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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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Great finisher as his goal stats suggest.


As a footballer he isn't at the level required to be harbouring upper champions league level ambitions.... quite simply he loses possession far too much and when it gets to the nitty gritty of the knockout stages I don't think managers will trust him. Lose possession and you are punished.


Attitude wise he's far from my cup of tea. Hasn't stopped talking about moving since the day he arrived here. Has games that make me want to throttle him as its nothing short of criminal laziness. Worse still he spends a lot of these games moaning.... against top sides he goes missing. A bit of a tasty welcome from a centre half turns the 6ft 4 beast into a 14 stone jellyfish.


When he turns it on he looks great but it's sporadic... his touch has improved from abysmal to substandard.


I desperately want us to sell him for the touted money and see what the likes of Walsh can bring in. We need a striker who offers more allround in their contribution.... yes his goal stats look great but they don't tell the full story for me.


You just reduced his fee by 10m!! Why couldn't you say he's the best player ever and worth at least 100m? You'll be devastated if he leaves.

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didn't realize it was a hazard. liverpool sea? the ocean? a nearby pool? just trying to bring some humor and conviviality to our arguments.

It's bad... really strong currents. A friend of mine jumped in and had to get dragged out... strong swimmer and he said it was scary.

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Barcelona or Madrid won't want him his first touch is well below their standard, if Chelsea have gone else where his only hope of a big move is Man United.

In all reality you're correct. I said psg cause hey have the money but they won't spend it on him when they have cavani.


United could use him to replace ibra and he's worked with Jose before.

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He tweeted Anderlecht U23s have won the league but no mention of us winning it. Thought that was a bit shitty like.


Disclaimer- in no way am I saying he should be critiised or pulled apart- just thought he would have acknowledged it as he has pals in that team.

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R.Lukaku Bolingoli10Verified account @RomeluLukaku9






As long as i didn't make a public statement about my situation please stay out of my business ok? #2600.png...

I nearly spat my coffee out when I first seen that.


All those opportunities to dismiss all the speculation about him and the first time he reacts is when they say he may not want to go to Chelsea.


Says a lot.... the lad wants to go to Chelsea. I hope he goes there if I'm honest. I don't think he will strengthen them... on the contrary I just think he will struggle and they will end up blowing a huge chunk of cash on a player who doesn't suit them.

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I nearly spat my coffee out when I first seen that.


All those opportunities to dismiss all the speculation about him and the first time he reacts is when they say he may not want to go to Chelsea.


Says a lot.... the lad wants to go to Chelsea. I hope he goes there if I'm honest. I don't think he will strengthen them... on the contrary I just think he will struggle and they will end up blowing a huge chunk of cash on a player who doesn't suit them.

which would've been him making a public statement about his future, which would've meant talking to the press.


He answered a question, made no statement other than he wants to compete at the top level (as every player should) . Everything else is just speculation.

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Just a reminder. I made a slight mistake when quoting earlier. Transcript:


"Are you going to sign that new contract?" - "No".

"Are you still reflecting on it?" - "No"

"Is there an agreement?" - "No"


Sounds more like he's not happy with the one offered than anything else.

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He might well want to, but the point is he has never said it directly.

At the end of the day- what he does or doesn't say is completely irrelevant, it's what he wants and I think anyone who thinks he doesn't is kidding themselves.


For me- it's time to put an end to the whole saga. Sell him as early as possible get replacements in and move on. I am honestly past caring.

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At the end of the day- what he does or doesn't say is completely irrelevant, it's what he wants and I think anyone who thinks he doesn't is kidding themselves.


For me- it's time to put an end to the whole saga. Sell him as early as possible get replacements in and move on. I am honestly past caring.

Fair enough, and I understand the speculation. However, fact-based, he's not ruled out staying nor has he said directly he want's to leave.

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Fair enough, and I understand the speculation. However, fact-based, he's not ruled out staying nor has he said directly he want's to leave.

O he hasn't but as I say him saying or not saying it doesn't make one jot of a difference. It's what he wants that mattwrs and I think most know the answer to that

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At the end of the day- what he does or doesn't say is completely irrelevant, it's what he wants and I think anyone who thinks he doesn't is kidding themselves.


For me- it's time to put an end to the whole saga. Sell him as early as possible get replacements in and move on. I am honestly past caring.

Someone has got to want to buy him though, i live down south, lots of Chelsea fans down here and by all accounts they don't want him back, they would rather sign Morata, i think Roms only hope is Man United, nobody else is going to buy him in the CL because they don't need him, at the end of the day he still has 2 years left here something which i think him and his agent seem to forget at times.

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Someone has got to want to buy him though, i live down south, lots of Chelsea fans down here and by all accounts they don't want him back, they would rather sign Morata, i think Roms only hope is Man United, nobody else is going to buy him in the CL because they don't need him, at the end of the day he still has 2 years left here something which i think him and his agent seem to forget at times.

I think he'll got to Man U mate, I've said it all alog and Jose will claim brilliance in sending him to Everton to develop and claim all the plaudits for a master stroke in his development when in truth it will all be a load of utter dog turd.

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Just a reminder. I made a slight mistake when quoting earlier. Transcript:


"Are you going to sign that new contract?" - "No".

"Are you still reflecting on it?" - "No"

"Is there an agreement?" - "No"


Sounds more like he's not happy with the one offered than anything else.

It sounds like he's a bit of nob to be honest.... he's playing attention seeking games that we see on Facebook..



Lukaku posts:- "OMG... big decision to make."


Gullable followers:- "what's the matter hun? You ok? I'll PM you"



He is as good as gone.... hes effectively putting the club in a position where we sell him now or lose £30m by having him for another season.

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Maybe with that Sun tweet he was more having a go at the publication in terms of the recent ban at Goodison, the Barkley thing, how the city feel about the paper etc, rather than it being purely the content? If that makes sense.

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