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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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Mate it's just the way I see it.... it's different from yours that's all.


To me your one of a group that does defend him whatever.

I just don't know why people get so upset when a few people critisice him that's all. It seems they take it personal.


Lukaku has his faults. A few people go on about them too much.... but no different from yourself and others in the opposite corner. It's all swings and roundabouts to me.


I see his strengths but I also see his weakness's .

If he plays like he did last week then I feel the right to critisice him. Same as if he plays well I feel the right to applaud him.


I'm not gonna get upset if Haf doesn't say he played great. And to be fair I agree with on a lot of points.

He is lazy.

He isn't a great player.

He has the touch of a rapist.

And he is a bit of a pussy for a big lad.


But I also see that he is a very good finisher, one of the best.

He is a good member of the squad.

He is a valued commodity.

He is one of our top assets.


I admit to biting when he is defended all the time and I am going to make a conscious effort not to.

How can I defend him no matter what when I say he's played shite? But if the whole teams shite, why is it only Lukaku gets grief off Haf? Nobody else gets accused of anything just Lukaku.


If you're going to slate him slate the others who aren't performing either is alls I'm saying.


I'm absolutely staggered you cannot aee that tbh mate.

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This is spot on regarding the assessment of Lukaku but the whole point why I think many feel they need to defend him so adamantly is that Haf (mainly but others too) picks up on every negative game by game. You don't go into the Mori thread and see hundreds of posts about his poor positional play and distribution, the Gana thread about his misplaced passes on the edge of our area, the Barkley thread how he often takes all of the momentum out of attacks by slowing it down and holding onto the ball for too long. You will see these posts in each thread, and correctly so, but no one else has the obsession that Haf has with Lukaku - that's why this thread is the longest on the whole of the forum and that's why so many lose it on here.


Not one Everton fan would deny any of the attributes you've mentioned above bar the laziness (lacks desire at times would probably be a better way to put it) but at the same time not many people who know anything about football could deny that Romelu Lukaku is a massively important part of Everton FC.

EXACTLY!!!!! Nobodys has ever excused him when he's played shit but when the team perform badly Lukaku gets the blame.

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How can I defend him no matter what when I say he's played shite? But if the whole teams shite, why is it only Lukaku gets grief off Haf? Nobody else gets accused of anything just Lukaku.


If you're going to slate him slate the others who aren't performing either is alls I'm saying.


I'm absolutely staggered you cannot aee that tbh mate.

It's a Lukaku thread. It should be about him shouldn't it?


I can see what you mean mate but this is a Lukaku thread and Haf don't rate him. That's it really.


To be fair. There's nothing wrong with anyone defending him either. We all and I mean all, just need to be a bit more subjective that's all.

People banding about 100m is ridiculous. If we get it then great. But he isn't in the same class as the top forwards in the world... nowhere near yet.


And again, fair is fair. Last weekend pretty much the whole team got slated. But people are still saying it's not Lukakus fault haha. No one is saying it was!

They are just saying that he was shit.


I don't get this whole.... of the team plays shit, then you can't critisice Lukaku. Doesn't make sense.


Imagine being at work and your boss saying... I'm not happy with your performance this week.

Well boss, Jon was poor too, so was Jane!


Your boss would think your on a playground.

Edited by Shukes
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It's a Lukaku thread. It should be about him shouldn't it?


I can see what you mean mate but this is a Lukaku thread and Haf don't rate him. That's it really.


To be fair. There's nothing wrong with anyone defending him either. We all and I mean all, just need to be a bit more subjective that's all.

People banding about 100m is ridiculous. If we get it then great. But he isn't in the same class as the top forwards in the world... nowhere near yet.

??? you're still missing the point. Yes it's the Lukaku thread and alls that Haf does is post anything he can to discredit him. He's championed Kone , Deeney and anyone he could . Does he go to the Barkley thread when he's abysmal and goes missing? Alls we hear then is how brilliant he is and he'll come good, the Mori, Jagielka, Baines, Gana etc etc? Nope just pile on Lukaku and blame him for everything.


I am the first to say when he's played shite but the over the top critisism will make myself and others call it out- it's not about defending him it's about pointing out that the critisism is grossly unfair.


Re your edit- where have I said he can't be critisised?? What I said was critisise them all if they all play bad don't just blame him. Imagine you're in work and your whole team perform shite and your boss constantly blames you and picks out everything you do but never says a word about any of the other members then even when you're clearly the leading performer in the team he still picks holes in everything you do claiming it's the least he expects from you!

Edited by Paddock
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If it's a headache thread don't read it, don't respond if it upsets you. The baiting is far more annoying than anything Hafnia posts because those baiting know they'll get a response! All as bad as eachother as far as I'm concerned. I don't even skim posts in this thread anymore it's like a circus.

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If it's a headache thread don't read it, don't respond if it upsets you. The baiting is far more annoying than anything Hafnia posts because those baiting know they'll get a response! All as bad as eachother as far as I'm concerned. I don't even skim posts in this thread anymore it's like a circus.


How do you know it's like a circus if you don't read it? It might have gone really sensible in your self imposed absence.


Unlikely I know but it might've done :P.

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Pad mate. I'm not missing the point, you are. And I mean that with total respect mate.


It's a Lukaku thread and it's being turned into a Haf thread. By himself, you and a few others.


I won't argue your points for him because I agree. He is a very good goalscorer and possibly the best in the prem.


But Hafs point that a 20 goal striker isn't needed to finish top four is pretty much fact. If it wasn't.... no team could ever do it.... and they have.


But I will not argue that having one isn't better. Course it is.

And I won't argue that Haf goes a little too far sometimes. But his points are valid....again, otherwise top pros would t be saying it, pundits wouldn't be saying it, fans wouldn't be saying it.


Haf isn't alone saying those points. Lukaku must be one of the most divisive players to play for is for years. There's a reason for it. It's all opinion and not fact. He doesn't have to like him and others shouldn't take it so personal if he doesn't.


Anyway. Hope he stays at least one more year. He will tear Europa apart if he gets chance.

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Pad mate. I'm not missing the point, you are. And I mean that with total respect mate.


It's a Lukaku thread and it's being turned into a Haf thread. By himself, you and a few others.


I won't argue your points for him because I agree. He is a very good goalscorer and possibly the best in the prem.


But Hafs point that a 20 goal striker isn't needed to finish top four is pretty much fact. If it wasn't.... no team could ever do it.... and they have.


But I will not argue that having one isn't better. Course it is.

And I won't argue that Haf goes a little too far sometimes. But his points are valid....again, otherwise top pros would t be saying it, pundits wouldn't be saying it, fans wouldn't be saying it.


Haf isn't alone saying those points. Lukaku must be one of the most divisive players to play for is for years. There's a reason for it. It's all opinion and not fact. He doesn't have to like him and others shouldn't take it so personal if he doesn't.


Anyway. Hope he stays at least one more year. He will tear Europa apart if he gets chance.

Name me a team in the last 20 years that has had a 20 goal a season atriker that hasn't finished top 4.

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Paddock just got completely bailed off.

Why? There's 5 in 20 years so my point stands. If in those 20 years 4 teams have qualified that's 80 teams and there's 5 players who scored 20 or more and never got in the cl places. I asked a question I never said it didn't happen there was bound to be an anomaly in there. Even if it's 15 players or only 70 trams the point still stands that teams with 20 goal a season strikers finish almost always in the top 4 Those that don't are clearly lacking in other departments as they have a player scoring lots of goals. Just like we are this season.


Don't try and turn it on me cos Mikes just had your kecks off further up. And thought you wasn't going to read ay more posts in here. More bullshit to try and sound cool?

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Why? There's 5 in 20 years so my point stands. If in those 20 years 4 teams have qualified that's 80 teams and there's 5 players who scored 20 or more and never got in the cl places. I asked a question I never said it didn't happen there was bound to be an anomaly in there. Even if it's 15 players or only 70 trams the point still stands that teams with 20 goal a season strikers finish almost always in the top 4 Those that don't are clearly lacking in other departments as they have a player scoring lots of goals. Just like we are this season.


Don't try and turn it on me cos Mikes just had your kecks off further up. And thought you wasn't going to read ay more posts in here. More bullshit to try and sound cool?

Less of the essays soft lad. I'm really not arsed. Put the boxing on fella.


P.S There's no chance Mike would get anywhere near my kecks.

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Replacing a finisher with a finisher and having £70m+ to spend is mind blowing...


Tell me why Defoe is such a bad idea? He's banged in 14 goals for a truly shite team.... and I mean truly shite.


Id argue that Defoe would have scored 18 goals+ for us


Maybe because he hasn't scored in 11 games straight and leads the least potent attack in the league.

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Maybe because he hasn't scored in 11 games straight and leads the least potent attack in the league.


18 games in total he's failed to score, and has missed a few guilt-edged chances in just the handful of Sunderland games I've watched this season.


Not a player I want near our team - we need clinical.

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18 games in total he's failed to score, and has missed a few guilt-edged chances in just the handful of Sunderland games I've watched this season.


Not a player I want near our team - we need clinical.

Didn't lukaku do 13 games in a row without scoring? And let's face it.... he wasn't playing for the utter shite that is Sunderland either. 7 games in a row they went without scoring 1 goal.


Fact is we would get him for nothing... amazing option off the bench or to rotate.

Edited by Hafnia
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Less of the essays soft lad. I'm really not arsed. Put the boxing on fella.


P.S There's no chance Mike would get anywhere near my kecks.

I didn't think the essay would bother you as you don't read them but whatever.


Lukaku is still shite and couldn't trap a rabbit with myxomatosis

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Didn't lukaku do 13 games in a row without scoring? And let's face it.... he wasn't playing for the utter shite that is Sunderland either. 7 games in a row they went without scoring 1 goal.


Fact is we would get him for nothing... amazing option off the bench or to rotate.

he did, last year. If you look at the same time frame, hes nearly 1 in 1
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Didn't lukaku do 13 games in a row without scoring? And let's face it.... he wasn't playing for the utter shite that is Sunderland either. 7 games in a row they went without scoring 1 goal.


Fact is we would get him for nothing... amazing option off the bench or to rotate.

1 too many posts Haf, you spoilt it!

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he did, last year. If you look at the same time frame, hes nearly 1 in 1

Yes... and I'm sure it will happen again. It's how things go sometimes for strikers.


As per my posts around Feb I was praising rom for his games that didn't involve scoring. That element of application has since gone missing.


I actually expect him to have a huge game today.

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