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Rory Donnelly

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It's an agreed fee. Unless I'm mistaken the governing bodies ruled that once clubs agree a price, the selling club can't negotiate a bigger fee with another club.


I might be wrong, but there was definitely something along those lines knocking round not to long ago.


We initially outbid Swansea after they agreed a fee

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It's an agreed fee. Unless I'm mistaken the governing bodies ruled that once clubs agree a price, the selling club can't negotiate a bigger fee with another club.


I might be wrong, but there was definitely something along those lines knocking round not to long ago.

we got screwed with the Naughton/Walker deal after a fee was agreed didnt we? I dont think its illegal but its not exactly polite.
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It will come to me where I remember it from. As stated, I might be wrong, but I 'do' remember something along the lines of that which we've discussed. Something to do with the player only being able to discuss personal terms once a figure is accepted. Not 100% sure, so go gently with me.

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It will come to me where I remember it from. As stated, I might be wrong, but I 'do' remember something along the lines of that which we've discussed. Something to do with the player only being able to discuss personal terms once a figure is accepted. Not 100% sure, so go gently with me.


Actually, I think it's something along the lines of once a transfer fee has been accepted with one club, another club may express an interest in the player, without having to outbid the first club. In other words, if we accept an offer of £5m from Man Utd, for Bily, then Liverpool can insist we let them speak to the player, for the same amount of money. They don't have to offer £6m for example.

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I'm slightly annoyed at this. This would have been a cheapy but I reckon he would have made a half-decent squad player. Why Swansea ? I wonder if it's because of the public display of affection that Swansea have shown him or money ?





That doesn't sound like he will be a front runner for Swansea any time soon.


"He will be over here for the game against Tottenham on Saturday," said Rodgers.

"We will look to complete the medical tomorrow and get that put to bed and the boy can then come over and work on developing his game.

"I will talk more about him once the deal is done but he is coming here without pressure, he is coming from a part-time level.

"He has shone in the early part of the season and there have been other clubs interested, but we will talk more once he signs the papers."

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