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The Once A Year Takeover Rumour

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I think that's right.


On paper - Everton's got everything the other clubs have, arguably more (depends on your perspective), so logically it has to be something else putting them off.


Big fan base - tick

History - tick

Decent team - tick (bit of a blip at the moment, but generally speaking, top 5-8 consistently)

Good reputation - tick

Fans who'll spend money - tick

Stable club - tick (one of the most stable ever)


It's all there.


The stadium argument is a tempting one, and maybe that's the hurdle, but Lerner bought Villa with an older stadium (not sure if they can expand, but suspect they could). Ashley bought Newcastle (but they have a good capacity)


There's nothing that really sticks out and says "don't buy!".


Now I know the team itself is a touchy subject, but you'd expect new owners to invest a bit in the team, and in theory they'd want to win something... how much do you (hand on heart) think they'd need to spend to make the team serious competitors to win something - say FA Cup? 60 million (and a bit of luck on the pitch?) - that would be 2 expensive top notch buys, or 4 very fine players.

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even if it is 150m ,this is a starting price which will be negotiated over. Its not like a supermarket where you pay the price you see on the label, this is more like selling a second hand car - you start with a higher price expecting to be haggled with.


Yeah, hence the cagey 'that would be about right' comment from Harris. Although it does suggest they'd be open to talks if someone was coming in with an offer in that range. He could have said "I think Everton are worth significantly more".


He's opened the door a bit for folks there saying "come and have a chat about it"

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Yeah, hence the cagey 'that would be about right' comment from Harris. Although it does suggest they'd be open to talks if someone was coming in with an offer in that range. He could have said "I think Everton are worth significantly more".


He's opened the door a bit for folks there saying "come and have a chat about it"

Hope so.... It has to include the debt though. If it doesnt id be amazed.

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I think that's right.


On paper - Everton's got everything the other clubs have, arguably more (depends on your perspective), so logically it has to be something else putting them off.


Big fan base - tick

History - tick

Decent team - tick (bit of a blip at the moment, but generally speaking, top 5-8 consistently)

Good reputation - tick

Fans who'll spend money - tick

Stable club - tick (one of the most stable ever)


It's all there.


The stadium argument is a tempting one, and maybe that's the hurdle, but Lerner bought Villa with an older stadium (not sure if they can expand, but suspect they could). Ashley bought Newcastle (but they have a good capacity)


There's nothing that really sticks out and says "don't buy!".


Now I know the team itself is a touchy subject, but you'd expect new owners to invest a bit in the team, and in theory they'd want to win something... how much do you (hand on heart) think they'd need to spend to make the team serious competitors to win something - say FA Cup? 60 million (and a bit of luck on the pitch?) - that would be 2 expensive top notch buys, or 4 very fine players.

Tough to predict. Moyes may spend 5-8mill (a lot for us) and bring in a top quality midfielder who will get 10 goals and 10 assists a season. Or he could buy another Billy. But who's to say they would still want Moyes?

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Tough to predict. Moyes may spend 5-8mill (a lot for us) and bring in a top quality midfielder who will get 10 goals and 10 assists a season. Or he could buy another Billy. But who's to say they would still want Moyes?

If Bily played every week in his natural position, 10 goals and 10 assists wouldn't be too far out of his grasp.

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You might have to help me out with this one - it's hard to read between some of the lines with BK....


Are there any fans wondering if BK really does want to sell?

By this, I mean, sometimes - when you hear him talk, it's clear he's passionate about the club, and deep down I think he knows that he personally can't afford to bankroll the club to the extent some other can - BUT - he's clutching onto the club too like some dad with his daughter - nobody else is good enough for her?


We had a similar thing many years ago with Peter Swales.

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I think you're right about "would they still want Moyes".


Regardless of how good (or not) he is, new owners always seem to want to change the manager. Even the better ones say "we're right behind him" and give him 6 months. Unless he did a miracle job after a take over, he'd be out. (That's not anti Moyes, just the way of the world at the moment)

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Are there any fans wondering if BK really does want to sell?

By this, I mean, sometimes - when you hear him talk, it's clear he's passionate about the club, and deep down I think he knows that he personally can't afford to bankroll the club to the extent some other can - BUT - he's clutching onto the club too like some dad with his daughter - nobody else is good enough for her?


Some believe that to be the case, some don't.


Personally I don't.

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There is interest but no firm offers?


I seriously hope the pricing is not an issue. It could well be the clause that before each game bill is paraded around the stadium on his golden chariot, doves released into the sky, the players salute him and he is fed grapes by messers elstone and Ross.



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is that all wink.png


Well that's a high level summary. I assume everyone knows that he will have a stand named after him, a statue of him, a mandatory 10 second shot of him on the screen after every everton goal?


Make me life president my arse, rather give him a life sentence.

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Well that's a high level summary. I assume everyone knows that he will have a stand named after him, a statue of him, a mandatory 10 second shot of him on the screen after every everton goal?


Make me life president my arse, rather give him a life sentence.

along with a 30 piece orchestra, and cherubs playing harps around the chariot, Bill doing a royal wave that would put the queen to shame as he is hauled around the stadium

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Make me life president my arse, rather give him a life sentence.


How quickly people forget what a shit place the club was in during the end of Johnson's era. Yeah Bill's time is up but he should leave with thanks and be always welcome back at GP.


You come across as a right tool with posts like this.

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To be fair, the Premier League had only just started when Johnson left, and most clubs were in a state at that time too. We are talking serious shambles, and awful conditions.


I think it's fair to say things are much better now (current finances aside). But how much is down to BK? Hard to say.


I don't believe BK deserves to be strung up though! Seems more like 'he had a good go, it wasn't as easy as he thought' - should always be looked upon in a favourable light (unless evidence to the contrary surfaces)

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To be fair, the Premier League had only just started when Johnson left, and most clubs were in a state at that time too. We are talking serious shambles, and awful conditions.


I think it's fair to say things are much better now (current finances aside). But how much is down to BK? Hard to say.


I don't believe BK deserves to be strung up though! Seems more like 'he had a good go, it wasn't as easy as he thought' - should always be looked upon in a favourable light (unless evidence to the contrary surfaces)

Thing is BK borrowed left,right and centre to buy into the club in the first place, thus showing he never really had the funds, imo he should never have been allowed to takeover the club as from day 1 he has never had any money to run it, but the problem is he was already part of the Johnson regime, he has done some good, but he has also made a catostrophic mess of some other things, and they have been important things as well which is why he gets picked up on all the time.

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I like Kenwright. He can't compete with the big clubs, but he has sure competed against the bottom ones, and we are back from mediocrity to being one of the top sides in the league.


Only a few seasons ago we were hailing our team as one of the best ever squads, and pre-season expectations were high. Some of us were expecting very big things. That's not bad management. Now the same fans that want Kenwright out are turning on Moyes.


It's nothing short of pathetic, and because they are in numbers, they think they are justified. You're wrong, you're not, and it's time you opened your eyes to the real reasons clubs are struggling, instead of blaming folk like kids who can't have a new bike.

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It was a firesale from Johnson in the first place - cos he couldn't afford it either.

I think (but don't know) that BK thought he was doing the club a favour AND maybe make a few bob too, in buying Johnson's shares.


As the years went by, he's made more of a play on his 'altruistic love of Everton' side (who wouldn't?).


But still, I have to agree that the actual 'state' is there for all to see on the balance sheet. Facilities are better, you're not on the verge of relegation (putting aside the misleading table at the moment) - so in that sense - the club's in a better place. But when you look at the actual finances, it's more perilous than ever.


I don't believe he's ever been out to make a killing from the club though. Simply wasn't up to the job, for all his passion for the club.

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I can remember a certain Leeds team about 10 years ago competing in Europe, cracking team, talk of going on to win the league - everything you'd want the club to be doing as a Leeds fan, but the hidden truth of the finances behind it all didn't surface for 2-3 years, then folks began to realise that they'd been badly managed.


The problem with fans (generally) is they judge the state of things by the league position, when in truth, the longevity of their club depends on the financial position.

Regardless of what people think of Dave Whelan, he's been honest in saying "We don't have the money, and if that means going down, it's awful, but so be it, the club will survive by looking after the money side". Far better that than having 2-3 years living the high life then spiral into oblivion.

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Read the bit were it says why they are holding back : Everton are up for sale at the right price, with interest ­being shown by the Indian-based Jain Group, but the valuation is putting off Al-Thani.

A leading football power broker has been working on the deal in recent weeks, but it is proving a tough nut to crack ­because the ­numbers do not appeal to the Arabs.

Bill Kenwright is looking for around £120m for Everton, although that price is negotiable. The Toffees are carrying debts and there will be a massive bill if the buyer wants to build a new ground.


so once again it comes down to the ridiculous asking price again, showing like most, Bill is in it for the cash (i can understand this to some extent, but don't claim to be the greatest living Evertonian if you are going to do that) and also the stadium again, showing how much things like the Kings Dock have held us back, Cheers Bill shaking%20fist.png

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I don't know what to say about this really... I would love to see the worlds best each week a GP but this seems a bit cavilleer. E.g. Where will it leave us when profile of Qatar is achieved?


The thing I want most is the redevelopment or a new stadium and an economically attractive area around us. With this, I believe success would naturally come. I would love these great players but give me players like Drenthe on £50k a week and a new stadium over messi on £500k a week and no thought about the future of EFC all for some rich sheiks hobby.


I want Everton for my children an d grand children and I'm those in charge want this too.

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Read the bit were it says why they are holding back : Everton are up for sale at the right price, with interest ­being shown by the Indian-based Jain Group, but the valuation is putting off Al-Thani.

A leading football power broker has been working on the deal in recent weeks, but it is proving a tough nut to crack ­because the ­numbers do not appeal to the Arabs.

Bill Kenwright is looking for around £120m for Everton, although that price is negotiable. The Toffees are carrying debts and there will be a massive bill if the buyer wants to build a new ground.


so once again it comes down to the ridiculous asking price again, showing like most, Bill is in it for the cash (i can understand this to some extent, but don't claim to be the greatest living Evertonian if you are going to do that) and also the stadium again, showing how much things like the Kings Dock have held us back, Cheers Bill shaking%20fist.png


Don't take the people as gospel!

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BK is taking the piss, he was in charge of the FAILED Kings Dock stadium and also the Kirkby Fiasco, so really is the main cause of us not having a new stadium. Then he wants 120 million for the club knowing we need a new ground aswell something he has been unable to finance himself. Lower the price Bill make back your money and a little more but dont rinse the now owners.


I would love to see how much each of the board will receive from this, you can bet they wont be making a loss as weve only spent £200 quid on paint for GP the last 3 seasons. Imagine what a new ground would do for us the losing the Kings Dock was the biggest cock up this club has seen in its existance.

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For c1982:




the same link is on Blackburns Newsnow page, yet its not on ours


still trying to find the other thing i read this morning


Thanks - I doesn't actually tell us anything though does it? Pure speculation.


We are the 2 PL turmoil clubs at the moment so it's an easy rumour to start.


If true... could they (Qatar party) be driving down our price by looking else where? Our unrest is very public now and wouldn't take much to get more pressure on BK maybe bringing down the price.

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