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Premier League tv rights put out to tender

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The television rights for the Premier League for the 2013/14 to 2015/16 seasons have been put out to tender.


The season after next, there will be more games than ever on UK television - 154 (currently 138) out of 380 played will be shown live.


No single bidder is allowed to win the rights for more than 116 games (75% as set by the Competition Commission)


The rights have been split into five packages:


5 packages of 26 games

2 packages of 12 games.


Other packages going out to tender are:

  • Free-To-Air television highlights including “catch up rights”.
  • 2 packages of 226 near live games, one for “linear” coverage and one for “on-demand” coverage.
  • An Internet based clips package for all 380 matches.


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If match of the day ever went off air and was never seen again I wouldn't miss it, would feel totally indifferent, just wouldn't care for it, it would be no great loss etc. But I'd rather it was on BBC than ITV for sure, two miserable channels both as bad as each other more often than not, but the proper place for MOTD is BBC television, I would hate to tune in to see Everton beat Liverpool 3-0 or something, have the chips and dips ready, and the fat awful fucking slimy Chiles appears on the screen, or that Smith person, that would be it for me. The BBC aren't too bad with it, just plain dull and boring rather than irritating, i.e Hansen and Lineker etc don't really hack me off or anything, I just turn off the audio during analysis, or don't watch it even. This all went crazy with the introduction of the EPL In 1992 and the Sky TV bonanza that came with it, I prefered back in the day with none of that and just plain simple First Division matches on terrestrial television you could sit down and enjoy, simples.

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