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Please let this be the end!


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What do you expect Moyes to say? "Put your feet up Louis"?


We need to stop getting wound up by the media. They know even less than we do.


I dont think that what the previous posters are arguing about and there are direct quotes in that 'interview' so it has come from the horses mouth so to speak


Personally I think Moyes is right, Saha needs to earn his contract and whether you like him or not, he is the only class centre forward we have so if we can get him firing then we really cant do without him at the moment!

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Since the day we sifned him he has been a waste of space for me. Injury prone past it and lazy and he has been like that sinmce day one.There was one spell about 2/3 years back when he got a decent run on him and scored 10-15 but other than that he has done nothing. The Yak has gone so I won't go on about the comparison. If you just takw this season in isolation he has been nothing short of shit. He hasn't scored he hasn't created he looks lazy he moans when he gets dropped. How any sort of contract can be on the table is a joke. I would rather go into the season with what we have now minus saha han with him.

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