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Funniest quote from a politician ever....Jeremy Hunt on the cap on social care payments for pensioners from 2017 (which they've set at £75,000 instead of the £35,000 recommended by the study they commissioned)....


"We're in a period where we have a huge deficit and the over-riding national priority for all of us when we become pensioners is actually to get the national debt under control."


Rights or wrongs of any cap aside....does he really expect people to hit sixty five and think, "...damn, I really need to do something about the national debt!"

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What are you doing this Valentine's Day? Whatever you do don't try and wake Oscar Pistorius. This morning (around 4-5am) Pistorius' girlfriend sneaked into his room to give him a Valentine's 'surprise' when he pulled out a 9mm pistol thinking that she was a burglar. She took wounds to both the head and chest before dying.


Pistorius has been charged with murder.




Roses are red,

Violets are glorious,

Don't try to surprise

Oscar Pistorious.

Edited by Zoo
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Yeah, the link I posted goes to Sky News.


It's come out now however that the SA Police are treating it as a planned murder and not an accident. There was suspected domestic violence in the past and then now this has happened it doesn't look good for Oscar.

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Yeah, the link I posted goes to Sky News.


It's come out now however that the SA Police are treating it as a planned murder and not an accident. There was suspected domestic violence in the past and then now this has happened it doesn't look good for Oscar.

Guilty. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21467359

Wish our courts were so quick.

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