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James Mcclean

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I really see little or no skill in Coleman's game tbh, he's just not that sort of player. There's no trickery to beat a man, his whole game is based on getting a run on the oppositions player and hope that he's faster than he is.


That worked when he first started playing because he was an unknown quantity and was allowed more room to get that run on the player, but players are found out very quickly in this league and opposition teams hve realised that if you shut off the space for him to run into his usefulness is pretty much zilch. If he was played at full back he'd get that room and would be that exciting player I loved when he first started playing, but he needs to get better defensively. But the only way he's going to learn is by playing there and Moyes seems reluctant to do it.


Certainly agree with this and while I would agree that McClean will be a better attacking player than Coleman, I would hope the latter is and will be a better defender.

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