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Ross Barkley

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Guys he hasn't had a great season, but he hasn't had a bad one either. He is still one of our top assets and a very good footballer.

50m is saying we don't want to sell... but it's not a million miles away for him.

It's miles away with 12 months left on his contract. We'd be lucky to get 50 for him on a 5 year contract we really would.

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Guest rusty747

If he has stalled this long on signing a new contract then get him sold. Exclude him from pre season if he hasn't gone by the time it starts.


This is not the time to start doting over 'one of our own' who obviously doesn't feel the love anymore.


It's time to embrace the future and Ross doesn't seem to want to be a part of it. Fair enough. That's business.

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I kind of feel the same Rusty, in that I don't want us fancying around with players who don't want to be here.


Anybody who is not wanted or doesn't want to stay needs to move on ASAP and not take part in Pre Season. No messing around, waiting until August 31st or whatever.

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Totally agree, that anyone who doesn't want to be here should be sold as quick as possible.


But I have only ever heard Ross say how much he lives the club and wants to be here.

He hasn't signed a contract probably because he feels that a lot of fans don't want him here.


Have you saw the calibre of player you can get for 20m?

I don't think many are better than Ross, that's why I value him more.

Just my opinion though and not in any way saying I'm right.

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He's had an offer on the table for some time that the club put forward and he hasn't signed it


He's played nigh on every game and Koeman has said there's no better place for him to be other than Everton so I really do struggle to see how people think he's being pushed out


spot on. it's all on him. even if he doesn't like the deal the onus is on him to get his agent to negotiate a better one. instead its crickets from his camp.

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He's had it for a year Steve, if his agent can't get the deal done by then he needs to be fired.

Stop making things up MJB... I've confirmed the timeline on this.


In December koeman said it wasn't a priority and they would look at discussions in the new year.


It was march when the contract was offered. April when he issued the ultimatum.


If we wanted him to stay then we haven't exactly been prompt about it have we.

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Stop making things up MJB... I've confirmed the timeline on this.


In December koeman said it wasn't a priority and they would look at discussions in the new year.


It was march when the contract was offered. April when he issued the ultimatum.


If we wanted him to stay then we haven't exactly been prompt about it have we.

Ok he's had it for a couple months. Any able bodied agent could negotiate during that time.

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2 months.... not over 12? Big difference.


Maybe he is focussing on the season rather than contracts.


he'd be an idiot not to haf. the manager said sign by sunday or you're off, you don't say "i'll take my time" you contact your agent and say are we signing or not, if not re-negotiate, or if we're leaving sit tight and shut up. FFS it's not rocket science.

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Your double standards with Barkley absolutely stagger me.

How is it double standards Pad?


The only double standards I see is how Barkley has been treated vs others.


He was told in November that he may not get offered a new contract... then in December we would look at it in the new year.... then in march it hasn't been offered... then in May a sign it or be sold ultimatum.


Maybe he is exercising his right to take his time just like the club have done. After all the club offered Rom a new contract with 2 years remaining... did he get that? Nope.


I get the feeling Barkley has been made about as welcome as a fart in a space suit. And this is the result.

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How is it double standards Pad?


The only double standards I see is how Barkley has been treated vs others.


He was told in November that he may not get offered a new contract... then in December we would look at it in the new year.... then in march it hasn't been offered... then in May a sign it or be sold ultimatum.


Maybe he is exercising his right to take his time just like the club have done. After all the club offered Rom a new contract with 2 years remaining... did he get that? Nope.


I get the feeling Barkley has been made about as welcome as a fart in a space suit. And this is the result.

He's been decidedly average all season Haf, at times jogging around looking completely disinterested yet you excuse him no matter what time and time again.


He's no different if he doesn't sign the contract to any other player who refuses to sign one. He gets a walk over an awful lot because he's a blue. If he wasn't his performances wouldn't be tolerated buly most fans.

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Koeman has said today he isn't confident Barkley will sign the contract, and that we're looking for players in his position so even if he stays there will be added competition.


I'm having the same feeling about Ross that I had about Stones - I'd prefer him to stay but he is very replaceable and will not be missed if he does choose to leave.

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If you'd have said two seasons ago we'd lose him I'd have been gutted but he hasn't hit the heights I'd have hoped tbh


He's had a good season and has room to improve but I don't think we'll ever see the player the majority had hoped for, his game isn't as effortless as the likes of Ali who play a pass when it's needed a little flick through ball etc his head doesn't seem to be in sync with his feet


I'd love him to stay as he's one of our own and he is a good player but in the same breath I only want players here who want to be and I do think he's very replaceable

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Yep -- I don't think he'll be here next season, but I'm glad to hear we're looking for players in that position regardless.

I'm disappointed that I'm not disappointed that it looks like he'll be gone in the summer :lol:. He's a local lad with all the ability in the world so I should be gutted but, honestly? I really don't care, he hasn't lived up to his billing. Maybe he will elsewhere but like every player that leaves us, I hope he falls flat on his face and achieves the square root of fuck all.

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