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Longest Thread For Drivel (or the Romelu Lukaku thread)

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I'd say his ball retention was a problem. He never took enough risks. Even now he's hesitant on the ball and making sure he gets it to a team mate. I'd rather he play the ball as soon as he sees the chance, because with his vision and skill it would he's now than capable of making killer passes. He'd lose the ball more, but create more goals.

I think sometimes he is scared to take risks because the crowd gets in his back too easily.


I think he does lose the ball a lot, though, but so should any "number 10", their job is to play killer balls which are the hardest type of ball to play with the lowest success rate.


I don't get annoyed when he loses the ball in those positions. You wouldn't slam a goalkeeper for not kicking the ball directly to a target man's head every single time from a goal kick.

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I know Mark posted this in the Everton thread, but there is a key phrase that I thought merrited Rom getting a specific mention:





"He is going to guarantee you goals as long as he is fit and on the pitch. I think that is another thing he deserves a lot of credit for is the amount of football he has played for us over the last few years. We have depended on him at times and he has been there for us."



I had just taken it for granted that he would always be on the teamsheet, but to have played as many games as he has for us, at a young age, is highly impressive.

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It's massively impressive, overlooked considerably IMO.


IN regards to him signing a new contract, I also think some people ignore the fact he might actually want to be here, rather than the preferred media spin that he's still here because no one wanted him.


Are we (fans) just naturally skeptical about player loyalty?

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I know Mark posted this in the Everton thread, but there is a key phrase that I thought merrited Rom getting a specific mention:





I had just taken it for granted that he would always be on the teamsheet, but to have played as many games as he has for us, at a young age, is highly impressive.


He's played time after time when he's been injured. Probably hasn't helped him with some of our fans when due to said injury he hasn't been able to perform to his high standard.

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What it points out is that we are far too dependent on him. Heaven forbid he suffer a season-ending injury.


to play devi's advocate steve what quality player would want to sit on the bench and never play knowing ROM is always first choice? all i can think of are mercenaries which we don't want, so damned if you do, damned if you don't

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Here's a question.....


What top half football team with the supposed money that we have - have put all their striker eggs in one basket?


Absolutely ridiculous. Kone has a knee that is held together by sellotape. Other than that martinez parting present was a striker who can barely kick a ball. We have a 19 year old kid who is injured and that is it.


For 4 years I have said we need a striker to support or challenge lukaku. This hasn't been provided.


Whilst this season has seen far greater consistency from the lad this has not been the case in previous seasons. Even now there are times when he needs taking off - but for who?


You lot shouldn't be getting all giddy about how he has been great in not getting injured - that isn't a choice. injuries are often a result of players being a bit physical in what they do or having suffered imbalances somewhere along the line.


We should have bought gabbiadini- we were in for him at a greater price than Southampton got him for so I really don't understand why we let him slip. Nearly every club in the top half has 2 or 3 strikers that can do a job - not one.

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It's massively impressive, overlooked considerably IMO.


IN regards to him signing a new contract, I also think some people ignore the fact he might actually want to be here, rather than the preferred media spin that he's still here because no one wanted him.


Are we (fans) just naturally skeptical about player loyalty?

No I think we're skeptical with him specifically because he's said pretty much since he got here that he wants to play with a Champion's League club and we are still not there.


That said, I do think he likes the club, likes Koeman's vision and wants us to succeed, but if we don't get in the top 4 in the two campaigns following this one, he'll be a goner no matter how much he likes us.

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