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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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Sadly, while I much prefer he stays, I do think he'll go to PSG. He's a French speaker, of course, and that's always a factor. Plus, they are in need of a player like Lukaku. Maybe 60m plus add-ons?

He's as much an English speaker as he is a French speaker. He grew up in the Flemish (Dutch speaking) part of Belgium. So I don't think the language angle plays.

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What do you think about his comments about Koemans man management of him?!!!


In his case, Lukaku's comments are justified since Koeman's comments to him were given quietly behind the scenes. This is how you do it.


I realize plenty disagree with me about Koeman's man-management approach, but my comments are based on experience. Good managers get the best out of people by pushing them, quietly advising them, and making them look good. They don't make careless statements in public that make someone look bad or that lead to speculative gossip.

Edited by Cornish Steve
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In his case, Lukaku's comments are justified since Koeman's comments to him were given quietly behind the scenes. This is how you do it.


I realize plenty disagree with me about Koeman's man-management approach, but my comments are based on experience. Good managers get the best out of people by pushing them, quietly advising them, and making them look good. They don't make careless statements in public that make someone look bad or that lead to speculative gossip.

I'm in danger of crossing threads here with your comments in the Barkley thread too!


While I respect your business experience, I have to disagree that your comments are based on experience. I think your comments are based on personal preference. You loved Martinez poems...as did I...but unlike Martinez, you and me, not everyone is a soft wet cloth. We needed Koemans approach.


The other thing is that you have absolutely no idea what gets said behind closed doors. He has worked with these guys all season and they have delivered for him. Poor man management wouldn't see us where we are now. That would see us finishing 11th 2 seasons in a row.


You can't bring the overly red taped, HR happy, PC brigade business world into a changing room full of high testosterone, multi millionaire, highly competitive, ego driven sports men at the top of their game. The 2 are entirely different world's.

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Fucking hell Haf, you'll literally jump on anything. Seriously, it's shocking.

It's always him though pad.... fans stay behind to say their goodbyes for the season and the players supposedly showing their appreciation.


Was it too hard for him to at least walk round and applaud the fans? He was on his mobile phone pretty much throughout the lap... not taking photos... but typing away.


It then transpires he was on Chelsea players instagrams... you couldn't write it.



The lad has a piss poor attitude and does not show the club the respect it deserves.

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I'm in two minds....


Your pals have just won the league...you want to congratulate them. Etc. Etc.


You are doing a lap of honour to thank the fans who pay towards your wages. Can't they have 100% of your attention just for a few minutes?


Forget it was Haf who posted it. Just think of it as a normal decent human being. Could the congrats not wait for a few more minutes while you applaud those who have applauded you and sand your name?


C'mon Gents.

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I'm in two minds....


Your pals have just won the league...you want to congratulate them. Etc. Etc.


You are doing a lap of honour to thank the fans who pay towards your wages. Can't they have 100% of your attention just for a few minutes?


Forget it was Haf who posted it. Just think of it as a normal decent human being. Could the congrats not wait for a few more minutes while you applaud those who have applauded you and sand your name?


C'mon Gents.

Dunc on here nipped out of his wedding to go the match. Football is an obsession. I'd personally have been streaming the last minutes in my phone in that situation. One eye on the fans, one eye on the match.
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I'm in two minds....


Your pals have just won the league...you want to congratulate them. Etc. Etc.


You are doing a lap of honour to thank the fans who pay towards your wages. Can't they have 100% of your attention just for a few minutes?


Forget it was Haf who posted it. Just think of it as a normal decent human being. Could the congrats not wait for a few more minutes while you applaud those who have applauded you and sand your name?


C'mon Gents.


The forget it was Haf seems to be the most difficult thing to do though.

The manager can get away with it, other fans can, as can many many pundits. ... but Had, it's some really bad agenda.


The world we live in just happens to be one that lives on social media.

He is just congratulating his friends.

Nothing to it for me.

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I guess those who think it's all OK would also be in their mobile while serving customers in a shop, restaurant, garage etc? If you were at a work gig/function/meeting, you'd be tapping away on your phone? Won an award? Well done, you'd collect it while on your phone.


Now I'm not the most stereotypical professional, PC, corporate speaking manager around but even I know there is a time and a place! He should have waited a few minutes and given his full attention to the fans who were clapping him, singing his name, paying his wages...if you think otherwise, then I really do worry about how much social media is dictating our lives!!!

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Forget the Chelsea instagram bit..... Rom was doing a lap of honour with his face in his phone. Many fans were pissed off about it. Height of bad manners.


Last time he probably sees our fans and his grid is looking at a phone.

ive not seen it but even I wouldn't defend him, regardless of whether he's staying or not
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Rom might have been filming the crowd? Who knows. He may have been FaceTiming his family so they could see it, could have been anything. Most of the lap he was talking to Bolasie anyway.


He might have sent these things after the lap. Don't forget their game was 15 after ours and they didn't leave the pitch for a while after the game. Rom could have been in the changing room by then.


He wasn't the only player with his phone in his hands.

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Rom might have been filming the crowd? Who knows. He may have been FaceTiming his family so they could see it, could have been anything. Most of the lap he was talking to Bolasie anyway.


He might have sent these things after the lap. Don't forget their game was 15 after ours and they didn't leave the pitch for a while after the game. Rom could have been in the changing room by then.


He wasn't the only player with his phone in his hands.

He wasn't. He wasn't. And he wasn't!!!


I have a video I shot on my phone. From what I can see, he's the only player who claps a few times then goes back to his phone. I can't make out any others with a phone, correct me though. The longest he stands and claps is in front the the Gladwys. Rest of the time, it's between Bolasie and his phone.


At the end of the day, I just think it's rude at best. I'd say the same if it was any other player.


You've got Robles constantly clapping, thumbs up, waving.


Davies gives his shirt to someone and hugs a lady who tried to get his training top.


Valencia spots a guy at the front with an Ecuador shirt in and flag, goes over and gives him his shirt and has photos.


Barkley gives his short away.


Big Dunc gives all sorts away.


Koeman gives his suit jacket away.


That's just what I've seen!!!


Well I've said my piece. Nothing left on it now. Regardless of the player I think it is wrong.

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