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  1. Funny
    KinL reacted to plaidharper in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Saw Todd Boehly trying to be the biggest nutter in the EPL.  Bill said hold my beer.
  2. Upvote
    KinL reacted to RuffRob in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Quite extraordinary. He's lost the plot completely if he things this sort of statement does anything other than harm to this extremely fragile club.
    He's has litterally just thrown a hand granade in to mix.
  3. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    This is Bill Kenwright - this is who he has always been.  There was plenty of warnings, the grantchesters backing gregg in order to get him out, and refusing to pump money in when he was in place. Two ceos resigning within short periods of taking their positions.  
    he’s had a lot of people fooled, and it’s pec to the demise of our club. 
  4. Upvote
    KinL reacted to plaidharper in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Read the letter.  Now I feel ill. 
    Once again dropping an insanely out of out touch statement before an important game.  Bill certainly knows how to kill a vibe.  Let's hope he doesn't kill the club while he is at it.  
    Good grief.  
  5. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    This thread should be red hot with absolute fume with what he has written. In under 2 hours grand old team has 10+ pages of posts and twitter is absolutely viral.
    He does not give one fuck about the club - I actually thought he did but he doesn’t. It’s all about him being Mr Everton.  The team take on Palace tomorrow and he goads the fans like this?! 
    arrogant, snidey, narcissist. 
  6. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    I just read it…. Absolutely astonishing - this is what happens when someone is given power for too long. The middle 2 paragraphs were a joke. He’s fucking seething, his dare fans question the board and the fact that lampard climbed up to hug them after palace is somehow vindication that they are good eggs?!
    just get out the club - now. 
  7. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
  8. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Tom Cannon   
    It’s good to know we have a striker who is scoring at a rate that would make us interested in signing him if he wasn’t already ours.   If you look at gyokores at Coventry he was touted for £20m.  Not saying he’s that price but his finishing levels would have seen us win last Saturday.   He’ ice cold in the box. 
  9. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Goodison Glory in Tom Cannon   
    Compared to Simms in the same division in a comparable team he is way better. 
  10. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in James Garner   
    I found out a bit before the team was announced that he was starting and I was so pleased for him, and even happier when he assisted McNeil for our goal.
    I think he did well considering that was his first PL start and he's just returning from a long injury lay-off as well and I hope we'll give him more minutes and starts.
  11. Like
    KinL reacted to patto in Ben Godfrey   
    He’s never fully recovered from covid it is said covid can take away 5 to 10% away from an athlete 
  12. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Ben Godfrey   
    There is something very wrong with Ben Godfrey.
    He's a shit full-back, on both sides, but it's not only that that is the issue. He's getting nowhere opposition players, doesn't seem to want to challenge them, can't keep up with them.
    He's gone from a beast to a meek thing.
  13. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Gwlad in Anthony Gordon   
    Really hope that at least a point will come from the game as you have made the effort to be there.
  14. Funny
    KinL reacted to dunlopp9987 in Anthony Gordon   
    I'll be at the game, my second ever at Goodison, punching myself in the face so I don't have to feel anything anymore
  15. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Gwlad in An Idiot Abroad   
    Thought this might have been about Biden visiting Ireland.
  16. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Romey 1878 in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    I've been level-headed for way too long so I'm going to let my head fall off and then hoof it down the street as well after that diabolical performance.
    Dyche has had lots of credit, deservedly, but the way he's set us for the last two games has been fucking shambolic. And then instead of recognising what Stevie Wonder could see he just lets it keep playing out without doing a fucking thing about it.
    I can only assume that he wanted both full-backs playing as extra centre backs because the pair of dick heads gave Willian and whoever the fuck was on the other side free reign. All game long we were getting murdered down the flanks. Then that was compounded by McNeil and Iwobi/Gray doing absolutely fucking nothing to get out there either. It was a free for all.
    And then he's got us twatting balls up the pitch when we've got a fucking dwarf as our striker.
    That's enough on the manager.
    The players... jesus fuck, slow as fuck (physically and mentally), second to everything because they anticipate absolutely nothing, didn't compete for first balls never mind second balls, I'd love to be able to say we were chasing shadows but we didn't even get near their fucking shadows, and then we have the ball we are atrocious - you've either got players misplacing passes completely or absolutely firing it at a team mate so they have no chance of controlling the ball whatsoever.
    The only players that came out of today with a modicum of respectability were Garner and Gana. On another day that would tickle me but I'm too pissed off to find the funniness in anything right now.
    The most galling thing about today was that Fulham didn't even really have to play well, all they had to do was be able to play football because playing football is a completely alien concept to these fucking idiots.
  17. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Bailey in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    He is a proper technician, stands out in our team by a mile!
  18. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Hafnia in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    James garner is a player though. Best in pitch by a mile 
  19. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Btay in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    Lads at the start of his career and has more technical ability than any of our players.
    Maupay is just an absolute pisstake. Simms is by no means the answer long term but he is a much better than Maupay.
  20. Upvote
    KinL reacted to RuffRob in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    I had a horrible felling today was not going to go to plan. 
    The sad truth over the course of this season we are genuinely are one of the worst 3 teams. If it happens, it is going to be  luck that keeps us in this division. 
  21. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Gwlad in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    Simms will wonder what the hell Maupay has to start ahead of him.
  22. Upvote
    KinL reacted to dunlopp9987 in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    Wolves, Palace and Bournemouth are gonna be safe. It's gonna be a 4, maybe 5, team race. 
    Goodnight. Turning it off now. 
  23. Upvote
    KinL reacted to Sibdane in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    McNeil has been so good. Our best player since bringing Dyche in. 
  24. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from dunlopp9987 in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    Could you repeat that? I didn't quite get it the first three times 🙃
  25. Funny
    KinL got a reaction from Goodison Glory in Fulham (Home) 15th April   
    Could you repeat that? I didn't quite get it the first three times 🙃
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