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  1. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Bill in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    We deserved more than what we got we lost this game in midfield, Delph, Schneiderlin, and Sigurdson haven't got a tackle between them. A poor arsenal team were able to stroll through our midfield, I can't understand why that midfield was selected.
  2. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Finn balor in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    Didn’t think they were better than us at all. They just were more clinical 
  3. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Elston Gunnn in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    Gomes’s passing is a big plus.
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    There keeper has kept them in it this half
  5. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Btay in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    Gylfi is offering nothing, just waves his arms around to CB’s to switch it - never offers for the ball and when he gets it loses it.
  6. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    Gylfi is stinking the place out 
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Bailey in Arsenal (Away) Sunday February 23rd   
    What a mixed bag that was. 
    Started well, on the front foot but once Arsenal started to play we couldn't really get close to them. We were always a threat on the counter but they had too much for us in midfield.  
    They were clearly the better team for the next hour or so and then they dropped deeper and deeper, Gomes and Bernard came on and we started playing through them a lot better and we created plenty of chances in that period. They almost exclusively fell to DCL and ironically he probably scored the hardest chance he had and missed the easy ones. 
    There must be a few questions on Carlo for this given the starting line-up. Delph came good in the end, but Sidibe and Iwobi had no reason to start. We play better with Bernard, he should start every game. Sidibe is a liability at the back and shouldn't be starting ahead of Coleman. 
    The biggest positive was the return of Gomes though, looked better than I was expecting in truth and I can't wait to see how he does under Ancellotti.
  8. Downvote
    KinL reacted to pete0 in André Gomes   
    Essentially I called you out on picking on Pickford. No more. Why wouldn't you answer first time round? Wasn't a hard question. 
  9. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in André Gomes   
    I didn't like the response and I called you out on it.  That's exactly what I know I can do about it and I will voice my annoyances. 
     Any other suggestions as to what I can do? or is it only your position as a mod that gives you the entitlement to suggest anything else?   Being a mod doesn't make you right.... far from it.  I respect people irrespective of their status on here and more on their ability to show fairness. 
    I've seen the forum for exactly what it is... more so the likes of yourself Steve. Disappointng and I'm glad I'm not the only one to see this.
  10. Downvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in André Gomes   
    I wasn’t replying to you as a mod, there was nothing to moderate. I was giving my opinion on what “seemed” to be what you were doing. 
    It wasn’t anything other than an observation of your post to LB that made me want to respond. If you don’t like the response you know what you can do about it. 
  11. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in André Gomes   
    Steve that’s as much Pete’s doing as Haf’s if not more from what I’ve been reading, are you saying this in your capacity as a mod or a general poster, if it’s as a mod shouldn’t you be relaying the same to Pete or anyone else who’s been debating with Haf and disagreeing, if it’s as a general poster then it could be said your just adding fuel to the fire you wish to put out.
    l know you are going to say nothing to do with you keep out of it, but if it’s going to be played out for everyone to see then everyone should be able to express an opinion as you have, and from what I am seeing it’s looking like one person is being held responsible, and I have to say I don’t see it that way. 
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in André Gomes   
    Again the word "seems"..... like you don't know for sure but are confident enough to make a judgement. 
    I left last time due to posts being deleted... not sure why you are bringing that up but happy to debate my views on that?
    As for my posts with Pete... you are happy to jump in over one exchange with Londonblue but stayed silent while Pete harassed me for responses....7th time 8th time etc??? Bit convenient I thought.  Did you enjoy the badger baiting on this topic or did you forget that when I did some thing similar over a question about idrissa Gueye I was rightly asked to stop.
    Can't have it both ways and if you want to judge me then expect me to judge you. 
    Boring indeed. Get some consistency if you want to don the mod hat.
  13. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in André Gomes   
    Steve.... I really don't think you have me right at all. Quite clearly you don't like me as a poster and that's fine. 
    You make this post in quite a judgemental manner which really does smack of a high dose of arrogance and hypocrisy yourself.  You seem to have taken my stance on pickford a bit funny to be honest. Yes... you have tried sarcasm, piss taking of whatever to take pot shots at me but say "It's not all about you" - I'd happily let that be the case.  Pity you can't seem to allow that to apply.
    May I ask? What prompted you to reply for londonblue?  If londonblue wants to drop one sentence hooks on lines for me then I'm sure he is expecting a response? - so whilst you are basing your post on this thread you may want to cast your eye over other threads before jumping in and assuming that my response is just relevant to this thread.
    Politely put - back off.  I haven't been offensive - I dont get personal I just stand my ground when I feel that posters are starting to take the piss or invalidate topical posts.
    This all came from me saying that Andre Gomes is a comparable player in ways to Kaka and I gave some clear reasons as to why despite it sounding far fetched - a proper Everton post.
    As for the patronising/all about me/I'm right tone - I try to make my posts as well structured as I can, if they read like I'm a know it all toss pot then hey ho - but I don't need you doing a dime store psychology assessment of me.... stick to moderating posts - baiting - harassment etc......You may have missed a few of these without an impartial hat on. Rather than waiting to jump in because you don't seem to agree with my pickford posts.
  14. Downvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in André Gomes   
    Jesus Christ. Not everything is about you! This may come as a surprise, but after you threw your last hissy fit and decided to leave TT we all still carried on. There was plenty of discussion and not all of it was based around you. LB making a comment doesn’t have to be about what you said or didn’t say. 
    The sarcasm you have been met with since your return is due to what you call “impassioned” comes across to many as potronsing and generally an attitude of “I’m right and if you don’t agree you don’t understand football”. 
    chill out and realise this place doesn’t revolve around you. 
  15. Downvote
    KinL reacted to London Blue in André Gomes   
    Fuck me, there has been more bollocks written on this site in the last 4 days than in the last 4 months.
    Just waiting for someone to say that Niasse is the embodiment of Ronaldo.  
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Jordan Pickford   
    It’s all a bit personal really looking in. Few fishermen trying to real the same person in. Wish we could all just drop the agenda’s and get back to discussing football to be honest.
    Unless it’s my personal Vendetta to discredit Palfy, but that’s different, I’m in the right.
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Jordan Pickford   
    In short.... effort and talent aren't mutually exclusive. You do understand that Steve?
    I mean.... is Jordan Henderson as talented as Gylfi?  Not even close.  Would you start Gylfi over Henderson? 
    Maybe I'm an Evertonian who is lucky enough to have seen us win the league with a side where ability vs  effort was a close call - the team had both in abundance.  But one wouldn't have prospered without the other.
    I've seen lesser talented Everton sides achieve more than many of the more talented ones...... the cup win in 95 for example. 
  18. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Cornish Steve in Carlo Ancelotti   
    I love these forums because I’m forever learning stuff and meeting interesting people. Who knew that Crooked Sam’s nephew was amongst us? Glad you stuck with us even while demonstrating family loyalty. It must be tough.
    Honestly, I struggle to find anything positive about those regrettable months. The style of play was simply awful.
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Carlo Ancelotti   
    Carlo Ancelotti is fucking brilliant and is our manager. Stop talking about Bisto Tits for fucks sake, he's gone and I want to forget that cunt was ever here. It's an embarrassment that he was ever charge.
    Edit - Even more embarrassing is the fact that people are arguing over his time here!
  20. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Carlo Ancelotti   
    He did the same thing after he left Newcastle. It’s like they were his biggest club and he was mad he didn’t get more time, now we are his biggest club and it’s shifted to us. He’s a fucking knob. 
  21. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Makis in Carlo Ancelotti   
    Wow. So Tosun, who is basically useless and Brands has trouble getting rid of solved something? He cost, what, 25 million and plus probably around 20 more million in wages.Walcott cost 20 million and about 100kpw or 5 million per year. So those two cost the club in the region of 100 million pounds. Great solution.
  22. Downvote
    KinL reacted to pete0 in Carlo Ancelotti   
    He had Jay Jay Okocha playing with a smile on his face aha taking the piss. He got Anelka grounded and firing. He done more for DCL than Silva did. 
    Walcott had just as big a reputation as any player we signed. Yet he chose to come to us when we were potential relegation contenders. 
    He addressed are issues. We needed a goal scorer we got one. We needed pace, we got Walcott. We needed a centre half, we got one (not his fault he got injured). Last biggest need was a centre mid, unfortunately the club couldn't pulls the finish a deal. 
    The main 4 issues that needed addressing he did. Three transfer windows later and we've still not addressed those key 4 issues. If Alladyce had stayed I highly doubt we'd have signed three wingers and just the one centre mid and centre half. 
    Why not? 
    Moyes is bollocks. He's lasted one calender year at one club since leaving us. Alladyce has done numerous jobs and got to better one's, including England and us. Just look at the difference he done with Sunderland compared to Moyes. 
    Aggressive and progressive are far from the shite Silva served up. We were slow and monotone in attack. Everything went down the wings and endless crosses to a single striker in the box already marked by two players. Nolan as cunty as he was is exactly the type of player we were missing. We've not replaced our last nasty player Cahill. Much rather Nolan than Sigurdssen on midfield. We need some bite. 
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to London Blue in Carlo Ancelotti   
    Allardyce was toxic to this club, if he had stayed do you think we would have signed the players we did under Silva? Do you think Brands would have been able to work with him? I don't.
    People complained about Moyes coming back and rightly so,  both are footballing dinosaurs whose tactics and methods do not suit the modern game. At least Moyes loved the club, Allardyce saw us as a gravy train he could slurp from, he showed contempt to the fans, our tradition and to the kind of football we love to see with his negative dour tactics. 
    Marco failed, badly but at least he wanted us to play aggressive, progressive football, even if he couldn't deliver it, plus we got players like Richarlison and Gomes. Under Sam we would have got Davies and Nolan mk 2, and hoofball. Fuck that shit!
  24. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Carlo Ancelotti   
    No, most of those are attacking players. Sam wouldn’t have a clue what to do with them, and they would leave.
  25. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Carlo Ancelotti   
    1.8..... don't miss the.0.8 it's the difference between extraordinarily shite and really shite.
    Watching Everton under allardyce was like going to the dentist to have a tooth removed..... you understood why it was happening, you wish things were done differently to prevent the need to need to see the dentist, but when you got the bill and had people trying to tell you that your trip to the dentist was enjoyable and if you didn't see him then all your teeth would have fallen out and for that reason you should see him every week...... you kinda get annoyed. 
    Like most shit managers, allardyce has a period that he points to on his c.v that makes him look like a good manager. 
    Allardyce talking about Ancellotti....... ffs. Only Everton could hire these 2 managers within 2 years of eachother. 
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