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General Weekend/Midweek Football

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The relegation battle got a little more interesting today.


I like Wigan and feel they have been a little unlucky this season, mainly due to the injuries they have had to key players, but I think they are really up against it.


Villa havent been playing that badly recently and I can see both teams picking up a reasonable amount of points in their next few games.


Sunderland look to now be on the ascendency and should probably get clear. They have a decent enough squad and Di Canio has got them playing like a team.


Newcastle have the squad but they have manager who just cant get the most out of them at the moment. They look disjointed and the Liverpool game tonight highlighted that. I really do hope they go down, but they have an inform striker in Cisse and that could be the difference between them staying up and going down.


Norwich looked to be fine earlier in the season but they are really stuttering now but surely they will pick up a couple of points in their remaining games to get clear.


Two games are going to be key and they both involve Villa, if they beat either Sunderland or Norwich they will more than likely only need a point in the last game against Wigan. Newcastle have 2 tough games (against West Ham & Arsenal) but they do have QPR in between who have nothing to play for. I cant see them losing that tbh.

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Wigan are going to have to win their next two games. They are going to lose against Arsenal so they need to start winning to propel themselves out of the drop zone. I personally hope it's a bridge too far as I'd love them to fuck off back to the Championship.

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Wigan are going to have to win their next two games. They are going to lose against Arsenal so they need to start winning to propel themselves out of the drop zone. I personally hope it's a bridge too far as I'd love them to fuck off back to the Championship.


Not sure why anybody would want to see a North West club with the small standing of Wigan get relegated.

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Wigan are going to have to win their next two games. They are going to lose against Arsenal so they need to start winning to propel themselves out of the drop zone. I personally hope it's a bridge too far as I'd love them to fuck off back to the Championship.


I actually think they could get something from Arsenal as they are the type of team that Arsenal usually struggle against but they do need to win to of their games to have a chance.


Because they're supporters are nobs. They're on par with Newcastle United - not to mention that it would be great to see the back of Dave Whelan.


I dont see how their supporters are that bad tbh. There are plenty worse supporters out there and generally they are happy to be where they are and yes that all 15 of them! :)

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I actually think they could get something from Arsenal as they are the type of team that Arsenal usually struggle against but they do need to win to of their games to have a chance.



I dont see how their supporters are that bad tbh. There are plenty worse supporters out there and generally they are happy to be where they are and yes that all 15 of them! smile.png


I don't know where you live but I was born and raised in Wigan so I have to put up with them most days of the week. They're a notch down for Kopites for me but I can understand why people like them given what they have done in the past few years.


Reading & QPR went down today. Good riddance.

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Wigan are going to have to win their next two games. They are going to lose against Arsenal so they need to start winning to propel themselves out of the drop zone. I personally hope it's a bridge too far as I'd love them to fuck off back to the Championship.

They were expected to lose to Spurs, and us.

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I don't know where you live but I was born and raised in Wigan so I have to put up with them most days of the week. They're a notch down for Kopites for me but I can understand why people like them given what they have done in the past few years.


Reading & QPR went down today. Good riddance.

My dad was from Wigan and his side of the family still live there but tbh when I was last up there for more than a few days Wigan were still in the league one! Having said that I think Southampton supporters are almost as bad as Kopites but that's probably because I have to put up with their crap day in day out and same with Villa fans when I was based in Brum! I think it must just be that all non Everton fans are wankers!

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My dad was from Wigan and his side of the family still live there but tbh when I was last up there for more than a few days Wigan were still in the league one! Having said that I think Southampton supporters are almost as bad as Kopites but that's probably because I have to put up with their crap day in day out and same with Villa fans when I was based in Brum! I think it must just be that all non Everton fans are wankers!


I think its where you come live that decides which teams you don't like. I, for example like Southampton but that's probably because I've never met a Saints supporter (having lived up North my whole life).


Villa have just gone 3-1 up anyway against Sunderland thanks to a goal from Benteke - I'm a happy man.


Edit: Make that four, Benteke again.


Edit: Sessegnon has just taken an early bath for Sunderland - fully justified. The Black Cats are going into self-destruct.

Edited by Zoo
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I thought that Madrid were going to do it towards the end but Dortmund managed to hold them off. Had Madrid converted their earlier chances (as they had hundreds of them in the first 15 minutes) it would have been a different story.

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Still a surprise that the German side had such an emphatic win in the first game, and in the end there was too much for the Spanish to do. Caught the closing moments on the way back but a little sad that they went out in the end. Dortmund simply aren't the great side that some make them out to be.


Guessing Munich will make up the other final pairing tomorrow, but saw before (painfully) what Barcelona are capable of in Catalonia, so anything can happen. First ever all-german european cup final this year looks likely to occur. So much better a prospect than last years fucking debacle.


Germany look good for World Cup glory next summer in actual fact.


They'll be protests, rebellion, demonstrations, uprising, weather of biblical proportions, even Armageddon damn it.

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