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Not surprised, I meant 'Enter the matrix', it was a video game tie in showing what Niobe and Ghost had been up to. It included exclusive film footage.


From wikipedia:


Enter the Matrix was designed, like The Animatrix, to be an integral part of the Matrix milieu. The game includes one hour of live action 35 mm film footage written and directed specifically for the game by The Wachowskis. The martial arts moves and game engine cutscenes feature actions motion captured directly from the films' actors and stunt doubles to recreate their unique fighting style, and were created under the supervision of the series' fight scene choreographer Yuen Woo-ping.


The player learns that Neo is not the only target of Persephone's predilection for trading kisses for esoteric information; Niobe and Ghost are both put into positions where they must submit to her whims in order to gain critical information. Significant also to the continuity of the Matrix universe is the first appearance of actress Mary Alice in the role of the Oracle. Gloria Foster, the original actress, had died of complications related to diabetes early in the production of The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. She had filmed her scenes for Reloaded, but was yet to complete her work on Revolutions. The game includes a sequence specifically explaining her change of appearance, as a result of an attack on her by the Merovingian. The Merovingian's attack was facilitated by a sacrificial trade with the compassionate program Rama-Kandra. The Merovingian acquired the deletion codes for the Oracle's external "shell," and in exchange, he gave Rama-Kandra's daughter, Sati, her freedom, despite her lack of purpose in the machine world. The Oracle foretells, however, that Sati will play an important role in both the Matrix and the Real world.


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Guest Nikica

BBC3 is to be turned into an online only channel.




There's nothing good on there anyway.


I think the only thing I've ever watched on there was last year's Confederations Cup.



To be fair, the 'ooze' that created them will probably be an "alien entity", so technically they're Alien/Turtle.


In regards to your comment about Bay and Transformers, to be fair, I don't think there was many ways it could have been handled. Whatever was produced wouldn't have been what Fan-Boys wanted.


Go too Graphic and you lose the appeal of a newer, younger and unmarketable (profitable) audience.


Go too kiddy and you lose the original fanboys and you get criticized heavily.


The films were a mixture of both, yes the 2nd one was terrible but he had a tough job anyway.


It is of alien origin - in the original comics the ooze is a by-product of the 'Utroms' experiments - an alien race of pink brain-like creatures who wear exo-skeletons to resemble human beings (Krang from the 1987 series is a homage to them). They are allies of the turtles, and not villains, and they are trying to find a way back home (they create a machine known as the 'transmat', which transports the turtles to an alien world where they meet the Fugitoid). The truck the utroms are driving crashes and a cannister of the aforementioned ooze falls off. This is what mutates the turtles (a homage to Daredevil and the cannister that hits Matt Murdock). So yeah, technically they have alien DNA, I guess. The problem is that Bay's movie has nothing to do with the utroms, as far as I'm aware.


You know the 'TGRI' in Secret of the Ooze? That is based on the 'TCRI' building in the comics - the utroms' headquarters.


The utroms show up in the 2k3 series, which for me is the best incarnation of the turtles outside of the comics and the original film. I would highly recommend watching the first five seasons (116 episodes in total).




He was a Japanese-American in the original films I think, this new film does sound shit.


In the first film he was Hamato Yoshi's enemy. They are rivals over their clan and a woman (Tang Shen). Yoshi is forced to flee to the USA, and Saki follows him there. He kills Yoshi and Shen then becomes the Shredder.


In the original comics, Yoshi's adversary is Saki's older brother, Oroku Nagi. Yoshi kills Nagi then flees to the USA, where Saki follows him and kills him in vengeance. This revenge repeats itself fifteen years later when the turtles 'kill' Saki in an ongoing circle of vengeance. So essentially the same story as the film apart from the film's omission of the Nagi character and Splinter being kidnapped in the film. Saki is fully Japanese in the original comics, and I'm assuming the same is true of the film as it closely (but not completely) adapts the Mirage comic plot (bear in mind that as an 8 year old unaware of the comics it was confusing as fuck for Splinter to be Yoshi's rat and not Yoshi himself, and for Raphael to be angry and not sarcastic).


The 2k3 cartoon I refer to above also closely adapts many of the comic plots. At age 21 (when I first saw season 1) I wondered why the Foot Clan left Leo for dead and not Raph (as in the movie). This was because Leo was the turtle who was attacked in the comics, and I wasn't aware of said comics until I was about 24 (so 2006).


What I'm saying is that the original film adapts the comics, but makes some changes, whereas the 2k3 series adapts the comics more faithfully, as you'd expect with drastically differing time constraints.


As you can tell I'm a major Ninja Turtles fan. I've read all the Mirage and IDW comics, saw all the cartoons and movies multiple times, and played lots of the games. In terms of entertainment and fictional characters, I guess you could compare my love for the turtles with that of a Trekkie's for Star Trek.

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Guest Nikica

I have only ever seen the cartoons, films and NES game. I've never gone near a comic book.


A British law film is advising a coalition of Caribbean nations on how to sue Britain (among other nations) for their part in the slve trade in 1800s.




Fair play mate. The NES game gets a bad rap, but I really enjoyed it. I've still never got to Shredder though - the Technodrome is nigh on impossible.


I studied the Atlantic slave trade in one of my OU courses, and one of the three essays in my exam was about reparations for slavery. It's very interesting stuff - especially the stuff about counter-factual claims (the idea that Africa would be flourishing and Europe not right now if not for the exploitation of the African continent).

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Re- that 'garbage list thread' or whatever it was labeled, was ill-advised..


You do realize that's only going to incite hostilities on these pages ?


What I fail to understand, as someone (SteveO) who (often) actively discourages infighting and issues between participants, bringing (back) some type of article that will only serve as a belligerent, is only going to head in one direction.


Sorry to say, but that was damn stupid. Ok fair enough there was maybe some humor attached, but that's not something all of us have in abundance. Be only prepared with the consequences of those actions is the bottom line on this.

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Guest Nikica

Re- that 'garbage list thread' or whatever it was labeled, was ill-advised..


You do realize that's only going to incite hostilities on these pages ?


What I fail to understand, as someone (SteveO) who (often) actively discourages infighting and issues between participants, bringing (back) some type of article that will only serve as a belligerent, is only going to head in one direction.


Sorry to say, but that was damn stupid. Ok fair enough there was maybe some humor attached, but that's not something all of us have in abundance. Be only prepared with the consequences of those actions is the bottom line on this.


The thing is that we're only discussing football and other banal topics (in the grand scheme of things) on these pages. The nature of life is that some people will share our outlook and others won't. Also, we may agree with someone on a certain topic yet think "he's talking out of his tits" on another. That's simply life.


People disagree all the time, and it can become heated. However, the key point is that the aggravation must remain relevant to the topic under discussion. I don't believe that most people on this site are so petulant that they'd hold a grudge over someone not rating their posts. I have a higher opinion than that of the posters here.


I'm sure SteveO dislikes some of my posts and had said posts in mind for his thread. Do I care? Do I fuck, because I believe in my opinions and am confident that I generally put them across in a convincing manner. If someone disagrees that's their right - there are no absolute truths and it doesn't mean either of us is right or wrong.


What I'm saying is that you should take threads like that with a pinch of salt, and not become aggravated. Who cares if someone thinks you're clueless? There's probably someone else who thinks you're a prophet. That's just life and - to reiterate - these debates are trivial if we retain a sense of perspective about life in general.


To give an example, I disagreed with EFC Paul and he said something regarding my character which was pretty harsh. I felt it was harsh because I didn't consider my points outlandish. He obviously did, but then that was mutual. It's just the nature of a disagreement but I am well over it and will hold no grudge. It's just football ultimately and we shouldn't let things escalate personally because of something which - when we remove the art from it and reduce it to its base level - is twenty-two men kicking around a ball. Not exactly life-saving surgeons are they?


Mike and Rubes's ordeals should teach us what really matters in our lives - and it isn't fucking football.

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Anything that occurs on the field was only another part of it, the main (legitimate) concern was someone decided to resurrect something that's only going to end in hostilities. Well people make their beds, so they can lie in them would seem the bottom line on this.


You got it right, when there's more goddamn important things.

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Today was 'No Smoking Day'


To those who were witnessed today with a tobacco product in their mouth - either weren't aware of the day in question, or realized the event, but carried on regardless.


You can pick off a good 90 per cent with the former, in their defense.


Couldn't do either way as suffering some benign virus, but if had the choice, probably wouldn't have adhered to the day anyway. (as with most others)

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If I was one or two 'individuals' on these pages, I'd start a goddamn thread about it - but today is Saint Patricks Day so realize there's one or two Irish participants out there so hope they have a decent day. Say one thing about them, they actually go to the trouble of putting on a show and making a day of it, whichever country they find themselves in, while Saint George's day is always a rather tame affair that often passes without incident.


Best wishes to Irish and enjoy the day etc




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If I was one or two 'individuals' on these pages, I'd start a goddamn thread about it - but today is Saint Patricks Day so realize there's one or two Irish participants out there so hope they have a decent day. Say one thing about them, they actually go to the trouble of putting on a show and making a day of it, whichever country they find themselves in, while Saint George's day is always a rather tame affair that often passes without incident.


Best wishes to Irish and enjoy the day etc





Your a racist for flying the George Cross in England!!

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i really don't know....


A grassland has gone missing with human beans growing on it? Who lost that?


I am starting to des[air at the misuse of the English language. Some things are forgivable, some typos are funny. However, blind ignorance is not one of them.

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I know enough about funerals and it's a subject we don't necessarily like to talk about but it's nonetheless as issue we all have to face sooner or later.


Saw a counsellor incidentally this morning and tried to elaborate on any, and all, personal issues, but you only get a certain amount of time to put your views across. Got another appointment next week.


Tried to be candid but always some sensitive areas that are difficult to discuss.


They always ask at the end, did you get anything out of today or was your visit beneficial etc, and in all honesty said not really, or words to that extent. What I mean is, not trying to make them look inefficient, they're only there to listen or offer advice but sometimes seems there's no end product. Don't know where it will end, but taking each day at a time and 'survival' would seem to be the operative word. Get busy living, or get busy dying, as someone once said - hard to dispute.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Toyota recalling 6million+ vehicles.




This reminds me of the scene from Fight Club.


Narrator: A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Business woman on plane: Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?

Narrator: You wouldn't believe.

Business woman on plane: Which car company do you work for?

Narrator: A major one.

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