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General Weekend/Midweek Football

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I mean mid-week is only Wednesday, hence the German name for Wednesday - Mittwoch Incidently, the German powers that be only called Wednesday Mittwoch as they didn't want any pagan references ( Woden/Odin) in their Calender. Unlike us Brits, who kept the Woden's-day name.


Jeez guys the Spurs fans are going to think we are dumb as. Pfffft.


Can I start an Early/Late-Week Football thread?!

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I mean mid-week is only Wednesday, hence the German name for Wednesday - Mittwoch Incidently, the German powers that be only called Wednesday Mittwoch as they didn't want any pagan references ( Woden/Odin) in their Calender. Unlike us Brits, who kept the Woden's-day name.


Jeez guys the Spurs fans are going to think we are dumb as. Pfffft.


Can I start an Early/Late-Week Football thread?!


Go for it. It will give DK something to protest against ha ha.

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On the (slightly) bright side (when it comes to end of season prize money) there's no way we'll finish lower than seventh now....seven and ten points ahead of West Brom and Swansea respectively with two games in hand on both.

what did you say that for!!!

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"There are no such things as a certainty on Grand National weekend in Liverpool but the visit of West Ham United to Anfield must be the closest you will get to one.

If you look at the form then The Hammers will be classed as outsiders on a ground where they have found the going particularly tough. The last time West Ham won at Anfield was in 1963; a year better remembered as when Liverpool's "Fab Four" caused hysteria as Beatlemania hit the UK.

Since then, West Ham have made 39 league visits to Anfield and failed to score in 28 of them. Their anaemic away goal tally of nine from 15 matches this season suggests they might not be about to improve that statistic."


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What a counter-attack, Wigan get a free-kick but blast the shot into the wall. M'Bia for QPR breaks, runs the length of the pitch before sliding the ball to Remy who hits it in his stride.


You can't deny that was brilliant.

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I don't know many results from this weekends action but found out, one way or the other, that Liverpool had a goalless draw, QPR had a draw themselves and I can't remember much else. I have lost significant interest in recent times. I kept believing that the FA cup semi-finals (they're usually held on grand national weekend) were today, but they're in fact next week, so we'll have to wait a little longer on this.

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It started brilliantly, there were about 10 chances in the first 5 minutes. It's become stale now, both sides aren't creating many chances so it's currently locked at 0-0 with 44 minutes on the clock.


Edit: James Milner scores after 51 minutes following a shot from outside of the box. His shot clips Michael Carrick and goes past David De Gea at his right hand post. (Assist: David Silva).


Edit (2): Ashley Young whips in a free-kick from the right-hand side of the box. Joe Hart dives full stretch but misses the ball completely meaning that Phil Jones can head it towards goal. His header is inaccurate and is heading wide - luckily Vincent Kompany who jumped with him to challenge puts the ball over the line with his back. 1-1. (Assist: Ashley Young).


Edit (3): Yaya Toure plays the ball to Sergio Aguero who recieves the ball outside of the box on the left hand side. He runs diagonally, un-challenged into the box and then slightly off-balanced unleashes an un-stoppable shot past De Gea and into the Manchester United goal. Neither Jones nor Welbeck who surrounded Aguero got a foot in and they have been made to pay. (Assist: Yaya Toure).

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Just reading one of Mancinis exuses, that his squad cant cope with 3-4 injuries blink.png


A squad competing for the championship probably can't compete with so many injuries. The fact is that he's got one of the biggest squads in the Premiership so he can hardly complain. A few years back I'd agree with him but with all the money he's pissed up the wall he should learn to deal with these kinds of situations.

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