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  1. Funny
    KinL reacted to Matt in Sean Dyche   
    Ffs I thought the skinny jeans were a one off. Get the hipster out now
  2. Funny
    KinL reacted to Palfy in January Transfer Window   
    Well everyone looks at Everton for guidance when they don't know what to do, and doing the opposite generally keeps them in good steadšŸ˜†
  3. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Sean Dyche   
    I honestly think that Dyche is just trying to deflect away from the political side and concentrate on the football. And that he is just sayingā€¦ letā€™s all get behind the team and push them forward and get that part sorted.Ā 
    I think thatā€™s actually his job to be fair.Ā 
    He hasn't come in to sack the board, or reposition them all, he has came in as a football coach, and it sounds he just wants to concentrate on that.
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Sean Dyche   
    What pisses me off is the rhetoric from the club as a whole against the protest's of the fans, is when they say get behind and support the team what they really mean is keep quiet know your place and support our inept actions. Well they can fuck off with that angle of attack against us, we as fans have always supported the team through thick and thin, what we won't allow to happen is to have the wool pulled over our eyes and support the owner and his board for the disgraceful way they are killing our club.Ā 
  5. Like
    KinL reacted to MikeO in What Are You Watching?   
    No experience (or knowledge) of the game at all so seeing it as a stand-alone myself.Ā 
  6. Like
    KinL reacted to StevO in Barry1878 Content   
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to MikeO in What Are You Watching?   
    The Last of Us.
    Not normally my sort of genre but impressed thus far.
  8. Like
    KinL reacted to MikeO in General Election/UK Politics   
  9. Like
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    I heard that the Gordon sale will mean that we make a profit when the next set of accounts are filed with the PL.
    If so, I don't think we had any intention of spending money yesterday. And if that is the case then they are playing a very dangerous game with the future of the club.
  10. Funny
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in What are you drinking tonight ?   
  11. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Itā€™s been coming this. Itā€™s been coming, fans having the balls to question the truth of ā€œsourcesā€ when we heard about how those in control have protected themselves. Ā Despite the signs being very strong in the sense that the ā€œaccusationsā€ were true, it was met with the usual apathetic people who like having a chairman who supposedly loves the club.
    biggest load of bollocks, Ā give that lot across the park their dues, they would have seen kenwright out at least 10 years ago. Ā They were happy to see dalglish sacked after winning a cup!Ā 
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to barryj in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Only Everton can hit the lowest of lows and then somehow surpass it days / weeks later. Iā€™ve lost all hope in us staying up. I get the Dyche appointment now. He was cheap and they weren't going to give him players to work with. I didnā€™t agree with appointment but on scale of things itā€™s low down in my anger and disappointment. The fact is the hierarchy have no vision or plan. Iā€™ll be there as always Saturday supporting this shambolic team but changes to the top need to be made and fast. The problem with this is I canā€™t see Moshiri selling anytime soon as the losses heā€™ll encounter will be gigantic (especially when we go down).Ā 
  13. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    19th in the league, 3 wins all season, no wins since October, every other side in relegation trouble strengthened (and they were already better than us) while we actually ended the window weaker than when we started it by selling a player (a player that had pace, which is a commodity we severely lack and has really held us back in the first half of the season) and not bringing anyone in.
    Fuck Farhad Moshiri.
    Fuck Bill Kenwright.
    Fuck Denise Barrett-Headlocker.
    Fuck Graeme Sharp.
    Fuck Grant Ingles.
    Fuck this fucking club.
    Every one of those cunts is responsible for bringing this club to it's knees. It hasn't been overnight but it also hasn't been a slow process either. They have systematically dismantled the club we all love and they should be run out of the club by each and every one of us.
    I feel sorry for Dyche because this lot have threw him well and truly under the bus. He'll be the one left to take all the flak and pressure now because that lot will run away and hide because they are cowards. They've proven that over and over.
    That being said, the writing was on the wall as soon as Dyche was hired as the manager. That was the board accepting relegation and they had no intention of doing anything to try and save the club. They have meekly rolled over and accepted our fate with no fight whatsoever.
    So fuck them all. I am not going to give any more of myself to this club when they don't give a shit about it, or us. Only themselves.
    This is not my Everton anymore. I'm done.
  14. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Will he like fuck. The man is never anywhere to be found when his shit hits the fan.
  15. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    It was at 7PM tonight when it was blatantly obvious that we weren't signing anyone. Their protest put no fucker off because there was no one to put off. Hence the protest.
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    There were no players there to put off moving to us. Why is this not sinking in?!
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    I guess there'll be four tickets going spare in the main stand on Saturday.
    Liars and cowards.
  18. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Sean Dyche   
    Dyche is making players wear shin pads for trainingā€¦.. love it.Ā 
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Sean Dyche   
    Daft as it sounds thatā€™s an instant cut out of silly injuries. How coaches havenā€™t made it a rule up to this point is beyond me.
  20. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Sean Dyche   
    Small change big difference I completely get it.
    Footy without shin pads automatically reduces the intensity and competitive nature. Our players donā€™t look like they have trained in months. It will sharpen them up in playing in closed quarters.
  21. Like
    KinL reacted to Wall Writer in Sean Dyche   
    It strikes me as obvious that it should be this way. I remember reading a book as a kid about football training, the only thing that I remember from it was that you should train as your play; i.e. full kit, shin pads, boots, the lot.
    It made sense then and it makes sense now.
    My football career never took off (in fact never even got started) but I'm a musician and the same rule applies. If I practice like I'm playing in my bedroom, that's how I play. That doesn't translate to stage performance, you need to practice as if you have a crowd of people in front of you for that later to come out well when your are actually up there. Studio performance is again another thing, where it's more about playing cleanly and accurately.Ā 
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Sean Dyche   
    Same as golf. If I turn up to knock around with half a set Iā€™m no where near as focused.Ā 
    those players have been turning up to training bottom half of the league, laughing smiling, walking off the pitch as fresh as they were walking on it. Our physical output on the pitch is crap, Iā€™m glad that is going to be addressed. Nomā€™s of this letting players run off them.Ā 
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Sean Dyche   
    I don't. PC going too far. It's men playing, so it's man of the match.Ā 
  24. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Sean Dyche   
    The shinpads thing makes sense to me, but probably means our injury list is going to get a lot worse.Ā 
  25. Funny
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Sean Dyche   
    Mina is currently sat on a plane, wrapped in two layers of bubblewrap, on his way to America to see a specialist in gobshitis.
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