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Can't remember if I've posted this before, apologies if I have. The posts about the new ground at the docks reminded me. In 1983 I had to visit Mersey Docks & Harbour Board offices at the Pier Head. We had a meeting in the very impressive boardroom. There were four senior MDHB people and four from my company. The meeting was to discuss our purchase of all the lift trucks, cranes and other similar equipment and leasing the same back to MDHB. It was a multi-million pound deal.

A couple of our guys were engineers and expressed a requirement to look at the equipment. There was a dock strike on at the time, which was all over the national press. During the meeting I made the point that not being able to view the equipment would be a delaying factor. One of the MDHB guys said 'why should there be a delay'. I said 'the dock strike, wont there be pickets on the dock gates?' The MDHB guys all started laughing. 'There are no pickets', one of them said, 'they're not needed, its one out all out.' So we walked down to the dock area, through the gates and looked at all the equipment we needed to look at. We didn't see another soul.

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You know what MikeO I understand his position on why he did that fair play to the bloke his dog has given him a lot of happy times and loyalty for 18 years to be honest I don't think I could have done that with all those people round if I knew I was taking my dog for her last walk I would have been in bits I know that sounds wet to most people but there ya go

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You know what MikeO I understand his position on why he did that fair play to the bloke his dog has given him a lot of happy times and loyalty for 18 years to be honest I don't think I could have done that with all those people round if I knew I was taking my dog for her last walk I would have been in bits I know that sounds wet to most people but there ya go


Understand that completely, I just don't see how it's the most important thing happening on the planet just now.

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Happened down the road from us last night. Alot of people on my Facebook who knew the mum and her son.


We drove past the house unintentionally on the way to a family walk, seeing the burnt out windows and the forensics tent outside was harrowing.

The mum has since taken her life, seeing all the posts and videos on Facebook has absolutely destroyed me :'(


So sad.

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"I need three illiterate bozos to help with an experiment for the BBC. Any volunteers?"

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