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  1. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Gwlad in If Frank goes   
    I don't want Frank to go we've been a managerial shit show for too long. Only one I'd want is Poch and that is pie in the sky.
  2. Upvote
    KinL reacted to MikeO in Wordle   
    Extremely lucky stab in the dark!!
    Wordle 505 2/6
  3. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Gwlad in Wordle   
    Wordle 509 2/6
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to MikeO in Wordle   
    Wordle 512 2/6
  5. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Feedback & Content Requests   
    Can I ask, are people finding this helpful or enjoyable having this on TT? 

    Is it helpful having things in the one space?
    Are you looking at content you might not have seen if it wasn’t here?
    Dont want to do it for nothing and if it’s not bringing anything to the members here on TT. 
  6. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Feedback & Content Requests   
    I saw a video on YouTube a while back showing some of the work done at Laing O’Rourke’s plant. It’s very impressive. If I get chance I’ll try to find it. 
    Each section of concrete and steel is made with a very small tolerance for adjustments to be made on site, but watching the videos of the fellas assembling things on site it looks like each piece fits perfectly. 
    My uncle used to work alongside Colin Chong at Laing O’Rourke, said he’s a very very good operator, but they have been making buildings using this technique for ages. That’s why they are so confident in the technology, the partners who make the steel, and their ability to control costs. 
    I drove past a lorry with some of the steel work on the back a few days ago, when they are up there at the top of the north and south stands they look so thin. When they are right next to you on the motorway they are bloody massive!!!
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Feedback & Content Requests   
    There are some huge pieces of cast concrete coming to site, these would have been poured over a month before they arrived, and dried to make sure they achieve their optimum strength before being fitted. To think they are making pieces weeks before the sections they fit onto have even been completed and sent to site, I find the precision of good engineering and architecture astounding if not brave. Okay I know everything is computerised these days with CAD software which is a huge help in building design, but still find it incredibly fascinating that more doesn't go wrong than goes right. 
  8. Like
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Feedback & Content Requests   
    I also watched the video where they built the stadium as 3D model prior to the commencement of the build, so that they could solve any potential problems before they started. I know they've been building this way for years, but I find it fascinating how they push the boundaries of architecture and engineering, to create buildings that seem to break the laws of physics, and are stunningly complex and beautiful. I'll take my Kevin McCloud hat off now I'm starting to sound like an Anorak 😂
  9. Like
    KinL reacted to StevO in Feedback & Content Requests   
    I’m with you completely. I’ve been a fan of Grand Designs for years, never worked in any sort of construction (born and bred in the motor trade), but I find construction fascinating. Add into that this being Everton and I feel addicted. 
  10. Upvote
    KinL got a reaction from MikeO in Wordle   
    Wordle 502 2/6
  11. Like
    KinL got a reaction from Sibdane in What Are You Watching?   
    Enjoyed season 1 of House of the Dragon and Rings of Power, roll on season 2.
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Fulham (Away) Saturday 29th October   
    I haven't bothered to read through this thread because I know people will be going way overboard with the negativity.
    I thought we played well in the first half and caused Fulham plenty of problems. We could have easily been ahead at the break, there was plenty of things to feel positive about.
    Second half I'm as disappointed as anyone that we didn't kick on. I'm sure Lampard is too because the game was there for us, it really was. I think (subconsciously maybe) that us not getting ahead in the game meant that we felt more inclined to to sit in and hold on to what we had, rather than to continue to play in a positive manner.
    I don't think we necessarily played badly in the second half, we just played without any tempo and in too much of a negative way. But the positive to take from it is that when faced under that sort of pressure last season we fold and lose it. instead, tonight we showed solidity and took a point from the game.
    We're on a journey from utter shite, it was never going to be a huge leap this season. Incremental steps is what it was going to be and I'm going to be patient because I can see the progress we're making.
  13. Upvote
    KinL got a reaction from MikeO in Fulham (Away) Saturday 29th October   
    💩. We should have been playing against 10.
  14. Upvote
    KinL reacted to badaids in Fulham (Away) Saturday 29th October   
    And Patterson showed that he’s going to make a big difference again, even in that little cameo. 
    Id like to see Garner start instead of Gana in the next match.
  15. Upvote
    KinL reacted to dunlopp9987 in Fulham (Away) Saturday 29th October   
    Disagree with this change. Should be Gordon
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to badaids in Fulham (Away) Saturday 29th October   
    Gordon really stinking the place out now. Change.
  17. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Matt in What Grinds Your Gears...   
    It might turn up with a small double mattress 🙂
  18. Upvote
    KinL got a reaction from Matt in What Are You Watching?   
    I've been using the Xenon build for a while Matt.
  19. Funny
    KinL reacted to MikeO in What Grinds Your Gears...   
    All well now👍
  20. Upvote
    KinL got a reaction from dunlopp9987 in What Are You Watching?   
    I agree MikeO, Rings of Power was better all through the season but after the last two episodes House of the Dragons Is looking promising for season 2.
  21. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in General Election/UK Politics   
    That guy was absolutely racist there can be no doubt of that, and I would agree with him that a huge amount of party members think as he does, after all he communicates with them so who are we to argue. What I also found strange was the presenter saying please don't use the word globalist as many Jewish friends of hers find it racist, sorry that is a word that is frequently used in business by people on a daily basis who harbour no racial hatred. 
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Nathan Patterson   
    Don’t need him, not like Coleman has been shit. Would be nice to have him back, but no rushing required. 
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Nathan Patterson   
    I feel the same Coleman is doing a stellar job in his absence. 
  24. Like
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Nathan Patterson   
    I think having Coleman at right back vs Patterson is a big difference in how we look on the ball.  Coleman hasn’t done anything wrong but you can’t replace what Patterson gives us going forward and I’ll be extremely excited to see how Calvert lewin benefits from the added width and counter attacking potential. 
  25. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Planning Documents & Some Other Info   
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