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Great news John! What's he studying? Tell me it's not politics or journalism please :P.


Business economics. Thanks for your good wishes guys, will pass them on. Been trying to get him on here for some time, just think he has been too busy. Will keep working at it.

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Just had a visit from daughter-in-law, she who takes Charlie to Goodison when son can't. She works for BSI and is flying out to North Carolina tomorrow and then down to Puerto Rico. All on business. She does get about a bit. All over Europe and India and China in the Far East.


One of my wife's brothers lives in NC. Spurs fan, what a dope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone building a new house on a plot in my village, not a developer just a bloke on his own with the help of a mate as far as I can see; and you know what? He's built a shed at the back of it even before digging foundations, a man with his priorities sorted:P. Keep meaning to take a photo, love it.

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9 hours ago, MikeO said:

Someone building a new house on a plot in my village, not a developer just a bloke on his own with the help of a mate as far as I can see; and you know what? He's built a shed at the back of it even before digging foundations, a man with his priorities sorted:P. Keep meaning to take a photo, love it.

Got to have somewhere for your tea break. 

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What a day. Up at five and left home at 5.45 for a 7.30 appt for my four year old grandson in Bristol (see also Spurs matchday thread). Day case surgery, we were there for eight hours; then I had to take him and his mum home to Paignton, stopping off to pick up another grandson who was going over for the week-end. Motorway was crap, Paignton was flooded, been home about fifteen minutes; in the wise words of Counting Crows, "Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones!"

Oh, and he went into complete meltdown when they tried to put the wristband on him! From there it was downhill.

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Highly thought provoking and controversial article this, but personally (probably get flamed for this) I have sympathy for these people. In my opinion nobody makes a conscious choice as to who they're attracted to to, it's hard wired in the brain; I've always been attracted to shorter women for example (among other attributes) but I could just as easily have been gay. To have an attraction you have no control over that's illegal and to not act on it because you know it's wrong must be a difficult way to live. I have no sympathy for those that do act on it though obviously.


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59 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Highly thought provoking and controversial article this, but personally (probably get flamed for this) I have sympathy for these people. In my opinion nobody makes a conscious choice as to who they're attracted to to, it's hard wired in the brain; I've always been attracted to shorter women for example (among other attributes) but I could just as easily have been gay. To have an attraction you have no control over that's illegal and to not act on it because you know it's wrong must be a difficult way to live. I have no sympathy for those that do act on it though obviously.


There was a bloke in This Morning saying similar. I can't find the clip though, saw it on fb. Must be horrible. 

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Tablet's been playing up so I just bought one of these...


...in Tesco's. Could've got it a few quid cheaper if I'd got it online I've since found but it was an impulse buy. All set up now, clever little toy:).

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Dreadfully sad this but I'm at a loss to understand something.


Apparently the guy died saving his wife by jumping on top of her when he saw what was coming; but it was a "granite sheet measuring about 40m (131ft) by 20m (65ft)" falling from 200m up. How does a human body deflect that?

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Just had a letter from the Department for work and pensions telling me when I can start to claim my pension; it's May 15th 2026 and they'll write to me nearer the time to let me know how to go about it. Eight and a half years away? What a waste of some minor civil servant's time and paper. Absurd.

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