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What Grinds Your Gears...


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They can be excused the hayfever time of year.


People from out of Town having mobile barbecues on the greens and making a foul, putrid smell. Litter and Garbage strewn about when there are trash bins in easy access. I guess people don't give a fuck about it, as it's not their neighborhood, they just go home and turn a blind eye. People sitting about at 5 o clock in the afternoon in an inebriated state also. Maybe they don't care, damn warm weather always brings out reprobates etc. Can't be bothered with more colorful language.

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Kids at Sports Direct just standing around and doing nothing. I was looking for some sports merchandise and this kid, about eighteen years old, was standing on the stairs for about 30 minutes in staff attire, just looking around at things below, what do these fucking kids get paid for, they're all under 25 years of age, probably younger and they just spend most of the time standing around like statues, I thought to myself, this is fucking me off, I'll maybe put in on ToffeeTalk. And I did.


Sad but true.

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david cameron he cant do an interview without blaming the last government for all our problems,hes such a posh arsehole.

theyve been in 2 yrs and were still sinking fast.

thats because the Tories are a bunch of greedy numpties.
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It's impossible to get away from Commercials now, I'd like to take a sledgehammer to some of the individuals behind these Television companies, every five minutes now on some channels by my math these days, it's not the content so much, more the regularity of the damn fucking things, all of a sudden you're watching a program or some documentary, and out the blue, more fucking commercials. Hard to remain calm sometimes with peoples actions.

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Various types of accomodation even, all kinds of residences from semi detached, to bedsits, to communal boardings, not to tar everyone with the same brush, but degenerate areas bring about degenerates. Often enough, neighborhoods strewn with litter and trash, and that's just not the residents, but for sure, not a very nice place to be. I don't know what people get up to, sometimes you see syringes here and there and I don't know quite they're all about, as just leave them be, I wouldn't pick them up, but just wish sometimes there was a better class of people in Town. Had some neighbors on a nearby property that were evicted about three years ago, who played loud music at all hours, let their dog run riot and often were seen digging in the garden at 4am in the morning. South Africans they were. Horrible Cunts, glad they were forced out.


People come and go who live around you, we can't choose our neighbors, but it's better than it was years back, and while not a perfect place to reside, and sporadic moments of trouble, far worse places to live. Maybe should spare a thought for those less fortunate.

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I grew up in Baltimore, which back then wasn't too bad a place to live, although some areas were still not too indifferent from today or no go areas but much more benign than more recent visits. Some areas make Lewisham or New Cross look like Monte Carlo. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth,didn't have a priviliged upbringing, had to fight or get out and earn to make a living, got an education, went to college, remained in steady employment, was never out of work for long. Maybe I fell away to an extent in recent years but still far better off than some people, count your blessings etc.


One such example of the last post could be the Bannatyne person off Dragons Den, bit of a self righteous old fuck, as are the others, but grew up in a rough part of Glasgow and started out purchasing a fleet of Ice Cream Vans, made a profit, and 35 years later, worth about £60,000,000 apparently, it's sometimes all about the motivation. And if you haven't got that, then people can sometimes find themselves in a world of trouble.

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We go on the train to Bournemouth for a night out, ticket guy comes along, and people in neighboring seats, 'I haven't got a ticket', and guys says, and I quote 'Why do I even bother', quite right too. Hardly the epitome of efficient service. 'We haven't got a ticket, but some inefficient ass will come along and turn a blind eye', he just didn;t give a rat's. Needless to say, coming back tonight, not a sign of these pricks. Lesson here is. don't buy tickets for public transport. Quite irritated too.


Almost spoilt a good night out damn it.

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"God Save the Queen."



National anthem should be about nation shouldn't it?


Instead we have to obsequiously grovel at the feet of an imaginary (for many) supreme being begging him to take care of our noble and gracious head of state (who may well be neither). Nothing about the country at all.


Pisses me right off.....time to change it long overdue.

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The British national anthem has to be one of the most boring, banal and mundane national songs of Europe, if not the world. How the fuck can anyone gain inspiration or be motivated by such a dour and insipid anthem. The lyrics make no sense either, if you watch any national events, particularly soccer games, half the team just stand there looking confused or mouthing anything and hope people aren't paying too much attention. Awful, boring anthem.


Look at the French or Italian anthems or even Germany, and see how well these teams do in sporting events. Big, Proud, anthems that make you want to go out and do well for your country, the epitome of patriotic sacrifice. La Marseillaise is my favorite anthem of Europe, fucking great song that makes you wish you were French sometimes, such a strong and powerful epic.


I agree with the above, having a fictitious entity in the national anthem is uncalled for. But it sure sounds better than 'Evolution save the Queen'. And the Queen gets far too much attention, she's not even (really) British of all things, half German, half Greek, so it all amounts to a lot of false shit by my estimation. 'God' or something, saved me, a few weeks ago, from hearing any more of that awful crap at any future soccer fixtures for a while. So someone was showing a benevolent side, but still a most terrible anthem.


Felt like saying something further, but going to leave it at that. Not worth the attention. Goodnight

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"God Save the Queen."



National anthem should be about nation shouldn't it?


Instead we have to obsequiously grovel at the feet of an imaginary (for many) supreme being begging him to take care of our noble and gracious head of state (who may well be neither). Nothing about the country at all.


Pisses me right off.....time to change it long overdue.



Totally agree Mike!


I've always disliked our national anthem lyrically no fuck it I hate the whole thing....national anthems should be about the nation & not the monarch.


I always thought Rule Britannia would have been a better choice or Mr Bensons Land of Hope & Glory.

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