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  1. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Bailey in Frank Lampard   
    The positive if there is one is that its only the half way point in the league. 
    Get a new face in with new ideas, and hopefully a signing or two and we can turn this around. 
    The longer we let Frank sink the ship, the worse it will get.
  2. Like
    KinL reacted to Billwelshblue in Frank Lampard   
    He has to go but I'm resigned to us going down now. The club is terribly run
  3. Like
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    Don't want to blame Frank he hasn't had much of a chance unlike say Koeman, Silva, and Ancelotti who all had millions to spend, but I struggle to see him getting any more out of this team, so if he was sacked or resigned we may be lucky to get a manager and not necessarily a big name who can get something out of these players, you never know the new manager bounce back effect may be what we need to stop the rot and give ourselves a fighting chance, otherwise we just go down without a fight knowing Lampard won't save us.
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    Not far off. Fucking hell.
  5. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    That’s a fair bit worse than fan groups organising clowns with cakes isn’t it. 
    thing is, like riots, long before the riots disenfranchised people aren’t heard. After a period of time they get momentum and when it kicks off it attracts people who will loot and destroy. 
    this has sadly been brewing a long time and the signs were ignored. Very very sad indeed. 
  6. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    The board do need to go, but the one person who needs to go more than anyone is Moshiri. Let's remember Moshiri isn't the puppet of the board, the board are Moshiri's puppets who are paid highly to carry out his orders and wishes. To all of you that stay and peacefully protest after today's game thank you 🙏, you are the last real chance of making a change by your actions, nothing else bar relegation and even possibly bankruptcy will get these idiots out of our club, so it's now the supporters time to take control before the inevitable happens. It's not unthinkable that we could go the way of Sunderland if Moshiri and his cronies remain in power. 
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    A load of corporate waffle and more concerning is the fact it’s not been proof read by someone who can spot mistakes.  Classed Executive as singular. 
    I’d like her to explain why we don’t have any money to spend and how we are being run by the pl cos we are inches from breaching ffp. 
    bunch of fuckin clowns who run a multimillion pound business with no governance. 
  8. Like
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    The problem is, these unified protests have come too late. Bill and his mates on the board have always relied on the division that he creates “cos he’s a blue and a nice fella”
    fans tried in the summer and it was met with derision by some fans who thought that it was just a near miss and a good window would sort it all out. 

    the fans bailed the board out last season, they will try to do it this season but the board will not move. It may all be too late. 
    when agms were cancelled by bill it should have been the end for them. 
  9. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Zoo 2.0 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    I'm at the game today and will more than likely stay, I saw a post on Twitter which summed up my feelings on Everton - basically saying that the anger/sadness has passed and I'm just numb now but still want to do my bit to save the club from these idiots. 
    Good to see that the protests are gaining massive support, they need to be bigger in numbers to really have an effect.
  10. Upvote
    KinL reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Yes I will be doing the same
  11. Sad
    KinL reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Just leaving the ground now and there are some really ugly scenes
    Mobs of scaliies trying to break into the players lounge and  the players car park
    This is without doubt my darkest day as a blue ever 
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to plaidharper in Anthony Gordon   
    Don't think I would care if he never played another game for us.
  13. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Zoo 2.0 in Anthony Gordon   
    I don't like getting on players backs, but Gordon hasn't look arsed for a long time. The lads behind me summed him up perfectly when they said that they'd forgotten he'd even come on.
    Would happily send him away on a free, stank the place out and at fault for the winner.
  14. Like
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Anthony Gordon   
    Had a good patch last season where he looked up for it. But he’s turned out to be just a shit player. Bad attitude, doesn’t really care. 
  15. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Frank Lampard   
    It's something that might change the tide. But the board absolutely have to be held accountable. 
    Easy to say as someone not fortunate to be able to get to the games as much as I would like, but an empty stadium at a game would be a powerful message if done on mass. 
  16. Like
    KinL reacted to RuffRob in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    It would not suprise me if he went home spoke to his family, and he will decide to resign. Who needs this type of shit in there lives.
    He would actually help the board and the club by doing this, as would ease the pressure around the place and the sack or not to sack has been taken out of the clubs hand.
    Going beyond toxic now. 
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    So basically the blueprint for beating us then - wait for us to make a stupid challenge around the area to give Ward-Prowse the chance from a free-kick, and let us have the ball so we pass it around, going nowhere, until we fuck up and gift them an easy goal.
  18. Like
    KinL reacted to memmaclub2 in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    Resign Frank not any personal attacks but your not good enough mate!!
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to BedfordBlue in Frank Lampard   
    Hes got to go its the only way we can stay up
  20. Upvote
    KinL reacted to memmaclub2 in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    This game is what you get from gray 8 out of 10 games a show pint with not enough end product
  21. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Sibdane in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    Our best player is Pickford, and he's barely a top 6 keeper. Everyone else is either mid-table or mostly lower-table with some sprinkles of championship quality. I feel sick watching these players.
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to badaids in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    As a fan, The only way to deal with this is to stop caring.
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    He’s got to go. The board need to go. 
  24. Upvote
    KinL reacted to dunlopp9987 in Southampton (Home) 14th Jan   
    Hindsight and all that, but imagine what we could've done with the £50m for Gordon 😑
  25. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Bailey in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Breaking down what he has said:
    1. He has put a lot of money in - undeniable. 
    2. Decisions on management have ben led by the fans - He mainly refers to sackings which is correct and I think the fans also swayed him with Lampard. He still hired Allardyce and Rafa though and pissed plenty of money up the wall in doing so when every man and their dog knew that it wouldn't work out. By all accounts he has also been listening far too closely to agents as well, so he only seems to play the fan card when it suits him and normally after he has fucked things up to start with.
    3. He wants the fans to get behind the team - Of course we are behind the team, don't suggest otherwise pal! It was those fans that kept the team in the league last year, not your management of the club (or the manager IMO).
    4. He has faith in Frank and isn't about to sack him. Feels like a watch this space moment. If we lose to Southampton, I can't really see how even his biggest supports could still back him.
    5. His biggest endorsement of the board is that they have been around the club for a long time and they are Evertonians. He is correct when he says that he has brought in outside support, one of which was Brands, a very competent football man don't forget, but you cant go out in public and say the best thing about the people you have running the club is that they long term blues. There are 30k+ of them that turn up every week so sit through the shit the team are serving up, that doesn't mean they should be on the board. I have said here plenty of times that I don't know what the board do day-to-day and nor do I know how good the senior management at the club are. If collectively their biggest strength is that they have been around the club for a while, then that is in no way good enough or acceptable. I think he doesn't actually know who does what day-to-day and moreover what skills those individuals have. I mean really have, and not someone like Kenwright who claims to be the best at everything when the reality is different.
    6. He is talking to the fans... News to me! If he is, Id suggest he is talking to the wrong ones.
    7. His only focus is on the next two games... I hope he is also focussed on trying to bring players in as well!
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