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  1. Like
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    It’s taken nearly 2 years to come to the conclusion he has nothing to answer for, in that time it’s clearly had a hugely negative impact on his life and career. Would he be able to claim compensation for his losses not just financial but personal losses due to the ridiculous amount of time it’s taken to absolve him from any wrongdoing. 
  2. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Wiggytop in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Your comment seems to indicate you think he was guilty, he’s been cleared and will have the smear with him for the rest of his days, imagine being in that situation yourself.
  3. Like
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    None of you were met with ridicule. That sounds like a comment from our board of directors. 
    In actual fact, the people that didn’t get on board with you were met with ridicule Haf, and reading so many “ told you so” comments from a few of you…. Sounds like it’s still the case. 
    What you guys never seemed to get, was that some of us wanted to concentrate on the football of the club and not get involved in a political debate about the board. 
    Some wanted to o to believe in evidence and not rumours. 
    Some wanted to wait and see what actually came out before making a decision.
    But generally everyone agreed the board were to blame and that something needed to change. We just decided to keep our blood pressures in a relatively safe zone.
    As fans, let’s unite over this and not act like the actual board members we want out. I was there when fans were grabbing people walking out the stadium for not doing a sit down protest…. And frankly…. It was embarrassing.
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt in Frank Lampard   
    He gave us everything, it just wasn't good enough and won't be good enough for Chelsea either. Cracking guy, poor manager.
  5. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Cornish Steve in Frank Lampard   
    The costs associated with hiring and firing several managers in a season must be soaring - and the managers must be laughing all the way to the bank. With all their spending this year, how on earth are Chelsea not in FFP trouble?
  6. Upvote
    KinL reacted to StevO in Mister Drone Content   
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Aidan in Manchester United (Away) Sat 8 April   
    Feel sorry for Coleman he's had a great game today.
  8. Funny
    KinL reacted to badaids in Manchester United (Away) Sat 8 April   
    That’s what Man U did in the first half.
  9. Funny
    KinL reacted to badaids in Manchester United (Away) Sat 8 April   
    Garner = hair of a 15th century monk.
    Davies = hair of a 15th century village idiot.
    Makes you think…
  10. Upvote
    KinL reacted to duncanmckenzieismagic in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
  11. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    No doubt they are worried about being attacked.
    bollocks, they just don’t like being asked questions that allude to them being shit.  The fact agms were binned is a disgrace. 
  12. Funny
    KinL reacted to StevO in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Moshiri didn’t want the credit for hiring Frank, he blamed that on the fans, he didn’t want the credit for firing managers, he blamed that on the fans. So I’m thinking… the fans? 😂
  13. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    As I have said for soooo long the people are put in roles to cover the incompetence of those above them. 
    does anyone really think Robert Elstone was put in place cos he was a good CEO?  I said this numerous times - he was offered a good wedge to be bill’s protector and he lacked the integrity to do what Keith Whyness and Trevor Birch did - which was to walk away from a toxic, incompetent environment. 
    the same has happened with little miss dynamite, all about positive PR to cover up the shite commercial and infrastructure performance of the club.
    a few of us on here have been banging this drum for so long and met with ridicule. The blue union as unpalatable as they were to some - were made unpalatable by the propaganda machine that bill created.
    you’ve been had big time.  Let’s just hope we survive the shit they have put us in. 
  14. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Davy Klaassen   
    Disgusting, shoukd serve prison time. 
  15. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Matt Tiger in Amadou Onana   
    I sometimes feel like I’m watching different players than everyone else… the kid is 21 and is already winning midfield battles consistently in his first season in the league… does he have areas of weakness? Of course! But at his age he’s already fighting this relegation battle with everything he has and frequently overwhelms more established players with his size and athleticism. Maybe you can say he has too high an opinion of himself but to me he’s been massive for us.
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Amadou Onana   
    Agreed. In a normal trajectory he would be getting 40 minutes or so and being mentored, he has to learn on the job.  I’m concerned at the number of fans starting to pick at him.
    he will be an outstanding player without question, he’s a year older than Lewis Warrington who is out on loan. 
    looking forward to seeing James garner come in.
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Sean Dyche   
    No it wasn’t just through running a lot but that was the biggest factor, Spurs wanted a much slower paced game with plenty of time on the ball, we didn’t give them that we rushed them into making mistakes on the ball and never let them settle into a rhythm they wanted to play the game at. And when forced them through hard work to give the ball up, then we attacked them with pace and numbers. They new they had been in a game last night and wanted that final whistle to come, we beat them up physically, tactically, and mentally. 
  18. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Seamus Coleman   
    But every year he pulls it out the bag, obviously every year the clock is ticking but in the last 3 years he's more than proven he deserves his role in the squad. 
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Shukes in Seamus Coleman   
    He shows every time he comes back that he is still our best full back. Football isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. 
    Play your best players and you have a chance. 
    Seamus is one of our best players. 
  20. Funny
    KinL reacted to Wiggytop in Ellis Simms   
    Personally I’m a bit cool towards him 😀
  21. Upvote
    KinL got a reaction from London Blue in Abdoulaye Doucouré   
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Goodison Glory in Sean Dyche   
    Maybe give Onana a break (especially for home games) and put Iwobi there. We can play Gray on the right once DCL comes back….a lot of things have to happen just for us to get square pegs in square holes…bloody hell!
  23. Like
    KinL reacted to Matt in Jordan Pickford   
    £100m+ then I guess. Although the source of that rumour should be ignored at all costs. 
  24. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Her last season being in the Championship would do her a disservice, it'd be a disgraceful way to go out.
  25. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Palfy in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    We can only hope and pray 🙏 
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