely to cause WW3.


We all know how Haf feels, but it can be overpowering when he goes for the throat.

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He's just frustrated and airing his views, that is what a forum is for. I agree with some of what he says and other parts I think are a bit too far but that's the fun of sharing opinions IMO.


I honestly don't think he tries to "infect" other posters or even cares whether people agree with what he says or not, he just wants to vent.

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Have you lot heard yourselves ? Seriously ?


Talk about certain lads on here poisoning the pool with negativity, and other members getting infected. dont%20know.gif


Haf, you need to wind your neck in a bit mate. Being frustrated or disappointed is one thing, but extreme views are unnecessary, and you need to remember not everybody here agrees with you, and many are pro-Moyes. You're coming across as a bit of a shit stirrer again, and you've been sound where that's concerned over the last 6 months.


Chill dude. Let the season unfold and see what it brings?


Was that a serious comment? (genuinely asking)


Just because people have agreed (in part) with what haf said doesn't mean they have been "infected" as you put it. Sounds like that whole "clique" bullshit coming up again.


You could argue that you have done a similar thing in assuming that "many are pro-moyes".....

Edited by GoodisonRoad
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Was that a serious comment? (genuinely asking)


Just because people have agreed (in part) with what haf said doesn't mean they have been "infected" as you put it. Sounds like that whole "clique" bullshit coming up again.


You could argue that you have done a similar thing in assuming that "many are pro-moyes".....


Of course.


If you are in a room with somebody who is going OTT with nasty remarks about somebody you happen to think highly of, then you're not going to be comfortable with it, and that's the same on here. I don't mind folk wanting Moyes out, but there's no need to go overboard with the ugliness, and I've know Haf for long enough to realise when he's getting into top gear.


No need.

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The following managers I believe are more tactically astute than Moyes and would do a better job:










The fact that after the ManU game, Robbie Savage broke it down how they beat us and what they needed to do (Man mark Fellaini) and the two games after that we had pretty much the same line-up, formation and tactics speaks volumes to me. I do think that DM does have the ability, it's just that he seems to be stubborn and very slow/afraid? to make changes. When forced to do so he will shake things up - Wigan match/Man City match - the difference is there!


I wouldn't put 100% of the up and down performance on DM either though... I think the players have a lot to answer for.

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I was (and still am) pro moyes. I think he has done a brilliant job with our club. I remember biting my nails at the end of almost every season. I still think its time that we part ways. Its become a stale marriage, running on routine. Its not Moyes fault. Sometimes you just need some new blood with some fresh ideas.


We have a lot of quality in the squad today. More so than in a long time. Im excited for the rest of this season and the season to come. Id be even more excited with a new manager, a marque replacement for Fellaini (if he wants to leave) a new striker and a new cb.

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Of course.


If you are in a room with somebody who is going OTT with nasty remarks about somebody you happen to think highly of, then you're not going to be comfortable with it, and that's the same on here. I don't mind folk wanting Moyes out, but there's no need to go overboard with the ugliness, and I've know Haf for long enough to realise when he's getting into top gear.


No need.

I have no objection to you not liking what Haf posts about Moyes mate, it was just the suggestion that he was somehow "infecting" others with his views.

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I have no objection to you not liking what Haf posts about Moyes mate, it was just the suggestion that he was somehow "infecting" others with his views.


I have no objection to you not liking what I wrote either mate, but I still believe it to be true in the 'scenario' of the occasion. I'm sure there is already a lot of discontent that doesn't need persuading by anybody else (I think that's your point), but there's no need to shout the loudest, all of the time, and Haf's comments need to be slightly more sensitive regarding the alternative opinions that exist.


I can tell a girl she's not the prettiest in the room, if I want to be an arse, but if I call her a 'fucking ugly bitch' then I'm going to have to accept it when her friends put me in my place (or in hospital) and that's my point with Haf.


I'm not picking on him; I'm quite fond of the guy (until he jumps on the soap box), but just a little less volume on the ' Anti Moyes ' knob would be appreciated. I think that's fair. smile.png

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If that's true are the anti Moyse brigade still so mortally offended?


"Well, this is embarrassing.

The page you were looking for does not exist (Error 404)"huh.png


This is probably what you meantsmile.png .



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If that's true are the anti Moyse brigade still so mortally offended?

Even if this is true, which it might well be, it still has nothing to do with DM running out of fresh ideas.


It does however show ambition but I can tell him the answer right now. We will sell Felli and a couple of other squad players, perhaps Heitinga. For that Everton will get roughly 30 mil.

Add the 8 mil that we supposedly had for Fer and we have 38 mil.


Of that money, Moyes will see 15 mil, perhaps even 18 mil and a massive gap in midfield to fill.


Does that make you want to stay mr Moyes?

Edited by Peter H
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“I felt I was being questioned at that moment, but maybe people are now big enough to turn around and concede that we perhaps got it right after all. I’ve definitely given Everton the respect with my work here and I hope that’s mutual."

What did Naismith contribute before a short pass in stoppage time when the game was already wrapped up anyway? Because all I can remember is a shit pass when we were on the counter and a poor corner."


THIS. The pass on the counter was infuriating. Felliani made that exact pass perfectly to Jelavic, which led to a goal, of course!

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We possibly still do need to look for an alternative but nevertheless If he does leave to fulfill his career ambitions elsewhere or because he believes he can't take us any further then fine. If he leaves because the board refuse to back this manager of 11 years then that really will be very frustrating indeed and leaves very little hope for whoever comes in after him.
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Just on a train back from the big smoke and missed all the stirrings.


I'm glad that my comments can be seen as stirring, (the intention is not to shit stir) it shows that I can passionately justify my feelings and opinion. If it sways a mindset then great, if it creates debate then even better. The point is I'm annoyed that moyes has his supporters. The only thing about everton worthy of support are the 11 players in the blue shirt aiming to win 3 points.


We owe moyes nothing, he gets what he's owed in his £280,000 per month salary. He hasn't exactly shown his employers and the fans the greatest of respect recently so he can piss off if he wants "he's got red hair but we don't care" song.


His tenure is pretty much coming to an end and I'm more than fine with it. We need a fresh approach and a manager with a hunger that I believe he has lost. It's life. Roberto Martinez is the manager in waiting, lets just get him.

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Write the squad down, and then see his options.


OS http://www.evertonfc.com/match/everton-squad.html has 28 in the main squad. 9 haven't started a game, with 5 of them not even making a cameo.





If that's true are the anti Moyse brigade still so mortally offended?



He can f off wanting more players when he doesn't even utilise what he's got.

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