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Packers have only missed the playoffs 5 times in the last 24 years (since 1993), and they've won two Super Bowls in that period. They've also been to the playoffs every year in the last eight years. The seventies and eighties were rough though.


Steelers have missed 8 during that time but have also won two Super Bowls. They were good in the seventies.


The Patriots barely made the playoffs until 1994 (were formed in 1971), but they've won four titles since then. They've also missed the playoffs 6 times in that 24 year period.



I agree that the Packers would be the closest to Everton in the NFL. I think that's part of the reason I was drawn to the Blues is because they remind me of how Green Bay treats its fans.

You seem majorly clued up on this Tonka.


Hit me with some Dolphins facts brother, and what prem side would they be?


Please ??

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You seem majorly clued up on this Tonka.


Hit me with some Dolphins facts brother, and what prem side would they be?



Dolphins won two Super Bowls in the early 70s, and the 90s were good (when they had Dan Marino at QB) and late 70s/early 80s they were decent also.


The Dolphins are a weird case. Since they're in Miami they have a bit of a "fair-weather" fan-base. Not saying you are that way of course (obviously, you can't be since they've only been to playoffs twice since 2002).


Their PL equivalent would probably have to match the below criteria (in my opinion):

  • "Weak" fan-base and located in a vibrant city/town
  • Some success in history but recently unsuccessful
  • Usually only make it pass the first round in the cup, but they have been to few cup finals.
  • Usually have one standout player that makes things happen.
  • Probably a lower table side but usually avoid relegation as there are other teams worse than them.
Edited by TonkaRoost
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damn didn't know that. well in that case I don't think pack is like everton since we last won it all in 84, pack has won too much and make "champs league" (playoffs) too much to be everton lol.


maybe everton is like the Chicago Bears. Powerhouses in the 80's and had a super bowl appearance (but lost) since then (FA cup win would be comparible). Blue collar town. Football rabid fans. That's all I got.

As much as I hate to admit it, you have a good point. I absolutely hate the bears though.


One thing in Green Bay's favor is their interactions with their fans. Won't see a club more involved in their community like Green Bay. They have to have the most loyal fans imo, but I guess I'm biased.

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Packers v Falcons


Patriots v Steelers



2 classic storied franchises always deep in the playoffs (pats, steelers) versus the upstarts (pack, falcons). personally I'm hoping either packers or falcons win it, can't stand the steelers and I'm tired of patriots winning it every year.


Next week, I must fly to Green Bay for a business meeting - which will be after this weekend's playoff game. Not sure that I want Atlanta to win...

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Dolphins won two Super Bowls in the early 70s, and the 90s were good (when they had Dan Marino at QB) and late 70s/early 80s they were decent also.


The Dolphins are a weird case. Since they're in Miami they have a bit of a "fair-weather" fan-base. Not saying you are that way of course (obviously, you can't be since they've only been to playoffs twice since 2002).


Their PL equivalent would probably have to match the below criteria (in my opinion):


  • "Weak" fan-base and located in a vibrant city/town
  • Some success in history but recently unsuccessful
  • Usually only make it pass the first round in the cup, but they have been to few cup finals.
  • Usually have one standout player that makes things happen.
  • Probably a lower table side but usually avoid relegation as there are other teams worse than them.

Hmmm, West Ham


I don't know enough about it to be called a real fan tbf. I do enjoy watching the games though

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I was a massive fan growing up till about 10 years ago when I got into footy. now I only watch if nothing else is on, I'd prefer a bundesliga or la liga match over NFL nowadays.

I'll watch any sport that I like. I enjoy NFL a lot but I would probably watch a footy match over it unless it was the Dolphins.

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...and they have Everton as comparable to the Packers.


yeah most of those comparisons were terrible though. Jacksonville Bournemouth? no way in hell. Redskins hull? again no.


honestly its very hard because the shit teams ( like my Cleveland browns) would be in the English 4th tier right now so there's nothing really to compare them to.

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Football focus suggesting (or having a laugh) that Lescott is signing for Sunderland today or having a medical.


Thats some level of forgiveness from Moyes if so.

From Moyes? He hung him out to dry and even told England he isn't ready for a call up when he was at the club.
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Patriots win. The thing they do and it's belicheck really. He scouts your team and knows you better than you know yourself. Then he plans his whole game around eliminating your biggest strength (aka Antonio brown and laveon bell) then he watches you implode and capitalizes off said implosion. Every game they do it. They can run, pass, defend, blitz, prevent, whatever they need to do to win they just change their whole style and game plan week in and out. Truly it's impressive.

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Patriots win. The thing they do and it's belicheck really. He scouts your team and knows you better than you know yourself. Then he plans his whole game around eliminating your biggest strength (aka Antonio brown and laveon bell) then he watches you implode and capitalizes off said implosion. Every game they do it. They can run, pass, defend, blitz, prevent, whatever they need to do to win they just change their whole style and game plan week in and out. Truly it's impressive.

It does help having Tom Brady too.... lucky to see top QB'S have been around recently. Rodgers, brady, Peyton manning.



That touch down by Julio Jones for the falcons was simply stunning.... pure athletic talent management. He's like a fuckin race horse.

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It does help having Tom Brady too.... lucky to see top QB'S have been around recently. Rodgers, brady, Peyton manning.



That touch down by Julio Jones for the falcons was simply stunning.... pure athletic talent management. He's like a fuckin race horse.


Yeah, we're definitely in the era of quarterbacks. No team can get through without a passing game now, but you don't necessarily need a great running game anymore.

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Yeah, we're definitely in the era of quarterbacks. No team can get through without a passing game now, but you don't necessarily need a great running game anymore.


this is one of the many reasons I no longer love the NFL. when they imposed all the defensive penalties (targeting, helmet to helmet hits, defensive pass interference for everything, no horse collar tackles, etc.) it ruined the game for me. now it's pass happy 44-43 games where defense is obliterated. it's stupid and one sided.


I loved the big defensive hits, and the tactical battle wherein a game could be 9-6 and be thrilling and entertaining because the defenses were putting on a show with turnovers and big hits. that was fun.


also the run game is fun, a guy smashing and bashing defenders on his way to the end zone is entertainment. now they throw the ball 50 times a game and run 7 times.


\end rant

Edited by markjazzbassist
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I've always enjoyed passing more than running but I definitely agree that the run game added a little bit more to sport also. I miss the Barry Sanders and Emmitt Smiths of the game. Nothing like seeing a running back taking the ball out of the backfield and juking 3 or 4 players for a TD. It still happens, just not nearly as much.


You can understand why they imposed the penalties for the rough hits though. If I had a son I don't think I'd let them play American football.

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I've always enjoyed passing more than running but I definitely agree that the run game added a little bit more to sport also. I miss the Barry Sanders and Emmitt Smiths of the game. Nothing like seeing a running back taking the ball out of the backfield and juking 3 or 4 players for a TD. It still happens, just not nearly as much.


You can understand why they imposed the penalties for the rough hits though. If I had a son I don't think I'd let them play American football.


some great points in there tonks. the penalties I am skeptical about. the amount of people hurt by those things versus the amount of people just hurt in general (its very violent), things like that. I wonder if those issues were really big time issues or just highlighted due to the media and the NFL wanting to push their pass happy points agenda. Goodell is a stain on that organization in my opinion. People have always been getting serious injuries and the like from football, hell Ronnie Lott has his finger cut off so he could continue playing in the middle of a game!


you bring up a great point about kids playing the sport. My dad played in college (he was a center) and all growing up. He has massive health issues now, both knees and hips needed to be replaced, his shoulders need replacing, had a couple back surgeries, the list goes on and on. He just had his body abused and beaten, not to mention small signs of memory loss (could be old age though so I'm careful not to attribute it to football). I see him and I see how much the game has changed and I'm not letting my son play. My wife and I already talked about it. As funny as it sounds I'd much rather him play hockey. They don't hit till college/minor leagues and even now the sport is changing to eliminate that aspect of the game as it's becoming more technical and about speed (which is great). But football the kids are hitting in 5th grade!! helmets and pads and all but still, all that impact on young growing brains? no thanks.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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