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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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Fair enough, not looked at anything but the main stuff really because I'm underwhelmed with it all!

I was joking about the other stuff like but I can't find a single photo of Lukaku in anything. Williams, Gueye, Schneiderlin etc etc but zero of our prized asset

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I was joking about the other stuff like but I can't find a single photo of Lukaku in anything. Williams, Gueye, Schneiderlin etc etc but zero of our prized asset


I'm not surprised by it tbh. I am surprised Barkley features heavily, so maybe it suggests he will be staying.

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I'm not surprised by it tbh. I am surprised Barkley features heavily, so maybe it suggests he will be staying.

Be a bit weird after all that promo stuff if he went like but football is a business and regardless of what the promo is they will sell him if they have to.


Hope he stays though I really really do.

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Be a bit weird after all that promo stuff if he went like but football is a business and regardless of what the promo is they will sell him if they have to.


Hope he stays though I really really do.


I hope he does too, but at the same time I wouldn't be crying if he did leave. Media suggesting today that we want £50m for him, which is unrealistic.


I know this is the Rom thread, so I'll shut up about Ross now :lol:.

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I hope he does too, but at the same time I wouldn't be crying if he did leave. Media suggesting today that we want £50m for him, which is unrealistic.


I know this is the Rom thread, so I'll shut up about Ross now :lol:.

Makes a change. We can slag Barkley off instead of Lukaku.


No way will we get 50 for him in the last year of his contract though. We'd be lucky to get that with 5 years left!

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Apparently if you take away all 24 Lukaku goals this season we'd still be in 7th position.


It stands to reason. Look at who he scores against and the criticality. Not very impressive.... I have said this before but with it being me who says it.... it's not most welcome.

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It's actually been validated....


So much for the 20 goal striker "essential"... mularky.


Fact is... take away 15 of his goals against the cannon fodder and replace them with "all round performances" against the top 6 and we would be pushing for 4th.


Said this all along.

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It's actually been validated....


So much for the 20 goal striker "essential"... mularky.


Fact is... take away 15 of his goals against the cannon fodder and replace them with "all round performances" against the top 6 and we would be pushing for 4th.


Said this all along.

But if he was playing for United who have consistently drawn against "cannon fodder" teams 0-0 or 1-1 they would win the league so it works both ways.

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It's just bollocks really- if Lukaku doesn't dcore the goals the game has a completely different dynamic- it's all guess work as nobody knows.

see, that's what I wanted to say but thought I'd be more tactful ;) Edited by Matt
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He'll be gone this summer anyway mate and we can move on from the whole sorry saga.

youre kidding, right? Wherever he goes, every time he makes a mistake we'll get "I told you so".


I expect the thread to calm down around 2019

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But we would be 9th without his assists


I'm not his biggest fan and I'm not one for defending the lad when he's brought it on himself but players like Lukaku tend to drag two defenders creating space for others take that into account and we'd have less goals full stop and fuck knows what position in the league

Edited by EFC-Paul
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But we would be 9th without his assists


I'm not his biggest fan and I'm not one for defending the lad when he's brought it on himself but players like Lukaku tend to drag two defenders creating space for others take that into account and we'd have less goals full stop and fuck knows what position in the league

I don't see him drag defenders anywhere. He tends to plump himself right In front of one.


It's why enner Valencia makes an impact when he comes on... because he does make them move.


Yes... we will still be talking about him in 2020 when he's playing for fenerbache

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Kane 25 goals now - hat trick.... fair play he is one hungry player.


His determination is something else - to be admired. He does not stop. He is on the move all the time. Pain in the arse.


Lukaku should have had this in the bag... but you can't score playing with your flip flops on.

Edited by Hafnia
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