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Celtic beaten in Turin by 2 goals to nil tonight and that's 5 - 0 on aggregate.


No-one could have expected a five goal difference between sides overall before the tie started.


Pity really as Celtic have done well in Europe in the last 10 years and I thought they could have got through this, but it wasn't to be. 5 - 0 was a bit of an unfair total score as the Glasgow side didn't deserve to lose so badly in the first game.

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They did, in the first leg they were shite. I've got a soft spot for Celtic but I don't think they can blame anyone but themselves for going out, in the first tie they gave Juventus three easy goals and gave themselves a mountain to climb for tonight.

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When's the draw for the last eight or is it they've already decided who will play next by respective winners of the games already underway and finished.


The Arsenal and Barcelona games won't be until next week, so why couldn't they have played them the day after the others this week. They've merely changed the format of things again. It's difficult to get things in some order as it stands, as ties have already finished and others are still yet to be decided, but will wait a few days until we get a clearer picture.

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Just so long as his form keeps going over the week end....


and booked for diving again... Wonder how much attention that will get dry.png


It'll get no attention at all Matt....same as his powder puff static defending for Arsenal's goal the other day was totally glossed over.

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Fuck what Liverpool do really. So what if the shite get a win, they're still an average side that will go another year without winning a trophy (fair enough we're in no position to say that of anyone) but it's true. I couldn't give a shit about what they get up to today to be truthful, still disappointed about yesterday and all eyes will be on the glamour tie of the day at Old Trafford. I hope they can beat the plastics today, but will be ready for more disappointments.

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Just celebrated when I google'd Tottenham when I found out that they had won 2-1. Unfortunately, I was reading last weeks result against Arsenal sad.png.


Edit: Good news for DK, in just 26 minutes Chelsea are 2-0 down.

Edited by Zoo
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Yes I just had a look and United have a 2 - 0 lead but there's still a long way to go.


I got angry when I saw Tottenham had won but then saw indeed it was a previous result and it wasn't so bad. Liverpool now back at 1 - 1 and that's good enough, but I'd rather just concentrate on what we do. I don't even like to talk about them, except when they have a significant defeat. Really hope that comes to pass once again today.

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Rooney just tried an effort as he did in that Arsenal game in 2002


2 - 0 at half time and I'm switching off as I can't abide any fucking ITV analysists or commercials but it does look like they'll be back in the semi-finals this year. I can't see a plastics comeback in this, and I'll be pleased enough with a club side I genuinely dislike.


No fan of United either it has to be said, but at least it's the lesser of two evils.

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What the hell? Just watching the Celta Viga versus. Real Madrid game and guess who comes on for Vigo? Daniel Pranjic. The man who moved to Lisbon from Munich after the move to us fell through, I wonder why he's suddenly at Celta Vigo on loan after playing so little in Portugal?

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Todays boring predictable fucking outcomes..


Poor action for today and nothing went right. Liverpool win, and United and Millwall couldn't register victories in their respective games, and as mentioned, it looks increasingly doubtful now we can even manage a UEFA, damn it, Europa League place by end of season. What looked so promising a few weeks ago is quickly dissolving into so little. I'm just going to divorce myself from soccer from here on today.

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