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Selling my old car in a couple of weeks, researching it suggests I'll get £7/800 but I just (out of interest) put the details into "We Buy Any Car". Got offered £280; bloody crooks.


I just love buying a new car and selling the old one. It's one of the joys of life - outwitting sales guys and squeezing every last penny out of the deal. :D

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I just love buying a new car and selling the old one. It's one of the joys of life - outwitting sales guys and squeezing every last penny out of the deal. :D


Crap haggler me Steve (unless it's for car hire in Greece where I'm the master). Been selling my old ones on Ebay (auction) for years to cut the haggling out of it; having said that I do do very good and detailed ads so I tend to get a better price than I could expect, can make a big difference wording things right and adding a bit of humour.

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Crap haggler me Steve (unless it's for car hire in Greece where I'm the master). Been selling my old ones on Ebay (auction) for years to cut the haggling out of it; having said that I do do very good and detailed ads so I tend to get a better price than I could expect, can make a big difference wording things right and adding a bit of humour.


Still think you get the best deal from 'trade in'. Negotiate the 'net deal' ie what you are prepared to pay. Its amazing how they can work out the figures, particularly if you are prepared to walk away. You get two bites of the cherry, price of the car you are buying and the trade in.

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Give us a link John.


They don't publish the letters online Bill.


Beyond my capabilities I'm afraid, Bill. MikeO might be able to help as I think he gets the Eye?


I don't subscribe John but I buy it on occasion, I'll have to get this one :). Congratulations!

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Thought this was satirical from the first couple of lines. Don't know if he's a manipulator, idiot, or just a bitter smoker.


Wow. Two takeaways from said website:


1. Don't know why I always kind of assumed that there was no British equivalent to the wave of young, bitter, anti-feminist, Islamaphobic, white neocon movement that exists in far too much of the US. Sad to be shown otherwise.


2. Even that sad demographic doesn't like Trump.

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Can't you show us the letter John.


Bill, in the previous issue of Private Eye, the section called Brussels Sprouts which covers EU issues, quoted a German MEP as saying that every June, Britain did something silly (referendum/general election) 'what will it be next year'.


My letter was:


Brussels Sprouts (p11, Eye 1447) quotes German officials saying 'Every June you do something silly. What will it be next year?'

The wag must have been too young to remember June 1944.

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This was posted on the MacMillan cancer forum. Most on here will have or will be touched by C one day without a doubt so it's a useful, funny (and accurate) assessment.


What’s it like to go through cancer treatment? It’s something like this: one day, you’re minding your own business, you open the fridge to get some breakfast, and OH MY GOD THERE’S A MOUNTAIN LION IN YOUR FRIDGE.Wait, what? How? Why is there a mountain lion in your fridge? NO TIME TO EXPLAIN. RUN! THE MOUNTAIN LION WILL KILL YOU! UNLESS YOU FIND SOMETHING EVEN MORE FEROCIOUS TO KILL IT FIRST!
So you take off running, and the mountain lion is right behind you. You know the only thing that can kill a mountain lion is a bear, and the only bear is on top of the mountain, so you better find that bear. You start running up the mountain in hopes of finding the bear. Your friends desperately want to help, but they are powerless against mountain lions, as mountain lions are godless killing machines. But they really want to help, so they’re cheering you on and bringing you paper cups of water and orange slices as you run up the mountain and yelling at the mountain lion - “GET LOST, MOUNTAIN LION, NO ONE LIKES YOU” - and you really appreciate the support, but the mountain lion is still coming.
Also, for some reason, there’s someone in the crowd who’s yelling “that’s not really a mountain lion, it’s a puma” and another person yelling “I read that mountain lions are allergic to kale, have you tried rubbing kale on it?”
As you’re running up the mountain, you see other people fleeing their own mountain lions. Some of the mountain lions seem comparatively wimpy - they’re half grown and only have three legs or whatever, and you think to yourself - why couldn’t I have gotten one of those mountain lions? But then you look over at the people who are fleeing mountain lions the size of a monster truck with huge prehistoric saber fangs, and you feel like an ******* for even thinking that - and besides, who in their right mind would want to fight a mountain lion, even a three-legged one?
Finally, the person closest to you, whose job it is to take care of you - maybe a parent or sibling or best friend or, in my case, my husband - comes barging out of the woods and jumps on the mountain lion, whaling on it and screaming “GODDAMMIT MOUNTAIN LION, STOP TRYING TO EAT MY WIFE,” and the mountain lion punches your husband right in the face. Now your husband (or whatever) is rolling around on the ground clutching his nose, and he’s bought you some time, but you still need to get to the top of the mountain.
Eventually you reach the top, finally, and the bear is there. Waiting. For both of you. You rush right up to the bear, and the bear rushes the mountain lion, but the bear has to go through you to get to the mountain lion, and in doing so, the bear TOTALLY KICKS YOUR ASS, but not before it also punches your husband in the face.
And your husband is now staggering around with a black eye and bloody nose, and saying “can I get some help, I’ve been punched in the face by two apex predators and I think my nose is broken,” and all you can say is “I’M KIND OF BUSY IN CASE YOU HADN’T NOTICED I’M FIGHTING A MOUNTAIN LION.”
Then, the bear leaps on the mountain lion and they are locked in epic battle until finally the two of them roll off a cliff edge together, and the mountain lion is dead.
Maybe. You’re not sure - it fell off the cliff, but mountain lions are crafty. It could come back at any moment.
And all your friends come running up to you and say “that was amazing! You’re so brave, we’re so proud of you! You didn’t die! That must be a huge relief!”
Meanwhile, you blew out both your knees, you’re having an asthma attack, you twisted your ankle, and also you have been mauled by a bear. And everyone says “boy, you must be excited to walk down the mountain!” And all you can think as you stagger to your feet is “**** this mountain, I never wanted to climb it in the first place."
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I'll reserve judgement, never seen the woman in anything as far as I know but personally have no problem with the gender change. Josh is outraged.


She's a decent actress but I don't like the gender change one bit. I'll give it a couple of episodes but I can see me swerving it until she's gone.

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It's been designed to boost shit viewing figures but I think it's going to have the opposite effect, unfortunately.


It's like changing the decor and function of a "locals" pub. (Marco will know what I mean).


"Regulars" will be paying customers come rain or shine. You won't be making a great deal of money, but you know roughly what they'll bring (low viewing figures in this instance). IF you plan to change the entire function of the pub (into a wine bar say), you run the risk of losing your "Regulars", in exchange for attracting a newer, younger, cash heavy demographic. That's fine if your plan is fool proof, but if your "Regulars" feel threatened and stop coming and then you can't delivery this great wine bar, you'll lose the potential new customers interest as well the bloodline of your old establishment.


It's always a risk and if your biggest fans (Dr Who) walk away, it's set for failure.


Personally, I think it's a move that was necessary, rather than the notion of the series bowing to the PC brigade. The series as a whole was getting bland and uninteresting, if this is the kick up the arse it needed, then so be it. Personally, I think it should have happened in Capaldi's place...the older Doctor thing for me felt like an embarrassing Uncle. Problem now for this Doctor, that this role is potentially "cursed", thanks to the "13th" label.


I hope it does well. I'm NOT a watcher as per se (Only seen about 10 full episodes altogether, from Christopher Eccleston's Doctor reincarnation, including a handful of Tennants and absolutely none of Matt Smiths'). So as a neutral observer, I think this move was required.

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It's like changing the decor and function of a "locals" pub. (Marco will know what I mean).


"Regulars" will be paying customers come rain or shine. You won't be making a great deal of money, but you know roughly what they'll bring (low viewing figures in this instance). IF you plan to change the entire function of the pub (into a wine bar say), you run the risk of losing your "Regulars", in exchange for attracting a newer, younger, cash heavy demographic. That's fine if your plan is fool proof, but if your "Regulars" feel threatened and stop coming and then you can't delivery this great wine bar, you'll lose the potential new customers interest as well the bloodline of your old establishment.


It's always a risk and if your biggest fans (Dr Who) walk away, it's set for failure.


Personally, I think it's a move that was necessary, rather than the notion of the series bowing to the PC brigade. The series as a whole was getting bland and uninteresting, if this is the kick up the arse it needed, then so be it. Personally, I think it should have happened in Capaldi's place...the older Doctor thing for me felt like an embarrassing Uncle. Problem now for this Doctor, that this role is potentially "cursed", thanks to the "13th" label.


I hope it does well. I'm NOT a watcher as per se (Only seen about 10 full episodes altogether, from Christopher Eccleston's Doctor reincarnation, including a handful of Tennants and absolutely none of Matt Smiths'). So as a neutral observer, I think this move was required.

It was definitely PC motivated, J. To think otherwise is foolish. They did the same by turning The Master into Missy. Another mistake - John Sim's Master was infinitely better. Missy was just dipsy and a waste of time.


The biggest problem with viewing figures was letting Moffat write so many of the stories. He's shit. Fortunately he's gone now so storylines should improve, which gives the new one a much better chance of being a success.


It's going to be interesting to see if the BBC are truly going for equality. If they are then the companion will be a man.


Personally, I hope that if there's a remake of Cinderella that they go with a bloke to play Cinderella.

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ff to bed now because I have to get up at 3.00am for Amsterdam flight, hoping to see some blues at the airport on their way out, we'll make some noise :P.


Just wish I could get to a game :dry:.



Mike, give the red light district a miss and you should have plenty of time. :D

Edited by johnh
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Down in Berkshire we had thunder, lightning and torrential rain, from about 7.00 pm till 10.00 pm - non-stop. Then intermittently throughout the night. Heard water hitting the front drive. Sounded like a high-powered hose. Thought the down pipe had come adrift from the gutter so opened the front door to check. The torrent of water coming down the roof was so strong that it completely cleared the gutters! Might turn my brown lawns green again though.

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If a solution is "out of the box", do you consider it to be a standard or creative solution ? I've always presumed it meant something akin to Ikea furniture. i.e. ready to build. I heard the expression used today to mean a solution from outside of regular parameters.

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