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A Love Supreme Feature

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Hi There,


A Love Supreme, the Sunderland AFC fanzine, are doing a feature where we ask other fanzines/fan forums in the Premier League the same set of questions in order to get a fair representation of opinions from around the football world. Sometimes being inside the bubble of supporting one club can make a person's perceptions slightly one-dimensional, so we would love it if you could contribute to the feature and give our readers a bit of perspective on what the rest of the fans in the league think.


We have yet to secure the thoughts of Everton fans, and would be really grateful if one of you could answer a few short questions for us which we can feature in the next issue.






Where do you think your team will finish realistically?

Who is the star player in your team?

Who is the weak link in your team?

From an outsider’s point of view, what is your take on the current Sunderland side?

Do you still feel the same way about football as you used to, say ten years ago, or has it become too money driven and mercenary?

Will we ever see safe standing areas, or is it just a pipe dream?


Apologies if i've posted this in the wrong area of the forum,

Any response would be fantastic, either here or emailed to chris_thompson_@hotmail.com


Thanks a lot, good luck for the season ahead lads!

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Where do you think your team will finish realistically? realistically is a very difficult phrase with Everton. Last 2 seasons our form Jan-May has been top 3, but form Aug-Dec is usually lower/mid-table. If, and its a big if, we can get off to a good start, Im going with 5th.

Who is the star player in your team? We have a few actually but probably Felli.

Who is the weak link in your team? Capt Phil, without blinking.

From an outsider’s point of view, what is your take on the current Sunderland side? Strange team. Honestly with all the money thats been spent you should be more successful than you have been but with MoN in charge now, who knows. Must keep Sessegnon though (stating the obvious I know)

Do you still feel the same way about football as you used to, say ten years ago, or has it become too money driven and mercenary? If anything, Im getting into it more and more. Partly because of the money side of things, I like to look up the details and that seems to get me more involved in the game.

Will we ever see safe standing areas, or is it just a pipe dream? Pipe dream.


best of luck mate :)

Edited by Matt
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How many Sunderland fans have we had on these pages the last few months, if this goes on, we will have to rename this site 'The Roker Roar' or something.


#1 About 7th or 8th place


#2 Marouane Fellaini sticks out, in more ways than one


#3 David Moyes I feel sometimes


#4 Not really interested in what Sunderland do


#5 Lost some enthusiasm for the game, interest has declined, on top of other problems, money has become too dominant, salaries absurd, killing the game, not how I remember it, takeovers killing soccer, clubs getting left behind, feel almost apathy sometimes, getting too out of hand now


#6 How does one define a 'safe standing area', dependant on any individuals intoxication levels would be a major factor.


Thanks for stopping by.

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Where do you think your team will finish realistically?

Hopefully 5th or 6th, maybe 4th if we get a good start


Who is the star player in your team?



Who is the weak link in your team?

Probably Nev


From an outsider’s point of view, what is your take on the current Sunderland side?

Bit of a "meh" team really, i think they lost all threat when they sold Darren Bent, since then there has never really been a player to watch out for, though the team as a whole is solid and Sessegnon is a decent player.


Do you still feel the same way about football as you used to, say ten years ago, or has it become too money driven and mercenary?

I still love watching football and playing, but the money side has become ridiculous over the last few years, both salaries and transfer fee's.


Will we ever see safe standing areas, or is it just a pipe dream?

I think it's something that should definitely be looked into, but i cant see it happening personally.

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