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I can see them and Fulham finishing above us at this rate because I can't see us getting any sort of result against Newcastle.


I hate to be bleak but I can see Liverpool finishing above us but I woulden't go as far as to say that Fulham will do too. They won't win against Spurs in the last game of the season and that should keep us above them, I hate how Chelsea have rolled over for 'pool today, they really could have helped us out.


Edit: Who is Liverpool's last game against?

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3-1 now...did you do it and what odds if so?


would be funny if they fuck it up..was tempted myself when you said it but didn't


No I went for 4-4!!!


That turnbull is horse shit! I only do my accumulators - could be dangerous getting into the in-play betting!

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I'm considering watching Match of the Day just to see how bad Turnbull is, he always seemed like a good keeper at Middlesbrough but he seems to have played really wank today, on the Guardian reports it says he was at fault for all 3 of Liverpool's goals (not read about the fourth).

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I'm considering watching Match of the Day just to see how bad Turnbull is, he always seemed like a good keeper at Middlesbrough but he seems to have played really wank today, on the Guardian reports it says he was at fault for all 3 of Liverpool's goals (not read about the fourth).


Turnbull got an assist and left his goal empty from 30yards for the 4th! Conclusion... his fault! (2nd was Terry's fault).

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1st was an own goal and 3rd was pathetic defending...never seen chelsea play this bad


Could a lot be said for the weakened side though? I mean, I don't think many would have expected Chelsea to win given the side that they put out tonight. It could though fuck our season right up with them winning so well.


Balls, that wolves result could bite us on the arse big time after tonight


It could, no excuse for 0-0 (even though maybe we were robbed by bad refereeing).

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I was listening to some supporters on the radio, while out the other day after the Cup Final, and maybe it was just a spontaneous reaction after the Plastics defeat, but yet again it was more 'Dalglish out' crap and ramblings. I mean there you are, just been involved in the FA Cup Final, the biggest occasion in British soccer, OK, lost out on the day but still a fine achievement, and add to that a League Cup win, ok, it's a rather insignificant piece of crap trophy, but a trophy nonethless and they did win the competition, despite how lame it is, and also the small matter of a European place next season and trips to the continent, and a majority of supporters were phoning in and pissing and moaning about how poor a season it had been and Dalglish should be axed etc etc ?


I don't like them at all, but for fucks sake, be happy with what you've done this year, which is, a hell of a lot more than most other teams around you. If someone had offered you that back in August, as a seasons accomplishment, you probably would have bit their hand off.

Last night seemed a rather trivial non event and I don't think Chelsea even cared about what happened, they might as well have stayed in London, shite got an impressive result on the night though, which puts greater emphasis on our 'failure' to get three points at Wolverhampton at the weekend.

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I can understand that, some supporters seemed genuinely pleased about beating the plastics last night, probably just right after the event of Wembley and getting some revenge etc, a crumb of comfort for them, but it won't change much. They have been abysmal in the league this year, for their standards at least, and one superlative nights work and beating a side that couldn't give a fuck on the day in question won't paper over the cracks of the overall poor league campaign this season.


Whichever way you look at it, and all things considered, LFC shite, Everton, or any other clubs perspective in fact, -


Start of August, season's underway - a week from end of season - Two domestic Cup Finals and a place in Europe, that's not to be sneezed at. It hasn't been a bad season for them, sorry if anyone feels different. I would have wanted them to do absolutely nothing really but they haven't done too badly for 2011-12.

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fact is though man they've spent a lot of money...and is 1 cup no one really tries for enough? they've won summat like 5 home games this season...that's just pathetic..for that money i'd want a lot more than a mickey mouse cup win

Season ticket works out as a £100 per win, ouch! rofl.gif

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Good for her, that was a nice story in a world so full of horror and misery and 'news' stories that aren't worth the time of day, actually something worthwhile and meaningful for a change to read about.


I couldn't run about 26 yards I don't think sometimes, never mind a marathon, it's in my own hands to change it, usually make a run for nachos than anything involving exercise these days. Always have time for the people involved in these events, 26 miles is some achievement and I have nothing but admiration for those involved or complete it even amid all the troubles along the way.

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It's a bit belated, but today was the 27th anniversary of The Bradford City stadium disaster on May 11 1985


Wasn't even aware until it was brought to attention a few hours ago, I remember the day well, Stuart McCall was a player on the day before he came over, and the whole thing was started, very much like the Kings Cross tube incident in 1987 by a discarded cigarette that had fallen on to trash below the wooden stands, a total of 56 people lost their lives, such a sad event in hindsight that so easily could have been prevented. I haven't heard hardly a mention of it today, seemed a bit disrespectful to the families involved. I tried to find a Youtube clip of it but it says either 'content inappropriate' or when I did happen upon one, it had the awful 'You'll Never Walk Alone' playing in the background, it has nothing to do with them, they could have found something more appropriate.


RIP the 56 who died today in 1985 : - (

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I had to watch the whole thing when doing a first aid course, it was very sad to watch.. yet the commentator didn't shut up and kept prattling.




Canadian soccer side set new attendance record, near 59,000 in for a home game in the MLS. Record to be broken again tomorrow as over 60k were sold for the game against LA Galaxy.

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