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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. 5 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Great spot after the event!!!

    As ive said before people are still allowed an opinion during or after the game. A line up is just that, nobody knew which formation would have been played or what system was going to be implemented. 

    The fact of the matter is nobody did say words to the effect of 'we're going to lose with that line up', but people did raise their concerns before the match. I think people have more faith in Carlo to make a system work compared to previous managers. Players did let him down, in my view he's still got to take some responsibility for that loss. 

    And before people raise my previous posts soley blaming Carlo I've calmed down since then (for now until after todays game anyway!). 

  2. 38 minutes ago, RuffRob said:

    I would like to see Godfrey start in place of Mina - He was proper at fault for the second goal last week, and Godfry deserves a chance in the middle. 

    Not bothered about seeing either Iwboi or Bernard starting on the left, maybe Iwobi as a bit stronger than Bernard - but would like to see a speedy Gordon come on fresh for the last 30mins against what should be a pretty tired Man U by then - get maximum effect from his pace and running.  Think Gordon may be more effective off the bench today.

    I want to see us play full throttle from the off - like a team who smell blood

    Godfrey could be useful to negate the pace they have up front. 

    I actually wouldn't be too surprised to see Gordon start on the left of a 433. Maybe Carlo didn't fancy him the last 2 games as he wouldn't have had space to operate in. He will get plenty against united. 

    I wouldn't like to see us go all out. A well balanced defence soaking up pressure and hitting them on the break is the way to win this game. United's main threat is their counter attack and their main weakness is defending the counter.

  3. 5 hours ago, Bailey said:

    The issue with Tosun has been his physicality to play the one up front role that was asked of him under previous managers. His finishing and touch is generally good. If you look at how Ancellotti is playing DCL then it would suit Tosun better than previous managers.

    He isn't going to set the world alight any time soon, but I could see him chipping in with a couple of goals and assists if he is needed regularly enough.

    Agreed, a fox in the box more than one to run channels or break the line.  I think he can finish, which is all he really needs to do. Not sure how good he is with his head, how most of out chances seem to be created with Dom. Maybe we would have to change the system slightly.

  4. 7 hours ago, Matt said:

    Ancelotti has his fingers crossed over potential returns for Seamus Coleman, the Everton captain recovering from a hamstring problem, and prize asset James Rodriguez, the Colombian forward who sat out the Newcastle game because of a haematoma after three goals and three assists from six Premier League appearances.


    from the app

    Thanks mate you just did what i was too lazy to do! 😂

    Thats good news. 

  5. Most of you wont know but I've had a full beard for the past 3 years. Today i cut it all off in order to raise awareness for mental health issues in men.

    If anyone has any spare cash lying about please please donate for such a good cause (Movember).

    I know im these uncertain times everyone is feeling the pinch, so I would not ask anyone to donate who couldn't afford it, charity starts at home. 

    Thank you lads. 


  6. 3 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    Well he was subbed at half-time in their last game when it was 0-0.

    If I'm honest, for the majority of his time here he looked worse than Arouna Kone and barely resembled a professional footballer. So I wasn't bothered about letting him go, only that we didn't bring an attacker in to fill his spot, and I won't be bothered if we sell him in the summer either.

    He will score goals in that league. If it makes him look better than he actually is and boosts the value of him then happy days. If someone offered what we paid for him today, I'd take it.

  7. 2 hours ago, Palfy said:

    What I don’t get is that those who have criticised his team selection weren’t critical of his selections before the game started, in fact some even said that they understood his reasoning for his team, if we would have won he would have been hailed as a hero, yet we lose and the it’s his fault his team and tactics were wrong, really I would listen to anyone who highlighted that before the game started that he picked the wrong team and why, that would be good knowledge, but after the event is easy to criticise when things go wrong anyone can do that, the players let us down not the managers selections otherwise all old wise owls would have been banging there drums before the game started, so I for one back the manager over his selections, and won’t listen to those who said he got the team wrong after the game and not before 🙉

    But the thing is the lineup was met with confusion and apprehension by people on this forum. Nobody directly criticised his line up, but why would anyone in their right mind do that to Carlo who has given us our best start to a campaign in what was it, 80 years? 

    Plus a team sheet isn't always reflective of a system or particular formation, so its difficult for people to give their opinion on it until we can see it in action. It would be like writing a review for a movie when you've only seen the trailer. 

  8. Just now, Palfy said:

    It’s not irrelevant.

    We probably have one of the best managers in the game, and that’s been said by many people more qualified than us to make that statement, for me Carlo’s selection wasn’t wrong his players let him down in certain area’s. 

    Just because he's so successful doesnt mean he always makes the right decisions. My selection or system is irrelevant because I'm not a manager, I'm still allowed an opinion on it. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    Callum Wilson the dickhead pretty much admitted he tried to get kicked by the swinging leg. 

    Yeah nice one you tit, hope you get a ban and have pennos denied to getting your legs kicked to bits. 

    What Callum Wilson did is something that we should be looking to take advantage of ourselves. There are more penalty decisions than ever and we need to be aware of that in the opposition box. If you cant beat them, join them. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    I'm sorry..... You were saying the only person at fault was Carlo? Were you not?

    Then you said with the players we had we should have beaten Newcastle..... So what was the factor???  Did all the players play well and it was just tactics? Or did the players struggle to pass well, retain the ball?

    Did Carlo tell Gomes to be a slug on the first chance that the keeper saved? Did he tell mina to step against a quick player and get rolled? 

    Wow, you are pedantic aren't you? 

    I admit my initial choice of words was wrong. To say it was 'disgraceful' was an over reaction to a frustrating game. My opinion though is that carlo got the system wrong. If you think he got it right and the players were the ones responsible then more power you.

  11. Just now, Zoo 2.0 said:

    No to be fair you're spot on, playing two at the back and four up front would have seen us break the record as the first team to score 10 goals in a Premier League game. E-mail a CV over to Moshiri, as you're clearly on a higher level to Carlo who's only won the Champions League three times.

    Cheers mate

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