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What's beyond the edges then?




Like, does it just go cloudy?


I did a lot of reading on this, their theories aren't as wacky as people make them out to be. They believe there is a massive ice wall and then Ether, and then space. When you're bored one day go to the flat earth society website forum and read for a few hours. Honestly its fascinating.


They believe earth was flat and that was proven back in the day, so the burden of proof is on the round earthers to prove them wrong (not the other way around like it is now). Also they believe NASA is a hoax and we've never been off the earth or if we have they cover up the photos and doctor them up. It's essentially one massive conspiracy theory. Wild.

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I did a lot of reading on this, their theories aren't as wacky as people make them out to be. They believe there is a massive ice wall and then Ether, and then space. When you're bored one day go to the flat earth society website forum and read for a few hours. Honestly its fascinating.


They believe earth was flat and that was proven back in the day, so the burden of proof is on the round earthers to prove them wrong (not the other way around like it is now). Also they believe NASA is a hoax and we've never been off the earth or if we have they cover up the photos and doctor them up. It's essentially one massive conspiracy theory. Wild.


Is it regularly attacked by White Walkers?


Jokes aside, I find it quite amusing. Even Felix Baumgartner could probably disprove the flat theory.

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I honestly gave them a chance because the way they explain everything does make sense, at least until I got to the massive ice wall (which somehow no one has been to or is being covered up?) and the NASA conspiracy stuff. We've been to space, you can question the moon landing all you want but we have satellite pictures from space, so we'd know if it was flat. that's where they lost me (I was giving them the benefit of many doubts).

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So glad this has closure now - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-39081173


It was Steven Cook's remains found in the well in Malia.


A lot of people I know were directly effected by this (H's brother was his classmate and friend). As sad as it is to find out he did die all those years ago, it must be some comfort knowing the mystery of his disappearance has now come to an end.


My old man visited them (parents) not long after his disappearance to offer them free, unlimited travel (worked for an airline back then) after he found out that the tour operator that sent him over, wanted to charge the family and friends extortionate rates in order for them to visit the authorities.


The community have always been behind Steven's family always hoping there would be a happy ending but today has confirmed it will not.

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Happy St Patricks day to our Irish lads/lasses on here.


Be having a few scoops tonight myself.


Morrisons are selling twenty cans of draught Guinness for £12 at the mo, I've been working through a pack since Monday in preparation :). Still have ten left, lovely stuff :beer:.

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Morrisons are selling twenty cans of draught Guinness for £12 at the mo, I've been working through a pack since Monday in preparation :). Still have ten left, lovely stuff :beer:.

Not a fan of Guinness, when ive had it its always done the opposite of what a drink should do - dries my mouth out!

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Many thanks for your good wishes guys, means a lot.


(My favourite card was from her indoors. It has the photo of a group of men, taken in about 1900. They all look very serious as was the photographic style then. The wording is: 'Have a right laugh with the lads on your birthday')

Edited by johnh
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