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What Grinds Your Gears...


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In America how 18 is supposed to be this big coming of age, and I'm supposed to be an adult who can actually do shit, yet I cannot drink (21 drinking age)..... Absolute bullshit, I want to be able to enjoy a nice beer (Preferably Guinness ;-) ) in a bar, pub or restaurant! I also cant stay in some hotels, go on a cruise vacation without a 21 year old in the room, cant rent a car, etc... Absolute bullshit. THATS whats grinding my gears...

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I can't even remember being 18, and that's the rule of the land I'm afraid, was no different when we moved over, It'd be a bit unsavory for me to go on a cruise with a 21 year old also, but hear what you're saying


Shaving off beards, real nasty ones too, but it does feel better


Those who still have national flags on vehicles and houses, long after the team has been eliminated - take them down you fucking Idiots : - /


Spanish fans causing a nuisance at Trafalgar Square


Daily Express 'news' paper



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People walking about with bare chests and looking most unsavory with it, if you're going to do that, you don't have to resemble Charles Atlas, but don't embarrass your fucking selves eh. Why is it when it's hot and belligent weather you get all the fucking Idiots out and about? Really can't tolerate hot weather sometimes.

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The age old moan of the shitty weather We have to endure in this country... was going to put my concrete posts in today and panels for this pain in the arse garden of our's and get it out of the way but it's pissing it down as per usual shaking fist.png


Also having a look at getting away at the end of August with the missus and little en and having to pay the full adult price for a 14 months old with most travel companies.....robbing shits dry.png

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We had that round here, basically we have shitloads of foxes down here everywhere, and in one of the towns close by where some friends of mine live, someone was putting meat sprayed with anti-freeze all over the local beach,walkways,alleyways must have cost them a fortune tbh, anyway point is, peoples dogs and cats were eating it and getting poisoned, cost my friends over a grand after both their dogs ate some off the beach, there is some proper cunts out there, like marco says, fuck animal test lets have some people testing for these morons.

Edited by theprisoner
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I used to know someone who was an animal technician and did tests and we had a big falling out over it. Kept going on about how well paid it was and it was for the benefit of research but didn't seem to give a fuck about the poor animals concerned. Never been one for it, but what can you do.

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I used to know someone who was an animal technician and did tests and we had a big falling out over it. Kept going on about how well paid it was and it was for the benefit of research but didn't seem to give a fuck about the poor animals concerned. Never been one for it, but what can you do.


Many scientific breakthroughs have been found through animal testing. It's not nice but it's needed.

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guinea pigs are ace when you squeeze them and they squeak


During world cup 02' when the games were on at silly o'clock I went out for England v Denmark at about 8 in the morning... we were sat watching the game in the pub and half way through the were about 200 people outside campaigning for guinea pig rights - it was actually more entertaining than the footie but a little bit odd!

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