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And if hazard had given the player a kick he would have been sent off. dont%20know.gif


I don't known if I agree with this, sometimes players fall on the ball and hold it when they think they've been fouled and players kick at the ball. The refs often just let's it go because the players don't roll around holding their ribs ( well not like the 17 year old did, which lets remember is the same is a year older than some players make their full debut in a mans game)

Edited by MoyesForPM
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Just seen this now. It was horrendous, and I have no idea why Webb didnt even book him for it when he had a clear view!

He's meant to be the best one as well. I couldn't believe it. I know, now and again players make bad challenges in the heat of the moment, but the way he done it was like its a routine challenge not rash just malicious. He doesn't deserve to be a footballer. All he'll get is a 3 match ban, the FA need to do more to prevent it.

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I can't believe I sat through what seemed like a lifetime of that awful fucking highlights program on ITV tonight, only to see us feature for a few seconds and I'd like to take a sledgehammer to one or two of their presenters, but now know all of todays outcomes in other games and have to say -


Well done to Milton Keynes on their emphatic win today in London. If they're the ashes of the now defunct Wimbledon club that won in 1988, they are now a step nearer to making history once again.


Don't like Norwich, so hats off - no pun intentional - to Luton Town today on their victory


Felt real sorry for Altrincham losing like that so late in the game and deserved another chance


Sorry Brighton couldn't hold out but it was all a bit damn predictable.


Fulham were very poor today and the opposition look like favorites now for a first success in nine years


Nothing else really stood out today, or maybe I'm too tired to even remember

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Well done to Milton Keynes on their emphatic win today in London. If they're the ashes of the now defunct Wimbledon club that won in 1988, they are now a step nearer to making history once again.


I (almost) always support the underdog but find it very hard in MK Don's case although they actually don't claim any of Wimbledon's history any moresmile.png .


"Being in law the same business, MK Dons initially claimed the history of Wimbledon F.C. as its own, but stopped doing so in 2007, in part to ensure the recognition of its supporters groups by the Football supporters federation, which had previously boycotted the team. Since 2007, the board of MK Dons has maintained that the club is a new one, founded in 2004."

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I don't hate nor love MK Dons, Wimbledon were around when I was just starting to understand football (around the 2000 mark so I don't really have that much of a connection with them).


I posted this in the 'Sport Talk' thread too but Chelsea are losing 1-0 to Brentford thanks to a 42nd minute goal from Trotta.


Edit: Nevermind, Oscar just made it 1-1 (52').

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2-2 in the Brentford game at the moment. Benitez taking inspiration from Moyes by switching his right-backs when they were 2-1 down and it was looking like they were out of the cup. Chelsea supporters have apparantly been hurling abuse at Rafa all game and Brentford have been singing 'Getting sacked in the morning...' which is probably a true statement the way things are run down in London.

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I hope the plastics take a damn defeat today. Seeing as Griffin Park is a stones throw from Heathrow, there's half a chance, in the event of an upset today, that Benitez may get on the first 'plane and disappear to some far flung corner of the earth, but I'd like him to stay on, and turn them into an embarrassment, just as he did with Liverpool towards the end.


I'm not going to look at this thread anymore as the game may well still be underway and I don't want to know what occured, but you know damn well they're (plastics) going to get a winner before the end. Not even worth a listen.


I've had enough of them this week, with saturation coverage and fucking chipmunk-faced ball boys and everything, so will go about quietly hoping Brentford can pull off a surprise, but I won't be holding out for much.

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Well don't tell me the outcome then.


I got so angry I just went ahead and turned on a radio and lo and behold Oldham Athletic are leading at Boudary Park against our excellent neighbors, and there was a spontaneous moment on jubilation. That's right - Oldham Athletic lead Liverpool 2 - 1 at half time, and I was pleased enough.


Can they hold on? Probably not, but can only hope it stays as it is, and read some subsequent pissing and moaning on some favored Liverpool fan pages. I won't mention the names to save them the embarrassment.


I do hope Latics can keep that lead

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Well don't tell me the outcome then.


I got so angry I just went ahead and turned on a radio and lo and behold Oldham Athletic are leading at Boudary Park against our excellent neighbors, and there was a spontaneous moment on jubilation. That's right - Oldham Athletic lead Liverpool 2 - 1 at half time, and I was pleased enough.


Can they hold on? Probably not, but can only hope it stays as it is, and read some subsequent pissing and moaning on some favored Liverpool fan pages. I won't mention the names to save them the embarrassment.


I do hope Latics can keep that lead



Will give you an overview of the games, scores etc :)


I love the FA Cup, games like this are exactly why. Just because its against that shower makes it all the better :)

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i was feeling quite depressed a moment ago but now it's not so bad.


Oldham Athletic 3 Shite 1



I'm not one for laughing but this does generate some sniggers


Fuck off - Leeds United beat Tottenham Hotspur also ? ohmy.png


and - Chelsea got a draw at Brentford, (I went ahead and just checked on results) but will sadly win the replay, but that's still a poor result for them.


What a day for FA cup soccer action we are having today. should have got involved earlier damn it.

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Anyone see Strachen & Carlisle on the ITV highlights last night saying there'd be no surprises todaytongue.png ?


The name is Gordon Strachan by the way


Although I didn't recognize the other person though.


I didn't see it, as I switched off program as soon as our highlights ended.


Rain is torrential at Boundary Park and everyone's getting a soaking !


Ha, they just missed another chance, (Gerrard) - the cunts, and time is running out. I'm actually enjoying this of all things.

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I missed the goal but yes they have got one back now, and I don't have a good feeling about this now.


Going to be some considerable added time for that injury right now.


I wasn't even aware this was on ITV damn it, but it's maybe just as well, and just seeing out the final ten minutes of this, and hoping Athletic can actually do this and put those bastards out. Come on Oldham damn it.

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blow the fucking whistle damn it


30 seconds to go they said




Outstanding !


Lo and behold the second the game is over, they put on fucking commercials, and I think the awful Chiles is there today also, so don't think I'll be watching anymore of this.


But, this is a great moment, and can't give Oldham Athletic enough plaudits. Damn fine result

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