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Swans fan seeks Everton fan :) Help please

Jack Swan

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Your playing the greatest side in the world this Saturday :)


I run a Swans fanzine and I've started doing post-match on-line magazines, last weeks game with Villa was the first one which you can see here:- http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1yi90/SwanseavVillareviewJ/resources/index.htm?referrerUrl=http%3A%2F%2Ffree.yudu.com%2Fitem%2Fdetails%2F592958%2FSwansea


I was hoping for some contributions from Everton fans after the game, whether your review, your answers to a few questions.


It could be really good for the magazine, be nice to know what you think of Swansea after game, if your going, what you think of the atmosphere, fans, stadium, city etc....


And your very welcome to slag us off :) haha


If any of you are up for this that would be great.


Email me leon.ponty@hotmail.co.uk

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Your playing the greatest side in the world Wales this Saturday smile.png


I run a Swans fanzine and I've started doing post-match on-line magazines, last weeks game with Villa was the first one which you can see here:- http://content.yudu..../592958/Swansea


I was hoping for some contributions from Everton fans after the game, whether your review, your answers to a few questions.


It could be really good for the magazine, be nice to know what you think of Swansea after game, if your going, what you think of the atmosphere, fans, stadium, city etc....


And your very welcome to slag us off smile.png haha


If any of you are up for this that would be great.


Email me leon.ponty@hotmail.co.uk



Fixed your typo for you, no need to thank me!

Edited by duncanmckenzieismagic
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Had a few drinks this night and could be a bit of a minefield, but last time we went to Swansea it was the Vetch Field Arena back in the 1990s, haven't been to the new stadia but it sounds like a decent ground with a good atmosphere. I remember when Swansea finished about 6th in the old first division, must have been around 1982, 1983, but were soon relegated, Robert Latchford was playing then after his move and Toshack was manager I think and they did very well.


What I can't understand though, what the fuck were people thinking trying to make a Welsh Trainspotting about a year after it's release set in Swansea with Rhys Ifans. It was a decent movie, but they should never have tried to mimic the original.


Anyhow, no issue with Swansea, good to see you in the EPL, and hopefully Cardiff City will be joining us sometime soon, they look a good bet for promotion.

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Dixie Dean, that was my dream for many years so I'll take that :) haha


We had a few ex-Evertonians in that side. The last magazine I done has an interview with Dai Davies in, great keeper, can find issue and interview on www.jackswan.co.uk if you like


Matt, that sounds a good idea, I'll post some questions up here after the game Saturday. Always liked the toffees, great manager, hope you have a shocker Sat though :)

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Dixie Dean, that was my dream for many years so I'll take that smile.png haha


We had a few ex-Evertonians in that side. The last magazine I done has an interview with Dai Davies in, great keeper, can find issue and interview on www.jackswan.co.uk if you like


Matt, that sounds a good idea, I'll post some questions up here after the game Saturday. Always liked the toffees, great manager, hope you have a shocker Sat though smile.png



Hi matey,


Banter aside, I've been very impressed with your team, both last season and indeed so far this season, and it pains me a little to see clubs poaching your players, especially your manager leaving for those horrible buggers over the park.


I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding your views on this, and I'm sure the lads here would be delighted to answer any that you have in return.


1. How do you like the Premiership? Presuming your fans are enjoying themselves, how does it compare to the lower leagues from a fans perspective?


2. How do you feel about your manager leaving, and the transfers out? Are you happy to see him struggling to steady the Red ship or do you wish him the best?


3. Do your club have the quality and funding to make the Prem a regular home, or do you expect your visit to be temporary?


4. Which teams are you most excited about playing, and who has impressed you so far during your stay?


5. What is your prediction for Saturday?

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The premiership is amazing. Its been a weird progression for us which has also linked it with our move from the Vetch. The Vetch and lower leagues was brilliant, it was completely different to now. If it was possible to be in the premiership today with the Vetch that would be unbeliveable but they don't work together. We're a middle-classed club now like all premiership teams, not the characters that there were a decade ago. But the premiership is amazine, to be on the front/back page is unreal to us.


2nd one is a great question. I had no problem with him leaving, I'm sure you wont like me saying it but Liverpool are a top club and he always said he wanted a top club one day. I've been really annoyed with him coming back for players, how much of the rumours are true I don't know mind. Having said that £15 million for Allen was a good deal for us, as was £5 million for Brendon so all in all I'm happy. I hope he fails though. I don't realise he or the media know how lucky he was at Swansea, he inherited a great side that played passing football, the media seem to think he tought us how to play but it was the other way around. He brought in a few quality players which took us up but we were going in the right direction anyway. Hope he fails and sacked by Christmas :)


I don't really think there are many clubs that can call the premiership their permanent home. You've had a couple of scares over the last 20 years and your a far bigger club than us. I think its inevitable that one day we will go back down, I hope that we can cement ourselves as a top 2-tier club. I also hope and think its possible that we can spend a decade or two in the premiership but each year our better players will be pipped off, as will any successful manager and although we will hopefully continue to make good money its a lot of pressure on a chairman and then a manager to keep finding the right men for the job.


You'll hate me for it but last year I was most excited about Anfield and then United coming to the Liberty. I actually think that only 2 sides dominated us twice last season, one being yourselves, deserved to beat us both times, and the other being Norwich. We lost home and away to United but deserved something from the home game but against you and Norwich we didn't deserve anything.


Its going to be a very tough game, I thought you'd have a good season this year and your not disappointing. Fellaini is looking a better player this year, Jelavic is a great signing and Pienner went straight in my fantasy football team as soon as you sign him, he loves the blue shirt it seems. I think the first goal will be vital, I've actually put my prediction as 4-0 swans on our board as I do think whoever scores first could dominate, it could be any result to be honest. 0-0 wouldn't surprise me, neither would either or even both teams scoring 4.

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I'll put these questions up now as I'll be having a few drinks watching game. It would be great if any of you (loads of you) could answer them. Be great to know your thoughts :)


1) What did you make of the game today?


2) Was it a fair result?


3) Who impressed you for the Swans?


4) Where do you think the Swans will finish this year?

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The premiership is amazing. Its been a weird progression for us which has also linked it with our move from the Vetch. The Vetch and lower leagues was brilliant, it was completely different to now. If it was possible to be in the premiership today with the Vetch that would be unbeliveable but they don't work together. We're a middle-classed club now like all premiership teams, not the characters that there were a decade ago. But the premiership is amazine, to be on the front/back page is unreal to us.


2nd one is a great question. I had no problem with him leaving, I'm sure you wont like me saying it but Liverpool are a top club and he always said he wanted a top club one day. I've been really annoyed with him coming back for players, how much of the rumours are true I don't know mind. Having said that £15 million for Allen was a good deal for us, as was £5 million for Brendon so all in all I'm happy. I hope he fails though. I don't realise he or the media know how lucky he was at Swansea, he inherited a great side that played passing football, the media seem to think he tought us how to play but it was the other way around. He brought in a few quality players which took us up but we were going in the right direction anyway. Hope he fails and sacked by Christmas smile.png


I don't really think there are many clubs that can call the premiership their permanent home. You've had a couple of scares over the last 20 years and your a far bigger club than us. I think its inevitable that one day we will go back down, I hope that we can cement ourselves as a top 2-tier club. I also hope and think its possible that we can spend a decade or two in the premiership but each year our better players will be pipped off, as will any successful manager and although we will hopefully continue to make good money its a lot of pressure on a chairman and then a manager to keep finding the right men for the job.


You'll hate me for it but last year I was most excited about Anfield and then United coming to the Liberty. I actually think that only 2 sides dominated us twice last season, one being yourselves, deserved to beat us both times, and the other being Norwich. We lost home and away to United but deserved something from the home game but against you and Norwich we didn't deserve anything.


Its going to be a very tough game, I thought you'd have a good season this year and your not disappointing. Fellaini is looking a better player this year, Jelavic is a great signing and Pienner went straight in my fantasy football team as soon as you sign him, he loves the blue shirt it seems. I think the first goal will be vital, I've actually put my prediction as 4-0 swans on our board as I do think whoever scores first could dominate, it could be any result to be honest. 0-0 wouldn't surprise me, neither would either or even both teams scoring 4.


Thanks man - good luck.

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1) What did you make of the game today?


I thought it was very entertaining and very open. Lots of needless fouls from Swansea broke up our play a little, but no complaints.


2) Was it a fair result?


I'd have to say that despite Swansea having chances, Everton were deserving of the win. It would be disrespectful to say we could have scored a hat ful, but I think it would be true.

Swansea had chances to change the outcome at the end of the first half, but missed their opportunity, and Moyes gave our defence a kicking at half time no doubt.


3) Who impressed you for the Swans?


Williams. Looked a good player.


4) Where do you think the Swans will finish this year?


Lower mid table. Too many strong teams to suggest they'll get higher.

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1) What did you make of the game today?

The first 30 mins we were excellent and should have put the game to bed. The rest was great for a neutral.


2) Was it a fair result?

The result is fair, however the score could have been a silly one.


3) Who impressed you for the Swans?

I was surprised to see Routledge start ahead of Dyer, but he was good in spells.


4) Where do you think the Swans will finish this year?

Above Liverpool.

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cheers for that.


No complaints today. The better side won by a long way. I hope you go far this season, push the top 4 and who knows?


Stronger all over the park than us today, could have been a cricket score, 3-0 flattered us even though an equaliser at 1-0 could have changed things.


Bets of luck

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