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  1. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Cornish Steve in Wordle   
    Today is a good day.
    Wordle 521 2/6*
  2. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Billwelshblue in Frank Lampard   
    He can't get the balance right, we are ultra defensive or playing a 433 where Gana is left on his own while the other two press and the front three offer little he needs to change it up fast or I fear he will be sacked too...
  3. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Matt in Yerry Mina   
    The useless cunt would injure his larynx if he raised his voice.
  4. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from MikeO in Yerry Mina   
    The useless cunt would injure his larynx if he raised his voice.
  5. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Btay in Yerry Mina   
    The useless cunt would injure his larynx if he raised his voice.
  6. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Romey 1878 in Yerry Mina   
    The useless cunt would injure his larynx if he raised his voice.
  7. Funny
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Official Everton Stadium Content   
    Good of them to make apparatus available for us all to hang ourselves from.
  8. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Official Everton Stadium Content   
  9. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Official Everton Stadium Content   
  10. Upvote
    KinL reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Seamus Coleman   
  11. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Frank Lampard   
    Two points and then I realised the post was bloody massive and got bored. 
    Frank has improved Iwobi. 
    Rafa improved nobody, but made quite a few players lose all sign of confidence. 
    Dodnt Howe bring in Burn, Wood and Target? 
    Those players listed; did they improve or were they hampered by the negative atmosphere around their club under Bruce and Ashley? 
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Wall Writer in If Frank goes   
    It's been as clear as day for a long time that the problems on the pitch go way deeper than who is the manager is. 
    How many times in recent years have we heard players coming out and saying it's not enough - and it's the players saying that!!  Seamus sticks out as one last year, amongst others, but look at Conor Coady's last interview - it's the same thing. It seems to me that there is a deeply ingrained (and sick) culture at Everton football club. It seems to me a kind of phone-it-in laziness, a lack of real commitment and lack of understanding of who they are playing for [Everton aren't we!]. Conor goes on about this in his interview, but what strikes me is are the repeated phrases about a lack of "personal pride", a lack of "standards" - and I quote, "It's up to us as players to set standards in our personal pride in what we do every day and we don't have that at the minute."
    He repeats these phrases several times, and for me, is basically admitting that the players at Everton are just phoning in it, every day! This is a culture thing, and as much as you can argue the manager is responsible for implementing the right culture, the players (as well as the whole back room staff) still need to get on board with that.
    I really don't see how sacking Frank and bringing someone else in is going to change anything. We are so far gone, it's unbelievable. We have a long, long road back to the echelons of English football. Chopping and changing is just prolonging the inevitable. We need to start building a solid structure within the club, philosophically as much as technically or financially. I still think Frank can play a key role in shaping that.
    Will he make mistakes along the way? Surely. Will his head be the one on the block if it all goes tits-up? Of course. 
    It's easy to get rid of the manager, you just sack him - but that's the easy option.
    It's a lot harder to get to the root of the problem - it's the half-arsed, uncommitted, here-for-the-paycheck shirkers with no personal pride and a glaring lack of professional standards who, like dried on dog turd, are a lot harder to get rid of!
  13. Like
    KinL reacted to Btay in If Frank goes   
    If we get the January window right & get 2, if lucky 3 first team attacking players in that will completely change the team.
    Results haven’t been great along with performances, everyone can see that but we have 2 young fullbacks, young CM & a young winger - all with potential to be good premier league players.
    Maupay was a needs must buy because Frank inherited a squad with Rondon as back up & really needed Dom to stay fit. Unfortunately it’s time to look past Dom as we don’t have the luxury to carry any players and quite honestly, he’s not good enough to carry as much as I like him.
  14. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Cornish Steve in If Frank goes   
    Bringing in a striker - a natural who seizes every opportunity to score - would transform our team. Just look at our stats: Without such a player, we struggle to score even a single goal.
  15. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in If Frank goes   
    We don't really have Dom, he's become a sicknote. Maupay is a support forward. A striker for me is someone like Lukaku, an out and out goalscorer, a focal point. 
    I think we need all 3, selling Dom isn't really an option and even if it was, we're seeing how 1 injury upfront basically cripples the entire team. 
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in If Frank goes   
    If Lampard goes Imo we will be relegated, who do we get? Some have said Tuchel, Poch, and Potter 😂😂👍 crazy fuckers if you believe that's a possibility. He has to stay for us to have any realistic chance of turning the last run of games around, he's proved he is capable of getting results with the players at his disposal.  Tuchel and Poch first question will be "how much have I got to spend"? Reply "nothing" responses "seriously, then thanks for the offer but no thanks" and I think that will be same for any manager who is looking to be or is already successful, trust me we aren't a club that is attractive to anyone bar those who are desperate to get back into PL management for a big off. Unfortunately we have been sold down the river by Moshiri's fuck ups and are becoming a managerial grave yard due to his incompetence, but let's carry on blaming the manager and give Moshiri a free ride. 
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Wiggytop in Frank Lampard   
    I hope that as we’re now 5 days after our last game, the thoughts of the board of replacing Frank will have disappeared. Both he and the squad are good enough to avoid relegation, changing manager yet again will only produce more turmoil.
  18. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Gwlad in Frank Lampard   
    I'm glad to see the majority on here are not adopting the knee jerk reaction of, sack the manager when results have dipped. Frank still deserves time to get the players we need to evolve into a cohesive unit. I won't be baying for his head. 
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Frank Lampard   
    Ridiculous that this is even a discussion. 
  20. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Frank Lampard   
    No you fucking wake up and look around and you might actually see what's happening, he has improved players what you can't grasp is that no matter who the manager is sometimes players don't fit and there is no improvement to be had. Do the figures yourself but Howe has brought in 8 new players for a cost of over 200 million, so if you are going to compare other managers to Lampard try and make it an even playing field, try Potter someone you have raved  about in the past, has he improved Chelsea has he fuck, and he has some of the best talent in the league at his disposal, has Ten Haag improved many of the Utd players no he hasn't. Then come the January transfer window where Lampard desperately needs 2 or 3 decent players in attacking areas, he won't get them because there is no funds, so the best he can expect is to get in some frees or some loans, and if he is lucky he might get a gem, but I very much doubt it we will end up with more shit in the form of your Maupay's and McNeil's. 
  21. Upvote
    KinL reacted to RuffRob in Frank Lampard   
    I actually think you are lazy and blinkered in the thinking that the best thing to do is simply keep changing managers when instant success and improvement don't happen to a team and club that in reality is board level, financial and playing staff turmoil,  give them all one transfer window each - then fuck them off if they have not managed to turn a sows ear in to a silk purse in 15 games. (I don't really count last season in any sort of 'rebuild' as it was simply a shit storm until the very last week.)
    There is lot more going on at Newcastle than simply Eddie Howe and  Arteta at Arsenal. Both these clubs are in a significantly better place than Everton FC. Its lazy to say these clubs upturn is simply because of Howe's and Arteta's brilliance as coaches and managers.
    Arteta was hanging on to his Arsenal job by a fine thread at one point (nobody was talking of him as some brilliant coach in those weeks).
    Changing the manager every 12months or has been as big a problem at this club as anything.
    First sentence you made above is good managers improve players - well Iwobi's improvement has been off the scale - from a get him out of the club player to a weekly MotM player. 
    Your last sentence is 'that might change'  - the only way to to test this out is to give a manager a decent amount of time and two or three transfer windows. Lets just stick to a plan for once. 
    There have been plenty of positives in what Lampard and Thelwell are doing as a team, the seem to get on and work well together in the 8months or so they have had together. We do need to remember they are currently working with very limited resources, and HAD to let our best and most influential player leave.   
    I really don't see any need to desperately rip it up and starting yet again. because that is what changing the manager and his back room staff will be doing.
    Wanting to see a project given a fair amount of time to work does no make a lot of us blinkered or lazy, we just have a different perspective. 
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to dunlopp9987 in If Frank goes   
    We need someone who can consistently put the ball in the back of the net/stay on the pitch. Dom had one good season, and then spent much of last year and all of this year injured. 
    I love Dom, but he's not the answer. I so wish he was, because there's a real player in there, but we need something different. 
    Maupay is a squad number with an occasional moment of brilliance. That's all.
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in If Frank goes   
  24. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Btay in If Frank goes   
    100% this.
  25. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in If Frank goes   
    If we sack him were basically following the Watford playbook and that will only ever end 1 way. He needs time, he needs a proper striker and he needs support.
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