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Gunman kills 12 (confirmed) at Batman DKR screening


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12 confirmed dead.


50 injured.




At least 14 people have been killed in a shooting at a Batman film premiere in the US city of Denver, police say.


About 50 people have been injured in the incident, police say.


Witnesses say a gunman wearing a gas mask opened fire at the cinema complex in Aurora, at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.


There are reports the gunman released a smoke bomb during the incident. Police say they have one suspect in custody. Many ambulances are at the scene.


The Swedish Medical Center, not the area's main hospital, told the BBC it had received three gunshot victims.


A witness told 9News that during a shooting scene in the film he heard loud bangs and a lot of smoke and initially thought they were live special effects put on by the cinema.


Projectiles came through the wall from the neighbouring theatre screening, the witness said.

CNN quoted one witness saying: "A guy slowly making his way up the stairs and firing - picking random people."

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Only in America, mindless morons that are out there, really, seriously, what the hell was the point of shooting a load of people at a movie premiere

errrr, what? What about the Norwegian dude who decided to attack people at a lake, theres dickheads everywhere. Dont want to detract from the tragedy but singling out 1 country annoys me.


Anyway, wishing a speedy recovery to all and wishing the best to the families affected.

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We were in Denver about two years ago and it's a relatively safe city, pretty benign to other locations. It's DC, Baltimore and New Jersey people should be most careful. Tragic story for those who merely went with the intention of going to see a movie. Only in America, is bullshit also, bit of a stereotypical view. This a bad time for another massacre as apparently tomorrow is the anniversary of the Oslo shootings, and a couple of days ago marked the 1984 anniversary of the McDonalds shooting in California where more people than today also died in a gun related spree killing, I remember that like no time at all. Doesn't take much for any one individual to go on a rampage is the fact of the matter, but thankfully these incidents are few and far between.

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errrr, what? What about the Norwegian dude who decided to attack people at a lake, theres dickheads everywhere. Dont want to detract from the tragedy but singling out 1 country annoys me.

Only in America, is bullshit also, bit of a stereotypical view.


Only in America is wrong for sure....but you can't argue with the fact that it happens far more often in the US than anywhere else.


24 out of 54 listed here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spree_killer (not including yesterday) so getting on for 50%.

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errrr, what? What about the Norwegian dude who decided to attack people at a lake, theres dickheads everywhere. Dont want to detract from the tragedy but singling out 1 country annoys me.


Anyway, wishing a speedy recovery to all and wishing the best to the families affected.

Oh i know it happens everywhere, god sake i know 2 people who where exactly where that Norway bomb went off the day before it did!! but it does seem like Americans just want to get tooled up and let rip at times, gun laws vary from state to state over there with some being very tight to others in the southern states where you can basically own any kind of weapon you want, also the people who do it in the US seem to be far more random than people like that Norwegian guy who was all about race and Nazi crap, a fair few of those US shootings over the years have had no real motive behind them, the classic being Brenda Spencer which as everybody knows was because she " Didn't like Mondays " and this guy today seems to have done it as a staging out of a Batman scene from 25 years ago, i dunno, Mike put up some stats i see which say the majority of these happen in the US but i do get what your saying mate :)
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Only in America, mindless morons that are out there, really, seriously, what the hell was the point of shooting a load of people at a movie premiere


You are so out of touch with the world. It is horrible, but to imply "Only in America" you can go F*ck yourself for that.


errrr, what? What about the Norwegian dude who decided to attack people at a lake, theres dickheads everywhere. Dont want to detract from the tragedy but singling out 1 country annoys me.


Anyway, wishing a speedy recovery to all and wishing the best to the families affected.


Well put.


Only in America is wrong for sure....but you can't argue with the fact that it happens far more often in the US than anywhere else.


24 out of 54 listed here http://en.wikipedia....ki/Spree_killer (not including yesterday) so getting on for 50%.


Looking at that list reminded me of the Va Tech shooting. I remember coming home from my class that finished at 10:00 (I went to Michigan State), and my roomate was sitting infront of CNN. We did not go back for our afternoon classes, and kept saying, "wow, of all they places that a shotting would." It could have happened to us.


These mass murders of horrible for sure, but when these things happen it is not a reflection of the American population as a whole. Now if we were having a discussion about the country with the highest ratio of citizens who are lemmings American would be hard pressed to beat.

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You are so out of touch with the world. It is horrible, but to imply "Only in America" you can go F*ck yourself for that.




Well put.




Looking at that list reminded me of the Va Tech shooting. I remember coming home from my class that finished at 10:00 (I went to Michigan State), and my roomate was sitting infront of CNN. We did not go back for our afternoon classes, and kept saying, "wow, of all they places that a shotting would." It could have happened to us.


These mass murders of horrible for sure, but when these things happen it is not a reflection of the American population as a whole. Now if we were having a discussion about the country with the highest ratio of citizens who are lemmings American would be hard pressed to beat.

Read the rest of what i said you stupid little moron
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I did read all that you put, but what you finished with did not excuse what you started with.

started with what? because yet another pointless act of violence from the country that near enough invented the fucking word has happened once again? im fucking sick to the back teeth as everyone is, like i said 2 friends of mine nearly got caught in the Norway bomb last year, but Americans do seem to love their guns and the whole macho shit that goes with it, it's pathetic if you ask me and it keeps happening over there because of the stupid laws and culture over in that country, you have the stats up the page? it will always be possible to get firearms, fuck i know where i could get one in the next hour if i wanted one, but they NEED to sort it out in the USA once and for all, at least give the innocent members of the public that get caught up in this crap a half chance, rather than spending their lives walking round with the threat that any person they work/live/know can just walk into a shop and come out with a bloody machine gun ffs, at least in the UK it takes a bit more effort to get hold of of that sort of thing, hence why it happens less here. It's all so blatent over there, whenever i visit family over there i hate it
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started with what? because yet another pointless act of violence from the country that near enough invented the fucking word has happened once again? im fucking sick to the back teeth as everyone is, like i said 2 friends of mine nearly got caught in the Norway bomb last year, but Americans do seem to love their guns and the whole macho shit that goes with it, it's pathetic if you ask me and it keeps happening over there because of the stupid laws and culture over in that country, you have the stats up the page? it will always be possible to get firearms, fuck i know where i could get one in the next hour if i wanted one, but they NEED to sort it out in the USA once and for all, at least give the innocent members of the public that get caught up in this crap a half chance, rather than spending their lives walking round with the threat that any person they work/live/know can just walk into a shop and come out with a bloody machine gun ffs, at least in the UK it takes a bit more effort to get hold of of that sort of thing, hence why it happens less here. It's all so blatent over there, whenever i visit family over there i hate it

Your rant still doesnt justiy saying "Only in America." MOST Americans do not own guns. The preconceptions other countries have about us comes from a media that loves violence related stories, and a Republican Party that primarily consists of uneducated white males.


Maybe later you can tell everyone all the other bigotries from your bubble. I suppose all blacks are lazy, all jews are gready, women belong in the kitchen, and all asians have small dicks.


You will never hear me say America is anywhere close to perfect, but your assesment is so far off target. I'm done. You don't know shit. Stick to football. If you want to argue with me some more go to reddit, and see what they are saying.

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Your rant still doesnt justiy saying "Only in America." MOST Americans do not own guns. The preconceptions other countries have about us comes from a media that loves violence related stories, and a Republican Party that primarily consists of uneducated white males.


Curious to know how many Americans you do think have guns (per household and as a percentage of the population). Most stats I've seen are pretty high.

Also, are you saying it's the UK alone that has this preconception about the US - or does it extend to other countries? What is America's view of itself? Really interested to know.

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Curious to know how many Americans you do think have guns (per household and as a percentage of the population). Most stats I've seen are pretty high.

Also, are you saying it's the UK alone that has this preconception about the US - or does it extend to other countries? What is America's view of itself? Really interested to know.

Really depends on the state. Can't ever recall seeing a hand gun on anyone other than on a police officer. But my state has a homicide rate barely above that of the UK. If I spent more time outside the north east I am sure this wouldn't be the case. I am always mildly bothered by people asking if we all think we are cowboys and all have guns in our closets etc. But we haven't exactly done ourselves favors to change the perception anyway.


Funny though, before I even opened this thread I knew someone was going to say the "not surprised this happened in America" but I guess given MikeO's stats it may be "out of order" but not inaccurate.


Ironically one of the main reasons why the gun debate is so heated in this country is that the right to bare arms is in our constitution. Which goes back to the days of winning our independence, and was supposed to be a safeguard against tyrannical government. I would say in the modern world an armed populace doesn't do anyone much good but in certain parts of our country that is seen as unpatriotic.

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Really depends on the state. Can't ever recall seeing a hand gun on anyone other than on a police officer. But my state has a homicide rate barely above that of the UK.


I would say in the modern world an armed populace doesn't do anyone much good but in certain parts of our country that is seen as unpatriotic.


The figure I hear most of all is around 45%, which amounts to an awful lot of guns. I wonder what it would take (if anything) for popular opinion to turn against owning them? The patriotism point is one most people over here would find little sympathy with, but then I think we are pretty ambivalent patriots here.

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The figure I hear most of all is around 45%, which amounts to an awful lot of guns. I wonder what it would take (if anything) for popular opinion to turn against owning them? The patriotism point is one most people over here would find little sympathy with, but then I think we are pretty ambivalent patriots here.

It's less to do with ownership (Canada has very similar figures), but more about how the society is ran. From an anarchistic view it's hard to look past the amount and the power (fire power and law enforcement wise) as well as the level of education, training, and patience ect. USA cops have, with the ratio of power to educ/training/patience/ect. being far too high and is a major recipe for disaster for a society. This however has no bearing on the doings of a wild gunman, as no state can be accountable for a very sick minded individual who must solely be responsible for the horrible things they have done. It was an apocalypse yesterday which is sadly one of the tragedies exhibited by humans, that there can be no excuse for. Give the grieving condolences, and maybe even have a look at yourselves and be thankful for your loved ones. It is horrible what happened y'day and I can't imagine what their families are feeling right now.



If anyone wants to continue discussions of America and gun crime please open another thread as this one has become a farce.

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Your rant still doesnt justiy saying "Only in America." MOST Americans do not own guns. The preconceptions other countries have about us comes from a media that loves violence related stories, and a Republican Party that primarily consists of uneducated white males.


Maybe later you can tell everyone all the other bigotries from your bubble. I suppose all blacks are lazy, all jews are gready, women belong in the kitchen, and all asians have small dicks.


You will never hear me say America is anywhere close to perfect, but your assesment is so far off target. I'm done. You don't know shit. Stick to football. If you want to argue with me some more go to reddit, and see what they are saying.

Ok then i take back the Only in America thing then, but in no way shape or form are they bigotries, i have VERY personal experience of an incident like this, someone i spent most of my childhood days with is now in prison for a spree murder of his family, you have no idea what the hell i have been through or who i am, so don't dare tell me i live in a bubble please, and whilst you say most Americans don't own a gun and all that, well sadly the evidence suggests otherwise, but you clearly have a view and are not willing to have any kind of conversation of any kind about it., so yeah stick to football
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it became ridiculous the moment it was suggested it only happens in one country

I explained why i had originally used that term, please stop trying to make more of it than is needed


Tell you what, forget it, im fed up of this fucking site anyway with its little TT gang, im outta here

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jeez, blown out of proportion much?! All I was doing was pointing out something that was incorrect - Pris wasnt aiming to insult or offend so not sure why this has boiled over and he certainly doesnt deserve that kind of backlash.


Ryan, no need for that kind language at all. A bit of tolerance when someone makes a daft statement before telling someone to go fuck themselves would go a long way.

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I understand fully what Prisoner was refering to. Nearly all forums and boards have them, it is not only maybe exclusive to here, even if it exists or otherwise.


I was reading about this on another page unrelated to soccer where there is also a healthy contigent of americans, and I decided to decline from elaboration of the incident and simply gave my sympathies to the families involved. Yes, our country does have it's fair share of these incidents, but it's hardly alone in the world for such atrocities. Even the UK in the last 25 years, has seen Hungerford, Dunblane and Stonehaven rampages to name but a few, these incidents can, and will occur anywhere on the planet, no country is immune it would seem. Anywhere where such an incident hasn't occured, it's not to say it never will. Colorado has the death penalty I believe, for first degree murder, but the perpetrator may have to wait a while to see that, there's always the plea for insanity, but quite what his issues were I don't fully know, could have just been a normal guy who snapped and lost his shit and went beserk, see the Cumbrian killings a year or two ago. The gun licensing laws back home are far too lenient and pretty much anyone can own a firearm for home protection, but as said, only a percentage actually own firearms, it seems there is a misguided belief sometimes outside the country that all americans are gun toting types with a weapon stashed away etc, but that's as far from the truth as you could believe. In many states it's legal to have a firearm in your vehicle, so long as it is not on show. It is estimated that each day in the US there are as many as 85 fatalities involving firearms, and 10,000 homicides each calendar year.


A rather frightening statistic for sure, but the 'let's single USA out' for these incidents always sounds a bit questionable, in fact it's far better now or a safer place to life then I remember it. Yesterday was another tragic incident, it won't be the first, or the last, but all we can do is give our regards to the families involved. Not to sound too flippant on this but I can understand why any one person would just reach a breaking point and go out and cause mayhem, everybody has a limit

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Indeed, but I was talking about individuals in general, everyone has a breaking point, it's not necessarily about firearms. But they can be a solution to a problem is invariably where it all ends. Fuck me, I've thought about some unsavory ideas myself and unleashing mayhem, but common sense quickly dictated that I could never go ahead with it, people get on my fucking nerves, there is genuine rage and anger, but I stop short of taking any action, at least of the severity of this guy in Colorado. Apparently, from some sources, the man didn't like Batman and the rest is history. I mean there's ways to vent your frustrations and ways not to. It can be real hard to keep things in order sometimes is all I can add.

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