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A Black Summer


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Cant speak for anyone else but yesterday's deadline day was 1 of the worst days supporting the blues for me. Its the kind of thing you see the likes of Blackburn or Wolves going through, having to sell your best player to satisfy the banks and of all the players it was 1 of my favourites of recent memory.

A player who the wore the famous Royal Blue with pride, with passion and whose silky skills wouldnt have looked out of place in the great Everton sides of the past when we actually played for more than just the honour of being in the top flight like we do at the moment.

3 strikers gone, (admitted 2 were not getting a game) and our creative spark and heart beat of the team, replaced with a unproven striker who looks like Lurch from the Adams Family and a player who despite having some talent is only here on a 12mth advertisement to get him a bigger club next summer so forgive me for not taking this guy to heart, your not Mikel and you never will be Royston.

I shed a tear last night, i hope am not shedding many more come May 13th

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We didn't sell all our best players though? I'm disappointed to see Beckford go but if Arteta has asked for a move and we were getting 10m for a 2 year out of form player, than so be it.


I'm more annoyed with the timing more than anything, but Wenger and co. played it to a tee. If Arteta wanted to go and a serious bid was incoming, then we HAD to sell.


Royston isn't here to replace Arteta either, he was bought in as a winger (like most of us have been crying out for), who has pace and can beat a man, it's just unfortunate that Arteta went in the dying seconds with no time for a replacement.

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I agree on paper that Arteta is by far the best midfielder we had, but he hasn't really shown it for a couple of seasons. I think this is the reason why people mention Osman in the same breath, because although not as talented or as technically gifted, he's put the shift in where mattered. Worked 100% in teh majority of games Arteta was out and single handedly (can't beleive i'm saying this) carried our team during dark days.


Beckford going is a joke however, and i wish him all the best and feel horrible by the way he's been treated.

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There's talk by a lot of fans of handing their season tickets back for a refund after yesterday huh.png . Also, I'd imagine lots of people who got Arteta on the back of their new shirts this season will be returning them for a refund too.


That must be a scary prospect for a club in the financial state that we are.

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cant blame Arteta for wanting to move on, and we have seen his best days imo, not sure why everyone is making such a fuss over Beckford though, so he scored a few in his first season, but the amount he missed and his overall effort, dont see it as a big loss tbh, not when we have already bought someone else in, more pissed off to see the Yak go, a far better player than Beckford

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There's talk by a lot of fans of handing their season tickets back for a refund after yesterday huh.png . Also, I'd imagine lots of people who got Arteta on the back of their new shirts this season will be returning them for a refund too.


That must be a scary prospect for a club in the financial state that we are.


can you get refunds for shirts with names on the back? surely you take the risk that a player could always leave as long as the transfer window is open?

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can you get refunds for shirts with names on the back? surely you take the risk that a player could always leave as long as the transfer window is open?


That was my initial thought. If you bought a top, and three weeeks later the marketing team for this brand decided to change the logo, there isn't a lot you can do. They can't refund years worth of stock because of this change.


At the end of the day, every club goes through it and its the main reason i don't get names on the back. Only my own :D

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i haven't done since i was 10..cos as soon as i did that player left..kanchelskis..ferguson..unsworth..barmby..speed..it was all my fault guys


Happened to me too (I chose some odd names!!!) Beagrie, Amokachi, Ferguson (x5), Collins, Dacourt, Cadamarteri, Jeffers, Nyarko, Rooney (signed).

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