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I'm going to say it and its going to go against the old saying. I don't trust Moyes. Full stop. He's run out of ideas and teams has sussed us out, and to be honest its been like that for a couple of seasons now.


His substitutions have been shocking. the way our team is set out is completely negativ. Our 'youth' system may aswell pack it in. A shitty 'has been' from yester-year will always get ahead of you in the playing game. Unless you give Moyes the most amazing rim-job, you're never going to get 'thrown on'. Bide your time and wait untill we have noone over the age of 28 not on the physio bed. Untill we're down to our barest of bones, you'll never play.


One example today just opitimised the way our team is set out. Cross from McShitty from the right, far post was met by Saha who knocked the ball into the oppositions box (yes they exist boys and yes there is a 6 yard box too :D) and there was 1. 1 solitary player. Whilst there were at least four players outside of the area, 2 occupying the wings and two deep in midfield. Whats the fucking point whilst we're 2-1 down chasing the game. I would n't care if we got that desperate and Howard got in the box. Fucksake Davey. You're happy to overfill the 6 yard area whilst 'defending' a corner but attacking the oppositions box, you instruct them to stay out.


I know what some of you are saying 'he's been a good manager based on the lack of funds blah blah blah' but hes frigging clueless sometimes. He really has no knowledge on attacking football and he certainly doesn't know how to make the right decisions at the right (and usually most crucial) times.


Anyone who can't see it....you're either blind, misguided or gnorant.


It's not working. Certain players aren't playing weel or doing their jobs. drop them then you bellend!! get something new and un'obvious' or predictable to change the friggin game. Why did we get Straq? why? whats the point of him being here. seriously. whats the point in Bily being here if you keep defending his ability but never play him?


Coleman had a shitta today (contradictory to his performance last week), he should have been hauled off at half tie, had Bily or Straq on and tried something else. But no, persists with him! whats the point? seriously. Our players, whether you like it or not, have no intent or purpose. they're happy to sit back and wait for something to happen, when they should be being told to go out there, and show people/fans/manager/each other what they're capable of.


As people have said, it was there for the taking today, instead we were taken...the piss out of. half time should have been the turning point. I like others have pointed out, we struggle against the 'lesser teams' because we can't unlock their defenses. On current displays, we couldn't unloc a front door. So im seriously worried about what the future may hold for us. I thought October was going to be tough, but fuck me, i didn't realise going into november that this month maybe harder because quite frankly....we're going to get embarrassed. Anyone thinking we're actually not doing bad. do one. i'd rather we played shit but score and consequently win. Playing well, playing pretty bollox patience football all well and fucking good but if you don't score...you are NEVER going to win.

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I'm going to say it and its going to go against the old saying. I don't trust Moyes. Full stop. He's run out of ideas and teams has sussed us out, and to be honest its been like that for a couple of seasons now.


His substitutions have been shocking. the way our team is set out is completely negativ. Our 'youth' system may aswell pack it in. A shitty 'has been' from yester-year will always get ahead of you in the playing game. Unless you give Moyes the most amazing rim-job, you're never going to get 'thrown on'. Bide your time and wait untill we have noone over the age of 28 not on the physio bed. Untill we're down to our barest of bones, you'll never play.


One example today just opitimised the way our team is set out. Cross from McShitty from the right, far post was met by Saha who knocked the ball into the oppositions box (yes they exist boys and yes there is a 6 yard box too :D) and there was 1. 1 solitary player. Whilst there were at least four players outside of the area, 2 occupying the wings and two deep in midfield. Whats the fucking point whilst we're 2-1 down chasing the game. I would n't care if we got that desperate and Howard got in the box. Fucksake Davey. You're happy to overfill the 6 yard area whilst 'defending' a corner but attacking the oppositions box, you instruct them to stay out.


I know what some of you are saying 'he's been a good manager based on the lack of funds blah blah blah' but hes frigging clueless sometimes. He really has no knowledge on attacking football and he certainly doesn't know how to make the right decisions at the right (and usually most crucial) times.


Anyone who can't see it....you're either blind, misguided or gnorant.


It's not working. Certain players aren't playing weel or doing their jobs. drop them then you bellend!! get something new and un'obvious' or predictable to change the friggin game. Why did we get Straq? why? whats the point of him being here. seriously. whats the point in Bily being here if you keep defending his ability but never play him?


Coleman had a shitta today (contradictory to his performance last week), he should have been hauled off at half tie, had Bily or Straq on and tried something else. But no, persists with him! whats the point? seriously. Our players, whether you like it or not, have no intent or purpose. they're happy to sit back and wait for something to happen, when they should be being told to go out there, and show people/fans/manager/each other what they're capable of.


As people have said, it was there for the taking today, instead we were taken...the piss out of. half time should have been the turning point. I like others have pointed out, we struggle against the 'lesser teams' because we can't unlock their defenses. On current displays, we couldn't unloc a front door. So im seriously worried about what the future may hold for us. I thought October was going to be tough, but fuck me, i didn't realise going into november that this month maybe harder because quite frankly....we're going to get embarrassed. Anyone thinking we're actually not doing bad. do one. i'd rather we played shit but score and consequently win. Playing well, playing pretty bollox patience football all well and fucking good but if you don't score...you are NEVER going to win.


Great post. Yes totally bewildered with him. I have had to use the old balancing scales in the past which sees moyes escape far more criticism than he should.


My brother has had him sussed for a few years and I have tried to counter his points. I no longer can. The man does not learn from what we used to class as his minor faults, they have manifested into big faults, his head seems to be bigger than it should and every manager praising him before they play pisses me off. Lambert, poyet or martinez are looking appealing to me.

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Thanks guys. Sorry for the spelling and grammar! Haf Lambert is a cracking shout, been sayin that to my dad. Young manger, new ideas, tactically switched on, not afraid to drop favourites, and plays as a unit without takin out the star quality of individuals.


If he goes, id like PL to be given a shot!

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I bet we can predict the team that plays against Wolves in 2 weeks right now.




Hibbert Jagielka Distin Baines


Coleman (maybe Osman) Rodwell Fellaini Drenthe







Nothing is going to change unless Moyes changes. And if that doesn't happen Moyes is tying his own noose.



Wolves will probably play 2 upfront even though they're away, they need the points after all (so do we, but that won't matter one bit).

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Moyes seems afraid to lose a match, he then seems afraid to try and go for the game incase we lose by a greater margin (which I don't think would happen as everytime we seem to up the tempo we look quite good). But if we go a goal or two down, which is happening to often at the moment, then we have to go for it, sitting back and attempting damage limitation ain't gonna get us three points, fact!

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I think we're all (except Avin) on the same page here.


Also it matters little in these discussions who would be a creditable replacement. You really have to decide one way or the other....does he go or does he stay?

IMHO I personally think he's run out of ideas, much like a near bankrupt businessman who can see the company sinking, but doesn't know how to stop it. I really don't think that he has the ability or the cojones to pull anything out of the box that will change the situation. I have said on here over 2 years ago that if he didn't go then (as was rumoured) we'd still be discussing the same problems in 2 - 3 years (as has proved to be the case). Get used to it folks.... nothing is going to change.


As to who should be a replacement.... if you look back at why it was Moyes that arrived here in the first place, he was a young, relatively successful boss from a lower league crying out to be given an opportunity. He was given it. But time moves on and Davey hasn't progressed any, in fact has stagnated.


As others have said, there are a number of good possibilities. The ones mentioned above have one great feature.....they are all 'go-getters' and their teams play attractive attacking football (OK two features;). We need tactical awareness, someone not afaid to try something new, to try new players, to drop non-performers etc.etc.


Who is the best bet that would take the opportunity if offered?

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I think it is totally ludicrous to say that Moyes doesnt have the ability to get us out of this and take us forward


He has been voted Manager of the Year 3 times by his peers and I think I would be inclined to back their judgement over a load of internet warriors. Its all well and good saying he should play this player or that player or deciding we should play 2 upfront, all from the comfort of your living rooms.


Moyes sees these lads every day in training and I trust him to decide when they are ready to come into the side


Some of the accusations against Moyes in here are nothing short of ridiculous. If even half of them had any substance then he shouldnt even be in charge of a Sunday league team.


Now if people were to say maybe he is finally looking defeated or beaten by the current situation then that argument could have some merit and who could blame him if that is the case. He built a squad many of you beleived was our best in years only to see bigger clubs come and pick away at it and we lose 3 of our best players., and fair enough he can be too defensive at times, but what options does he have?


We have probably got the smallest squad in the Premiership so its not as if he can shuffle the pack and make drastic changes. For alll you people wanting Moyes out and another manager brought in, what exactly do you think they could do given that they wouldnt be able to bring in any players either?


There is an argument in here that teams have sussed us out, well maybe there is a little truth in that, teams have more respect for us now so when they come to Goodison they will be more than happy to park the bus and grab a point and the simple truth is that we dont have any players who have the quality and guile to unlock these defenses and those players cost money that we havent got.


All I can say is be very careful what you wish for

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A lack of money prevents us buying players. It doesnt prevent us from playing football, adapting the way we play dependent upon the game situation. I've lost all faith in Moyes, no invention, no ideas, no plan b, no clue.


I would rather we went down fighting 4-1 yesterday, chasing the game not looking like we are holding out for 2-1.


The start of the season I was hopeful of us maintaining our usual league status of 7-5th and was quite content with the way the club was (or at least accepted the status quo) in the name of stability and "in moyes we trust". Sadly not anymore

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I see and agree with what everyones saying but if you look at the bigger picture i feel sorry for him. To change the game yesterday he had a half fit Cahill and a half fit Mcfadden the latter was bought due to desperation really. Everyone was calling for Heitinga to be played and i must admit he did really well for their goal yesterday. Unfortunately it doesnt sit well saying hes run out of ideas, he hasnt the team to put any ideas to good use. If we had for eg a silva, Ballotelli, Nani, Berbatov, Sturridge all sat on our bench and he still couldnt do it then id admit defeat.

We have the smallest squad in the league and that aint down to DM its a little higher up the stand he sits below where the problem is, and lets be fair all the managers we would want are in jobs and other teams dont tend to loan them out and as we cant afford to pay for a player weve no chance of paying compo for a new gaffer!!

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Problem is, football is a results game, and at the moment we ain't getting results, so who gets the blame. I think everyone at the club from players, through management, to board and chairman have to shoulder some responsibility, but on match day the greatest influence on how the team plays is the manager. The biggest problem I can see is total negativity in our playing style, possibly due to the lack of players, but as has been pointed out we do have a couple of players who can create, but are not being played, or are being played out of position. That has got to be down to Moyes, and if he see's what goes on in training, then why can't he see what is going on the field of play. I think he has been great for us, but possible, and I'm not saying it has, but possible he's run his course with us. Look at Chelsea last season FA cup winners, second was it, did their manager last. We'd all be mega happy with those results - Results is the game!

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I see and agree with what everyones saying but if you look at the bigger picture i feel sorry for him. To change the game yesterday he had a half fit Cahill and a half fit Mcfadden the latter was bought due to desperation really. Everyone was calling for Heitinga to be played and i must admit he did really well for their goal yesterday. Unfortunately it doesnt sit well saying hes run out of ideas, he hasnt the team to put any ideas to good use. If we had for eg a silva, Ballotelli, Nani, Berbatov, Sturridge all sat on our bench and he still couldnt do it then id admit defeat.

We have the smallest squad in the league and that aint down to DM its a little higher up the stand he sits below where the problem is, and lets be fair all the managers we would want are in jobs and other teams dont tend to loan them out and as we cant afford to pay for a player weve no chance of paying compo for a new gaffer!!

i dont think he ever had them to start with though lets be honest now, under Moyes we have always been fairly defensive, he is rigid with 4-5-1 which a few seasons ago worked nicely, but others have seen the flaws and changed, so why won't Moyes? because what he's doing at the moment aint working and the only difference really is Beckford, who lets face it was crap anyway, Arteta was always injured anyway, and when fit he had lost his way a while back, so i don't see the team is actually that different from before, it is a results game, and our results are not there, they are all over the fucking shop

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Moyes loves having limited choices because he can't make decisions and it suits his martyr complex (70k) down to the ground! Voted manager of the year 3 times? Must be a record for someone who hasn't won anything.


Bottom line is I'm sick of the board that give this £70k a week joke the excuses he needs for a shite brand of football, and I'm sick of moyes using that excuse to be the boring one dimensional idiot he has made himself. With massive regret Davie, you've gotta go.


If anyone has an issue with that, seriously tell me why based on current performance? He can't get us ready for a season, our performances against top 4 are shocking, his brand of football is awful. All centre forwards suffocate under him. Indeed any attacking minded player, it's sad but he has to go.

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I would like someone to clarify something. I watched Match of the Day last night because i only had the privilege to listen to it. Am i right in thinkin that during the post-interview DM, after bein asked if the score was a fair result, did he say 'Newcastle is always a tough place to go and we don't expect to get anything here" or something along those lines? Talk about PMA.

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I would like someone to clarify something. I watched Match of the Day last night because i only had the privilege to listen to it. Am i right in thinkin that during the post-interview DM, after bein asked if the score was a fair result, did he say 'Newcastle is always a tough place to go and we don't expect to get anything here" or something along those lines? Talk about PMA.

i did'nt see MOTD but i notice this comment is plastered across the peoples group + bu fb pages, if thats the case then he can just go right now as far as im concerned, they are exactly the sort of team we SHOULD be beating, sorry Davie your times up

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Talking with my mate whose a massive Chelsea fan this morning. His opinion is Intresting, he thinks the prem is much tighter than its ever been, with only man city being the only team playing good attacking football(and arsenal now(eventually). He's a bit dissappointed with the way they are playing so far, and he puts it down to every team going foward this summer apart from us who've stepped backwards. Even the three promoted teams look strong compared to a lot of promoted teams in the past, look at the swans yesterday, and QPR & Norwich are no push overs. So is it Moyes's fault we are in the shit, well I think we are screwed in several fronts, Moyes's negative tactics & lack of vision to try and change the team, the board who have no money & don't really seem to be making much effort to sort it out and lastly all the other teams including promoted teams seem stronger this season than they ever have been except us! So if Moyes went would we better off is the question, I dunno, if we have a new manager who try's different formations and tactics, this may be good short time, but again we will get found out pretty quickly with no money to change. I think we need new investors, management and stadium to be honest, but then I do live in cloud cuckoo land! :(

Edited by mogsy
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Moyes has had the luxury of getting players far better than the money spent (mostly) - therefore people who judge him on money sent would be amazed. However, you judge him on the talent at his disposal then you get a different picture. Wasteful, dithering and blinkered.

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Talking with my mate whose a massive Chelsea fan this morning. His opinion is Intresting, he thinks the prem is much tighter than its ever been, with only man city being the only team playing good attacking football(and arsenal now(eventually). He's a bit dissappointed with the way they are playing so far, and he puts it down to every team going foward this summer apart from us who've stepped backwards. Even the three promoted teams look strong compared to a lot of promoted teams in the past, look at the swans yesterday, and QPR & Norwich are no push overs. So is it Moyes's fault we are in the shit, well I think we are screwed in several fronts, Moyes's negative tactics & lack of vision to try and change the team, the board who have no money & don't really seem to be making much effort to sort it out and lastly all the other teams including promoted teams seem stronger this season than they ever have been except us!


I think we saw this last season, with Blackpool. Okay they got hammered in a few games, but that was because their defence was one of the worst to ever grace the premier league. Pretty much every team in the league is willing to go and have a go at anybody else, i had a huge argument with my old man after the city game, about how if we just had a go and gave them something to think about, then we could have at least snatched a point, and he was firmly against the idea because City were too good. And i gave him a right ear-full yesterday when QPR! not Barcelona, Real,Chelsea, United, gave them something to think about and actually were a little unlucky to loose. I think this lack of funding bollocks has moyes brain washed that he has to play negatively, or face getting annihilated. He has 2 of the best prospects in English football at the moment (Rodwell and Barkley, and the latter is rotting in the reserves), probably the best Defensive midfielder in the league (Fellaini) England's best/second best left back (Baines) and a WC finalist (Heintinga) Okay, the squad isn't full of great talent, and we still need strengthening in some key area's, but we have a damn site more than most other teams in this league have! And certainly more than Newcastle had yesterday, particularly down the middle. Put simply, Moyes is Tactically inept. And is now hampering the development of a potential future star because he is playing his shitty, out of form, past it, favourites. And i'm pretty sure we haven't changed from the 4-5-1 formation for about 3-4 years now, and we were found out about 2 years a go, with better players (Peinaar, Arteta).

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Jesus H Christ! Calling for him to go, bloody hell! Always said he ain't up to it tactically and is going backwards in his development but to call for his head? Lets all go back to the days of Walter Smith then shall we? Let us thank the Lord that we can stay up by the skin of our teeth EVERY season. But we don't do we? We get cup semi's and finals, European away nights etc......... who in their right minds would take over at Everton with no money at their disposal? Better the devil you know........... but if we had the money? That's a different story............. I would sack him, simply because I would not see him changing his damned negative mindset! Moyes can't see the woods through the trees but I will back him, I have no option but to.

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Moyes has had the luxury of getting players far better than the money spent (mostly) - therefore people who judge him on money sent would be amazed. However, you judge him on the talent at his disposal then you get a different picture. Wasteful, dithering and blinkered.

Yeah true but no one is going to come in if we are skint.

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I think it is totally ludicrous to say that Moyes doesnt have the ability to get us out of this and take us forward


He has been voted Manager of the Year 3 times by his peers and I think I would be inclined to back their judgement over a load of internet warriors. Its all well and good saying he should play this player or that player or deciding we should play 2 upfront, all from the comfort of your living rooms.


Moyes sees these lads every day in training and I trust him to decide when they are ready to come into the side


Some of the accusations against Moyes in here are nothing short of ridiculous. If even half of them had any substance then he shouldnt even be in charge of a Sunday league team.


Now if people were to say maybe he is finally looking defeated or beaten by the current situation then that argument could have some merit and who could blame him if that is the case. He built a squad many of you beleived was our best in years only to see bigger clubs come and pick away at it and we lose 3 of our best players., and fair enough he can be too defensive at times, but what options does he have?


We have probably got the smallest squad in the Premiership so its not as if he can shuffle the pack and make drastic changes. For alll you people wanting Moyes out and another manager brought in, what exactly do you think they could do given that they wouldnt be able to bring in any players either?


There is an argument in here that teams have sussed us out, well maybe there is a little truth in that, teams have more respect for us now so when they come to Goodison they will be more than happy to park the bus and grab a point and the simple truth is that we dont have any players who have the quality and guile to unlock these defenses and those players cost money that we havent got.


All I can say is be very careful what you wish for


I see and agree with what everyones saying but if you look at the bigger picture i feel sorry for him. To change the game yesterday he had a half fit Cahill and a half fit Mcfadden the latter was bought due to desperation really. Everyone was calling for Heitinga to be played and i must admit he did really well for their goal yesterday. Unfortunately it doesnt sit well saying hes run out of ideas, he hasnt the team to put any ideas to good use. If we had for eg a silva, Ballotelli, Nani, Berbatov, Sturridge all sat on our bench and he still couldnt do it then id admit defeat.

We have the smallest squad in the league and that aint down to DM its a little higher up the stand he sits below where the problem is, and lets be fair all the managers we would want are in jobs and other teams dont tend to loan them out and as we cant afford to pay for a player weve no chance of paying compo for a new gaffer!!


I have a few issues with these posts. Firstly, training doesnt count for shit if your not performing when it matters. We dont need to see who is performing well in training when we have seen the likes of Osman, Cahill, Heitinga, Neville etc all play out of position and play crap. Its fine if it was just a few games and it could be understandable, but we are 8+ down the line and the same mistakes are made. Regardless of who the manager is, questions would have to be raised.


Im not sure we have had 3 of our best players taken away. Lescott I would agree with, Pienaar should have been sold or tied down to a contract when he was worth something, and if Moyes says he makes transfer decisions then that is on his head, and Arteta was a shadow of the player was or certainly in the way he was being played (as he is finding his feet again under Wenger). I will admit it doesnt help when we have sold on these players, but its not the difference between us playing in an uncommited & unorganised manner. We stiill have a cracking squad which is being wasted.


Finally on this for all those people saying 'what option does he have'. Look at that Newcastle team yesterday, look at Norwich, Swansea, Wolves, QPR etc, they have half the squad we have yet they are able to play attacking football. They compete for every ball, because they have to, and if they dont they know they will get beaten by superior teams with superior players. Look at teh chances we created at Fulham in the first 10-15mins, we pressed them high up the pitch, broke quickly and could have scored 2 or 3 and had the game done and dusted. If you have a supposedly limited squad then they have to well organised & disciplined to get the most out of the resources we have. Do you honestly think we are organised or commited looking at yesterdays performance? Did we look like we wanted to beat Newcastle for every ball? Not a fucking chance...


I would like someone to clarify something. I watched Match of the Day last night because i only had the privilege to listen to it. Am i right in thinkin that during the post-interview DM, after bein asked if the score was a fair result, did he say 'Newcastle is always a tough place to go and we don't expect to get anything here" or something along those lines? Talk about PMA.


If this is true then it is absolutely disgraceful. Its no wonder we started like we couldnt give a fuck if thats the sort of motivational boost he is giving to the squad before they go out.

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I think it is totally ludicrous to say that Moyes doesnt have the ability to get us out of this and take us forward


He has been voted Manager of the Year 3 times by his peers and I think I would be inclined to back their judgement over a load of internet warriors. Its all well and good saying he should play this player or that player or deciding we should play 2 upfront, all from the comfort of your living rooms.


Moyes sees these lads every day in training and I trust him to decide when they are ready to come into the side


Some of the accusations against Moyes in here are nothing short of ridiculous. If even half of them had any substance then he shouldnt even be in charge of a Sunday league team.


Now if people were to say maybe he is finally looking defeated or beaten by the current situation then that argument could have some merit and who could blame him if that is the case. He built a squad many of you beleived was our best in years only to see bigger clubs come and pick away at it and we lose 3 of our best players., and fair enough he can be too defensive at times, but what options does he have?


We have probably got the smallest squad in the Premiership so its not as if he can shuffle the pack and make drastic changes. For alll you people wanting Moyes out and another manager brought in, what exactly do you think they could do given that they wouldnt be able to bring in any players either?


There is an argument in here that teams have sussed us out, well maybe there is a little truth in that, teams have more respect for us now so when they come to Goodison they will be more than happy to park the bus and grab a point and the simple truth is that we dont have any players who have the quality and guile to unlock these defenses and those players cost money that we havent got.


All I can say is be very careful what you wish for


I'm glad somebody else isn't carried away by all the doom and gloom, and thinks logically.


This post reflects my own (almost word for word actually DM, did you copy me lmao laugh.png ) but it's exactly how I feel.


A few of you need to wind your necks in a little bit, and stop talking bollocks to be honest.

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I know there are people out there who want him to stay as i do, but seriously, you can not blame lack of funding for his ridiculous substitutions, his negative set-ups, his inability to drop favourites. We've lost two good players. Woopy fuckin do, we all said that Arteta hadn't played to his full capability in two years, so the rest of the team must have been doing something right. As GR says above, he's got a very talented and youthful squad at his disposal, if he can use them properly and efficiently! I've written off this year all ready, bottom 10 for us this year. So from the final third in the season i want him integrating the youngsters permanently.


Pre-season to use just the kids. We know what the seasoned professionals can do so get the lads bonding as a team. Persist with playing them early season, if they lose one game don't drop them all like you tend to do! Leave the old guard for the last 10/15 minutes. Their experience should help see out games! We need legs, creativity, unpredictability! The NEW everton.


Duffy partnered by an experienced guy. Silva bought back in to contention. A three man 'chelsea style' midfield with Felli, Jack and Ross. Keep them lads together, get them used to each other, persist with the chemistry! No more nice guys, tough tackling, quick movement football that we want. Arsenal are a tougher team than us FFS!

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If this is true then it is absolutely disgraceful. Its no wonder we started like we couldnt give a fuck if thats the sort of motivational boost he is giving to the squad before they go out.

He said he didn't expect to get anything in terms of ref's decisions when he was talking about the penalty decision.....wasn't talking about the result.



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Jesus H Christ! Calling for him to go, bloody hell! Always said he ain't up to it tactically and is going backwards in his development but to call for his head? Lets all go back to the days of Walter Smith then shall we? Let us thank the Lord that we can stay up by the skin of our teeth EVERY season. But we don't do we? We get cup semi's and finals, European away nights etc......... who in their right minds would take over at Everton with no money at their disposal? Better the devil you know........... but if we had the money? That's a different story............. I would sack him, simply because I would not see him changing his damned negative mindset! Moyes can't see the woods through the trees but I will back him, I have no option but to.


Kinda what I'm trying to say, we need investment, new management and a new stadium, if we got a new manager maybe short rearm we might see a small difference in results due to different tactics, but it wouldn't take long for us to be in the same situation because we have the same players and no cash to buy players who can make a difference.

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Moyes loves having limited choices because he can't make decisions and it suits his martyr complex (70k) down to the ground! Voted manager of the year 3 times? Must be a record for someone who hasn't won anything.


Bottom line is I'm sick of the board that give this £70k a week joke the excuses he needs for a shite brand of football, and I'm sick of moyes using that excuse to be the boring one dimensional idiot he has made himself. With massive regret Davie, you've gotta go.


If anyone has an issue with that, seriously tell me why based on current performance? He can't get us ready for a season, our performances against top 4 are shocking, his brand of football is awful. All centre forwards suffocate under him. Indeed any attacking minded player, it's sad but he has to go.



No offence haf but that has got to be the biggest load of bollox I have ever heard in my life. Do you seriously beleive if we suddenly came into money and the Chairman said to Moyse , look I can sign Silva, Rooney, Ronaldo and Aguero tomorrow that Moyse wouyld say no thanks I wouldnt know what to do with them?



Oh and by the way its not only a record for someone who hasnt won anything its a record full stop!

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