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If a solution is "out of the box", do you consider it to be a standard or creative solution ? I've always presumed it meant something akin to Ikea furniture. i.e. ready to build. I heard the expression used today to mean a solution from outside of regular parameters.

The latter as far as one heard it used.
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If a solution is "out of the box", do you consider it to be a standard or creative solution ? I've always presumed it meant something akin to Ikea furniture. i.e. ready to build. I heard the expression used today to mean a solution from outside of regular parameters.

i usually switch off whenever I hear that phrase
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If a solution is "out of the box", do you consider it to be a standard or creative solution ? I've always presumed it meant something akin to Ikea furniture. i.e. ready to build. I heard the expression used today to mean a solution from outside of regular parameters.


Agree with Pete; I understand it as alternative/creative thinking rather than going by the book.

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Funny this morning due to starting at stupid o'clock. First I hadn't told the wife I'd booked row 1 seats so we had eJ speedy boarding and proper leg room; she didn't know until we got on the plane and I pointed out where we were sitting (brownie points). Then (again due to daft start time) she fell asleep on my shoulder while we were on the ground at Bristol. Next communication from her was, "Haven't we taken off yet?" while we were taxi-ing at Schipol :lol:; amazed really because we hit some heavy turbulence on the way in but she slept through it.


However, I'm now in need of sleep; been up close to twenty hours after max four hours last night, but I'm past the point of being tired (sure people know what I mean) so it won't be easy dammit.

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If a solution is "out of the box", do you consider it to be a standard or creative solution ? I've always presumed it meant something akin to Ikea furniture. i.e. ready to build. I heard the expression used today to mean a solution from outside of regular parameters.


Also in the context of 'not the obvious solution'. To use a football analogy, 'out of the box' is usually a 'long shot'.

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This has reminded me that "to table" something has a different meaning in the UK and US.

In UK, it's to put it on the table to discuss it.
In US, it's to put it on a table out of the way and delay discussing it. :D

It's funny how the same language develops.

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This has reminded me that "to table" something has a different meaning in the UK and US.


In UK, it's to put it on the table to discuss it.

In US, it's to put it on a table out of the way and delay discussing it. :D


It's funny how the same language develops.

Ha that's weird. Reminds me is the us/U.K. Candy bar comparison From another thread.

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This has reminded me that "to table" something has a different meaning in the UK and US.


In UK, it's to put it on the table to discuss it.

In US, it's to put it on a table out of the way and delay discussing it. :D


It's funny how the same language develops.


In the US, we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway. In Britain, if a car is speeding along the road, you should to pedestrians to "get on the pavement"; in the US, you shout for them to "get off the pavement". Yes, it can get confusing.


Years ago, when we lived in south Florida, a work colleague over from Britain stopped by a local Walgreens (a chemist shop that sells all kinds of other stuff too, including stationary). Not finding what he was after, he asked the female assistant where he could find a rubber. "Do you only want one, sir?" "Oh yes. I don't plan on making that many mistakes."

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In the US, we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway. In Britain, if a car is speeding along the road, you should to pedestrians to "get on the pavement"; in the US, you shout for them to "get off the pavement". Yes, it can get confusing.


Years ago, when we lived in south Florida, a work colleague over from Britain stopped by a local Walgreens (a chemist shop that sells all kinds of other stuff too, including stationary). Not finding what he was after, he asked the female assistant where he could find a rubber. "Do you only want one, sir?" "Oh yes. I don't plan on making that many mistakes."

Ha! Had to think about this one for a minute.
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uk --> usa


rubber --> eraser


bonnet --> hood


car wing --> car fender


car bumper --> car fender


gears --> wtf?


roundabout --> WTF?



Haha about right, at least in practice. Lots of roundabouts where I am, but people have no idea how to drive through them.


Also 3 different names in the US for roundabout depending on where you are, used interchangeably but with slightly different definitions in roundabout, rotary and traffic circle.

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Absolutely gutted that Chester from Linkin Park has killed himself. Mental health really is an important issue, it needs more attention.


Really feel for his family though - he had six kids.

The saying "Its Ok to not be Ok" needs pressing home more and more. Such a brilliant musician. I'm proper gutted.

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The saying "Its Ok to not be Ok" needs pressing home more and more. Such a brilliant musician. I'm proper gutted.

I work in a bar and, in some way, I feel like that puts me in the best position to state that nobody's ok. And the people who pretend they are generally the ones who need the most help.


Read that he had a lot of health issues. Regardless of your millions, that can be a very depressing and hopeless situation with American healthcare as it is.


Hope his family will be ok.

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Read that he had a lot of health issues. Regardless of your millions....


Funny isn't it. I'm 57 and I've experienced everything from complete hand to mouth (wouldn't go as far as to call it poverty) to very "comfortable" (wouldn't go as far as calling it "rich") and taken it all pretty much in my stride.


Now, since my mum died earlier in the year, for the first time ever I have a significant amount in the bank. It has made me really anxious, sure I got a new car and a couple of foreign trips where I've not had to worry about spending but when I get home on Monday it'll start weighing heavily on me again.


PS Anyone offering to take it off my hands to reduce my stress levels can forget it. I'll cope?.


But it is a strange feeling.

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Hit a deer last night. It shot out in front of me close to downtown Atlanta. It was a big adult, and it's done a fair bit of damage to the car - which, sadly, means it's going to be costly.


We need more deer hunting this season, because their numbers are growing significantly. The dogs went crazy this morning as another deer wandered into our back yard.

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Hit a deer last night. It shot out in front of me close to downtown Atlanta. It was a big adult, and it's done a fair bit of damage to the car - which, sadly, means it's going to be costly.


We need more deer hunting this season, because their numbers are growing significantly. The dogs went crazy this morning as another deer wandered into our back yard.


Steve, did you manage to fit it in the boot? Venison for the next three months!

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Steve, did you manage to fit it in the boot? Venison for the next three months!

Deer have a hormone that's released shortly after death that makes the meat taste "gamey" for a lack of a better term. Seasoned hunters can kill and field dress fast enough to avoid it but road kills aren't worth the effort. Where I live there are a plethora of deer too Steve. Hunting season have been lengthened in most places and in some areas they have assault teams go in and kill them by the masses. Somehow they reproduce so fast and many it doesn't matter. it's pretty crazy

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